So I look at what's in the next update...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Pothocket, March 11, 2011.

  1. Pothocket

    Pothocket New Member

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    hahaha, how do guys even say that with a straight face? Because of lag correction, this is what always happens!. Oh, ninja trying to run around me, well I'll just turn to keep facing her...BLARGH backstabed even though I'm looking directly at her. "rare" my ***.
  2. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    You must have a really bad connection. I get 1mb at best when I'm at home, and I rarely get backstabbed in the face.
  3. I Kant Spall

    I Kant Spall New Member

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    Although my "main" isn't assassin, I still play it quite a bit. I've noticed that instances where you're in front of someone and you backstab them are far more common than being behind someone and going to a face grapple. Probably just a case of lag correction, and Uber giving us too much credit. :cool:
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You see...
    On the PC version you are able to lunge straight at your foe and slightly turn your mouse and get a back grapple. There are those who actually do a 180 before grappling and there is the glitch that lets players get back grapples instead of getting a front grapple as supposed to....That dang mouse and keyboard is so versatile.
  5. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    You'd be able to do that too on 360 if they didn't program the game to force your sensitivity down to an incredibly low setting for the duration of a charge. I only know about this though as if I charge the instant I die, my sensitivity is extremely low until I either charge again after respawning, or manually resetting my sensitivity. Charging again is quicker though.
  6. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Actually what I'd been seeing was the assassin lunging for a frontgrapple and it should have been one but for some reason the server thought she was actually behind me and starts a backgrapple
    I never saw a quick 180 snaparound, just a lunge to front, lunge connect/slash, backgrapple
  7. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    My friends have stated that this grapple issue happens in situations when latency isn't exactly a cherry cobbler.
  8. crispymazilla

    crispymazilla New Member

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    Why post this in the 360 section? You got me all hyped believing there was an update available for 360, then I checked the Wikia and realized it was for the PC :'(
    Uber Entertainment, why did you let us down? Why did you turn your cheek against the 360 community? Why oh why? :(
  9. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    They haven't. PC gets small, frequent updates, Xbox gets large and infrequent.
  10. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    I patiently wait for the next big update. With all the things I've seen for the PC that's been happening, they won't abandon us. If they do, that's straight cold. As I said though, I don't foresee it happening.

    If we don't get an update soon though, it won't be for a while. The storm of Crysis 2 I've seen on TV just give me multiple forms of rage.
  11. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    I was curious to know if we will see the Cardboard Samuri or new map anytime soon? Seem 360 is getting neglected and it's not uber's fault from what I hear. I would just like to know when we can see something new? I realize the new map that was free was a month or two ago, but seriously...seems the PC gets a lot more attention. That in mind, I do play from time to time still, I'm only like lvl 76 as of yesterday, and do enjoy the game when I play it. Naturally it has it's flaws with the p2p, because p2p is crap and companies will keep doing it anyways, just to keep more money in their pockets, but I digress...Point I wanted to make is can we expect to see any of this in the near future? Which in my book means 1-2 months.

    Thanks in advance for any helpful responses.
  12. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    You certainly did digress. I also suggest you read this

    We are being neglected but I have faith that with the activity on the 360 forums, that we'll probably be getting an enormous update with substantial content. I'm waiting patiently because I know that Uber appreciates it's community and will not disappoint. If the 360 does get left behind, I'll be switching to PC. This game is too much fun to not play anymore.
  13. killien

    killien Active Member

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    No you're not. Thanks to MS it's harder to push updates to the 360 than the PC
    Anything that gets sent through Live has to be approved by MS first, which can easily delay updates by a month or longer
  14. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    We are being neglected. By Microsoft, not Uber. Because the PC is getting so many updates, that's why I have faith that the 360 will be getting updates sooner or later. It is an arcade game so it doesn't have priority over other shooters and with the release of Crysis 2, our update could potentially be pushed further back.

    I have questions either way. Have Uber submitted updates/DLC to Microsoft? If so, when were they submitted? I'd like to at least know that it's totally Microsoft's fault that it's taking forever.
  15. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Roger. Just didn't want to see Uber get flak for something that's most likely out of their control
    Last I heard, MS's QC takes about 2 weeks which can be made longer if they find something they don't like. I believe one of the patches for Section 8 was held up by a full month because of MS-QC constantly tossing it back

    If the last PC patch is any indication, 360 might see the update within a week or by the end of the month. Just remember that's a very rough guess from a random schmuck
  16. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    That would be great even if it was the end of next month. I'm certain Uber would shower 360 owners with updates if they had the choice.
  17. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    So long as we don't get crappy parts of the updates such as the armor nerf and the assassin nerfs, i'm more than happy to get all the stuff the pc has.

    My only real problem was uber never gave recognition to the people who bought mnc in the first month or so, whereas the pc got free skins
  18. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Well if you didn't run armor on non-heavy classes to begin with, the armor nerf obviously wouldn't effect you. Just sayin'.

    Uh, so? It's just visual alterations. Besides, with how limited RAM is on 360, skins would just bog down system performance anyway.
  19. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  20. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Xeno run at least silver armor on his Assassin and Sniper? Yeah, I'm talking about builds on light classes that don't use armor at all. Use endorsements to enhance your class' strengths, use your teammates to cover your class' weaknesses. Granted I don't play at a competitive level, and never wish to do so, but I find roughly equal success using armorless builds on light classes when compared to running silver or gold armor in random pub games, even if I'm on the stomp-end of a pubstomp.

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