Brink official website- Dev interview- New class vid- IGN 2010- SMART- GT trailer-
Re: Brink Dev (video) Dunno if anyones seen this video yet but its about a 10 minutes long dev interview talking mainly about the controls ... f-awesome/ the link didnt post the first time xD
If I get it, it will be for the multiplayer (customization FTW!). Looks pretty decent so far. :mrgreen:
The medic looks pretty cool too, i also think the class that gives out bullets will be cool (prob be assault).
Well you're going to be happy that your character can switch between these at any given moment. Just can't switch body types. Of course there will be some limitations, such as a heavy operative wouldn't be very stealthy / mobile and a light soldier wouldn't bring enough punch.
Yeah thats gonna be good, will be able to change to what ever class the situation needs, just by going to one of the stations. No more jumping over the edge because you went assassin and so did the 5 randoms on your team.