Free Weekend

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Vlane, March 17, 2011.

  1. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    So I was playing some Sin. Promptly the complains: play a real class n00b! Switched to Support, doubled my K/D instantly. There are so many nasty words in the English language... :D
  2. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Some said I'm a "no life loser", even though I didn't play a whole lot of sin today.

    I stopped telling people to add me on steam if they want to learn assassin though. Wasn't met with a positive response most of the time.
  3. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Yeah, getting a lot of flak as well here. I think the problem is that MNC's weapon and ability mechanics are quite different from what you would expect from more conventional shooters, and hence people simply get confused and make assumptions as to what is 'right'. If something's wrong, well, rage is what you will see.

    It does make me wince as to how idiotic some people can be when they try to troll you though. :?
  4. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    slam and grapple gunner time! OH YEAH!!!!!!! (in duffman voice to make it more epic)
  5. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    So many newb/noob assasins, I own them with every class. They even dont't get a kill when I'm a Support ... it's so bad, I stop playing for this weekend (girlfriend time with my minigun :twisted:).
  6. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Theres this player named Neko that taught me something.

    Good players will scare off newbies and trust me Neko is GOOD. It seemed like we were the only two decent players on the server but the kicker is that people asked what buttons do and how classes worked. I was happy to oblige and I got good results but having someone who knows more about map tactics than the developers themselves makes some people less likely to be nice.

    I mean I'm not asking anyone to be weak chumps but sometimes its best to show a helping hand.

    I think there may be some failure within the system not the players. I mean if there were in game class introductions that were easy to find then many new players would be a little more self sufficient.

    Also there is a lack of proper channels to give new people a chance to learn from older players.

    Do you think I should make a topic for new players?
  7. vashkey

    vashkey New Member

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    Even on the lowest resolution and graphical settings the frame rate is garbage for me :cry:

    Oh well, back to playing Reach while waiting for an update of the 360 MNC for me, I guess.
  8. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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  9. Fishbreath

    Fishbreath New Member

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    I don't know what proportion of the free weekenders I speak for, but despite spending most of yesterday learning the ins and outs of assassin and gunner (and therefore getting my head handed to me repeatedly), I'm still firmly in the 'buy' category.
  10. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Awesome. I look forward to meeting you on the field of Monday Night Combat.

    And there are a number of new players that AREN'T acting like douchebags. When I tell failsassins that grappling out of a lunge leads to a better result I usually get thank-yous and deaths. And when I say the mortar gun destroys turrets I usually see less turrets. And when I say taunting in front of lazor blazers nets a full thing of juice, I see many more juiced tanks ripping me a new one.

    Helpful tips are often met with better responses than "you are doing it wrong." Even if you say so politely.
  11. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    A keeper? Woot!

    Just remember that everyone was a noob once. You'll get the game down eventually.
  12. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    to the fields of justice!!
  13. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    I do the same as I do on servers with "veterans" of the game.

    I tell people to kill bots.

    They don't and subsequently lose horribly in 2 minutes.
  14. Fishbreath

    Fishbreath New Member

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    Having played a game in which I feel like I was actually useful (second in kills, bot kills, and kill-to-death ratio) I'm definitely around for good. I'm really starting to get a feel for the push and pull of the map, and also the doors the assassin's mobility options open up. I suppose it also helps I've got a bit of a thing for brunettes. <.<

    I would like to complain momentarily that the game really doesn't advertise its mechanics too well--I didn't even know about the juice dispenser until I read about buying juice here and went to the wiki to see what was meant. There's also just how important bot-killing is in comparison to pro killing; I've started killing bots unless there's a really easy target nearby, or unless there's an enemy pro holding up the rest of my team somewhere else.

    The long and short of it is I'm hooked.
  15. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    guys, i really tried to be nice D:
    untill i kept running into this: ... C66E7D3EA/

    why is everyone trying to play the assassin? at 1 point i was in a game vs a full team of assasins and my team was filled with assaults.

    my team died horribly but the assassins did as well because they were only trying to grapple at the time, not even caring about the bots.
    At 1 point i had 5 assassins trying to grapple my flying *** while i slowly murdered them D:

    Thing is not only new players are pretty horrible with her atm, in my screen you can see even some rating 4 guys doing pretty badly.
    Its like the world suddenly went full retard for assassins.
  16. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i think Hudson said this a while ago:
    [There are people] who actively main assassin and never show any forward progress with the class [and] are still very reluctant to play any other class.
  17. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Actually, I'm thinking of sticking a bomb to one assassin and detonating it. Then I would laugh and yell 'look at the assassins fly!' But that's just me though.

    If I'm doing well to advertise for this free weekend? Well, I help by stacking a team and not holding back... Usually, two or three players want to buy the game afterwards. They were on the stacked team.

    Joking aside, maybe I should try going into a pub by myself and see how things work out with newbies. I did that once, not holding back... And a slaughter fest... I dunno, I'm bad at holding things back at times.

    Also, the stacked team part isn't fiction.
  18. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i think a lot of people might just fancy a change of class, hence the level 4s, and what better time to do it than the free weekend when the servers are filled with new players
  19. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    I am loving this game, been playing since about friday midday and I've spent many hours on multi already. I've got 4 star and win about 90% of games. This is a definite buy for tomorrow. :)
  20. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I understand some people main assassin and never get better. But honestly I never understood why new players flock to the hardest class to start learning the game with. No matter what game it is you always see people go for the one with the highest skill floor first (even if the class isn't the best one for the situation, or the hardest class to master.)

    For example: new players in TF2 FLOCK to spy and sniper first. The spy has the highest skill floor in the game, he requires the most knowledge of map layout and how the game flow works to be even slightly effective. He doesnt have the highest skill CEILING (there is only so much you can improve once you understand the basics of the class.) but he certainly the worst class to pick as your first and often ONLY class when you are new.

    Demoman and Soldier however have high skill ceilings with low skill floors. There is a lot of nuances and tricks you can learn with each class and using a projectile based class means there is almost always room for improvement. However it takes very little effort to at least be mildly effective as the class (find a doorway, spam explosives, ???, mild success!) and thus they make great "starter" classes. Medium-high health with lots of versatility.

    Same thing with assassin in MNC. High skill floor class that everyone flocks to rather than playing the much easier to learn and just as high skill ceiling Assault or Tank.

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