The support class is insanely overpowered

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Payattention, August 13, 2010.

  1. hksonx

    hksonx New Member

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    Some people said support can be easily countered by long range combat.
    Obviously, they still dont know how to play a support effectively.
    You never put your firebase in a location where it can be shot in long range.
    Instead, you put it behind cover.
    Now you can mindlessly spam your airstrike while being completely save behind cover.
    If someone tries to flank you, the firebase would rape them.

    For those who said airstrike can be avoided.
    This argument is nonsense.
    I would like to see how you could dodge an airstrike in the heat of battle.
  2. ComedyFish

    ComedyFish New Member

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    Lol @ thread. Come on guys. There's an OP thread for just about everything. If everything's OP'ed then it's balanced.
  3. blue atlas

    blue atlas New Member

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    The same could be said for how hard it is to avoid an assassin grappling you from the back in the heat of battle or a Gunner that deploys on the roof behind you while you're fighting someone else.
  4. oneDRTYrusn

    oneDRTYrusn New Member

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    God, this thread is still alive?

    I'm convinced that the problem with this game isn't that any particular class is overpowered... I'm starting to think that the problem with this game are the egotistical people who play it.

    I'm glad that they god decimated by Support and feel the need to display their displeasure with pleas of nerfing. That means me, and people like me who play Support, are doing their job.

    What I suggest, for everyone who's complaining their Support is overpowered... roll Support. You'll quickly realize that it isn't a win class. You'll be regularly cut to shreds by Gunners. You'll be backstabbed a dozen or so times by Assassins. Snipers will pick your *** off while you overheal your firebase, and then they're destroy your firebase.

    Support in the right hands is unstoppable. Of course, so is Assault, Gunner, Tank, Assassin, and Sniper.

    Here's a little tip for those who just tuned in... if you're getting decimated over and over again every time you decide to run into a hail of gunfire... maybe you should rethink your tactics.

    I'm really happy that the only thing the complainers are in charge of are their own lives... even at that, I'm baffled how some of them haven't fallen down a flight of stairs or gotten hit by a bus by now.
  5. ev_baw

    ev_baw New Member

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    These threads are pretty entertaining. All the time spent ranting about different classes is time that could be spent playing the game and getting better at defending against these kinds of scenarios. I think I've only lost one match to a team of Support players and that was because my team had 3 players while they had 5. Now if I see that the other team is full of support players I know that unless the members of my team are playing without thumbs, we're most likely going to win. It's really not hard to combat against any class.
  6. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Just noticed this today, only the support that is using the airstrike sees the big obvious ring, everyone else just sees the missle.

    WTB obvious air strikes, put in the god damn ring for everyone to see.
  7. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Support can stick the nodes to players, it's basically a Halo plasma grenade when used like that. Luckly, you if you can find a roof you can save yourself.
  8. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Yes the glowing range halos are only visible to the Support who threw the airstrike, same with Sniper trap halos.
  9. blue atlas

    blue atlas New Member

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    And the assault's bomb radius I believe.
  10. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Yeah, and they're all REALLY small, the only time I've seen a Sniper's trap was when after I saw him throw it, and it was only about the size of a soda can.

    Just make them more obvious by giving them a glow or ring or something, and make it so the airstrike makes noise before detonation 100% of the time (I'm now positive the noise doesn't always go off, I'm thinking gunfire can over ride the noise since I'm usually occupied with someone else when I'm killed by airstrikes)

    Also, one thing I notice is that half of the time I'm frozen by sniper traps they don't even look at me because they're still looking through their scopes, it's totally a fire and forget situation. Assaults at least have to manually detonate their bombs and it's easy to see the them throw it, that's a clear indicator that you should move from that area.

    I don't have a problem with getting sniped by snipers or backstabbed because that's what the Sniper and Assassin are designed for, but when a class that is supposed to be only a SUPPORT is getting instant kills with almost no warning (no, a thin outline of a rocket which can EASILY be overlooked doesn't really count), I have to call the BS card.
  11. blue atlas

    blue atlas New Member

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    The airstrikes are the Support's great equalizer. It's what makes the class really fun to play and keeps people coming back to Support which in turn keeps buffs on your bots and you and keeps your turrets hacked. I definitely agree that they should make the noise more noticeable in a firefight, but I don't think they should show the exact radius of the explosive. That's something only someone on the giving end needs to see.
  12. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I wouldn't need to see the radius if I saw the actual rocket holigram, it's barely even noticable.

    Make it flash or fill in the rocket or something, I don't know, I just need to be able to see the freaking thing.
  13. blue atlas

    blue atlas New Member

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    After playing support for awhile, I got a better idea of the way people toss airstrikes and their radius since you have to work on the outskirts of the radius to take out people and turrets underneath cover. It made me much more effective when playing other classes to predict and avoid them. Although, you've probably played the class more than I've played the game.
  14. awsomegamer678

    awsomegamer678 New Member

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    i love the support class since alot of teams usually dont have one

    and unlike team fortress 2, i can build lots of turrets and play the game like a tower defense by keeping everything over healed and ready for an invasion.

    My favorite turret is the long range one, which i hack to make its reach almost into the opposite base. far as other classes go....... i have little problems with assasins killing me because i upgrade my armor, so if i get suprised, i still have a chance.

    ...However an attack that destroys my turrets and fire base make my support very vunerable.... (note) snipers and jack bots always blow up a turret while i do something else!
  15. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    Winning in just over 1 minute is entirely different from winning in 3 minutes. Winning in just over 1 without using bots is exploitative, and completely retarded. Winning in 3 is a rout, but it's at least in the spirit of the game.

    Oh that old moronic chesnut. The problem with this is that it's very rarely true. Yes, sure, some people very early in a games lifecycle without really looking properly and examining the situation properly will say that some things are overpowered which patently are not. But at the same time, if you look at a game like Call of Duty, things which I found in a few days and showed to be overpowered within a few days are the things which now dominate every match competitive or otherwise.

    Look at the exploitation of the M40+ACOG which allows one shot kills to any part of the body. This is now quite literally used in every game - because they didn't fix it - because they didn't listen. If you make the false assumption that supports are fine, then yes, people will find counters - but if supports aren't fine, which there is growing evidence for, then it will as I say, get worse, and worse, and worse. The M16/MP5 are basically the only guns used competitively ever, thanks to similar issues. IW failed to listen and they crushed the variety in their game.

    Let's assume for a moment that there is a major problem with the support rush - which there is - there is one clear reason for why the exploiters will always be ahead of the counters - because the support rushers are always a coordinated team - and their opposition the majority of the time won't be.

    If there is something wrong with the game noticeable in two days - it will be worse in 3 weeks. The question is whether people can really be expected to counter it unless they are in a sizeable party. I very much doubt it. Unless they make the matchmaking match parties against eachother and match pickups against eachother - then this will be a tremendous issue - but to be totally honest, I'm fairly sure it will be an issue either way.

    You of course will continue to argue that there is no problem and people will learn to counter it - we'll see. Frankly, as I say, it's getting worse, not better.
  16. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    A fix to the support rush problem would be to simply either make hacking enemy turrets take longer or require level 3 hacking skill to do so, or both.

    Would that not be an easy fix that doesn't really destroy the efficiency of the class as a whole?

    I will agree that the Support rush is pretty broken, I've managed to do it in 2-4 minutes with 2 Supports. That doesn't mean that the class by itself is overpowered though. I've never seen a match with more than 2 supports in it and even then doing a rush with 2 is difficult without coordination as it requires much more stealth.
  17. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    Rodelero is right. Problems like this that are discovered early have the wonderful benefit of being able to be fixed early, but only if the developers are aware of such flaws.

    Cheap tactics and overpowered strategies ruin games. They may be fun for those who DO them, but other people just get sick of the game and go play something that is balanced. What happens when all the players are gone, eh? What will the rushers have to rush?

    The Support issues are only going to get worse. It's a well known fact that when more players start realizing that the Support is the best class, the more players will begin to play that class. Support spam goes up, and the quality of the games go down. If the problem isn't fixed, the game dies.

    See why this needs to be fixed, soon?
  18. nodoctors

    nodoctors New Member

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    How about we just remove the ability to hack enemy turrets entirely? I can't help but feel that it's way too cheap, and unnecessary for a class that already does enough as it is. I would never say that he's "insanely overpowered," but the flexibility of this class is certainly unmatched by the other ones.

    I've encountered this particular base rush tactic twice now, and it really does happen a lot faster than you think. It's tough to put a stop to it even when I had teammates the second time around. Trying to get rid of the hacker getting double/triple overhealed is an exercise in frustration, and there isn't enough time to get rid of his healing buddies and then the hacker before the hack is finished. Plus considering dumping money into a turret but fearing it being turned against you later on seems counter intuitive. Players should be getting their money's worth. Sometimes it's even faster to hack a turret than it is to bring it down, and having a hacked turret turn against you is worse than it being simply destroyed tenfold(and sometimes you paid money for it!). Basically, the support is getting some serious payout for five seconds work. But anecdotal evidence aside, I just don't think it's necessary for him to have this ability on top of everything else. The positives seem to outweigh the negative in my eyes, but it's up to the devs.
  19. yay4pachirisu

    yay4pachirisu New Member

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    Or make it a lvl 3 upgrade so it wont happen so quick in the game
  20. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    As I've said before there are a few ways to change it so that it doesn't completely nerf the class but it does make this tactic either much harder or completely useless.

    1. Make it a level 3 hack requirement.

    2. Increase the amount of time required to hack (maybe also proportionate to the turret's level).

    3. Make the inner 2 Rockit turrets unhackable.

    I'd hate to see the ability to hack enemy turrets removed completely, as it is fun to do and it's interesting to see how people react to it.

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