Ideas for new bots?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by killien, March 16, 2011.

  1. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Assaults have Buzzers
    Support - Gapshots
    Assassin - Gremlins
    Sniper - Scramblers
    Gunner/Tank - Bouncers

    So why should Gunners and Tanks share a bot?

    Spinner - Same health/speed of BlackJacks, but once an enemy Pro is spotted, they'll curl up and start spinning up like a wheel to build momentum. After a second or two of screaming like a spinning tire(and rotate to keep line of sight) they'll rocket off towards their targeted Pro and if they can make contact, the Pro will be knocked a good distance and dizzied.
    If the Spinner misses, they'll keep going until they hit something(bot, Pro, wall, etc). Once they hit something, they'll be stunned themselves for 2 seconds after which they resume lumbering towards the moneyball until they spot a new Pro

    Post your own ideas!
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Maybe a Charger.

    It looks nearly exactly like a bouncer, but it does a charge instead of a lunge-grapple.

    This way, uber makes a new bot so people quit complaining the tank and gunner share one, yet it takes very little effort to make and has very little effect on gameplay and balance.
  3. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    You act as if Uber hates the idea of making more content. And it isn't so much a matter of complaining about another bot as it is the fans wanting more great content from the developers. It's the same as people wanting more maps and skins.
  4. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    and all could be solved with modtools, the irony
  5. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    This is actually a decent thread. Lets not derail it before it hits page 2 >.<

    Edit: I'll steal this idea from Demigod. I think a medic bot would be cool.
  6. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    So if a new bot gets created, who keeps the Bouncer? the Gunner or the Tank?
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Also keep mind this new bot will also have to fit into blitz. Or they could release a wave of bots some for Crossfire only and some for Blitz only.
  8. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    How about a bot that shoots some kind of machine gun or something?
  9. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Tank keeps bouncer (its more tankish than gunnerish)

    New bot for Gunner: Charger (as suggested above) great idea, make the body smaller, but the head much larger (like a battering ram)

    would be awesome.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Would it's attack be like a Tank's charge 3 knocking you down or more like the Assault's charge where it just pushes you back?

    I think the knockdown effect would work better. Man that's a scary sight, A Gunner and a "charger." Oh man what about a Charger and Bouncer double team?! Knock you down pick you back up and slam you to death.
  11. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Charger: Would travel at the same speed as a bouncer, have 3/4 the life, once it got into a certain range (play testing needed) it would charge (same speed as the tank 3 charge) it would knock you back the same distance as a tanks charge does, and stun you for the same duration.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I think the stun effect would be a bit too much for a $100 bot.
  13. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    I think what gunner needs is a mid-long range bot to help him out. Something that can lay down fire to aid him against snipers or assaults, but the bot sticks to the lanes like the gapshot.

    Another idea I thought was a shave ice robot to help the lane of bots out.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    What about a bot that has the effect of Churros while standing near and follows the lane like Slims/Blackjack/Gapshots?
  15. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Heh, there we go, a silly looking bot that tosses out churro bites(5% health per bite) and orange slices(1-5% juice depending on how often it throws them out) as it tools along all dancing and happy

    BUT, once it gets near an enemy Pro, it freaks out, sprouts spikes/claws/etc and a more rampaging/enraged look, rushes the Pro, jumps on their back and starts pounding on them while screaming "NONE FOR YOU! NONE FOR YOU! NONE FOR YOOOUUU!"
    Last edited: March 16, 2011
  16. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    This would be kind of interesting. Bots already imitate some of the turrets.
    Blackjacks & Slims shoot Lasers like the Lazer Blazer
    Gapshot shoots mortars like a Long Shot
    Buzzers explode like rockets

    A 4th shave ice bot would round out the collection. Maybe a sort of spider bot with a big shave ice bulb on it's back. Capable of jumping up to 2nd floors.
    Maybe lots of health, and slows enemies nearby down, homing in on them, and does a little bit of damage with frostbite :mrgreen:
  17. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Probably true. But you run into a catch 22

    Either he has enough knockback to ring out, or remove them from the fight entirely which would be OP as well, or he has a short range KB which only really hurts supports. Since other class's will dispatch him from range, and assassin will simply lunge back.

    With a stun you can atleast remove them from the fight for a few seconds.

    Maybe a half duration stun and a short knockback..

    Another option would be a bot that does a SLAM effect to make him more in tune with the Gunner. Just cause the Slam effect to kill the bot, or deal half his life in dmg, not sure which is more warranted. That would be perhaps a better choice for a Gunner Bot.
  18. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Flagger - A small headcrab-like bot. It has the health of a Blackjack and the speed of a Gremlin. It acts like a bouncer in that it tries to grapple, but if that doesn't work, it'll just swing an arm for some melee damage. However, the grapple itself does no damage, and if it grapples you, it climbs on your back/neck/back-of-head and waves a giant flag around.

    Being "flagged" has some small negative effect (haven't decided what, but i'm leaning toward slower speed), and killing a flagged pro rewards you with $25 more.

    The idea here is that Flaggers direct attention to the flagged pro, in that they are somehow easier to kill, and more rewarding to kill. A flagged player is forced to either cope with this attention from the enemy team, or kill the Flagger.

    I think Turrets should suffice to kill an attached Flagger, but if you grapple nothingness, you grapple the Flagger, giving you a chance to kill it. Two grapples should suffice, as one could kill a Flagger the instant it attached.
  19. _L1pE_BR

    _L1pE_BR New Member

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    I like the charger idea, but I think the Gunner should keep the Bouncer, as both the Bouncer and the Gunner have grapple skills, while the Tank would have the Charger as both have charging skills, I also like the idea of the charger having a large head, also, it should have a jetpack for him to charge foward at enemies :p
  20. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Let's not make another bot that only affects the Support, we already have Gremlins and Bouncers which are extremely annoying to nothing but the Support :(

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