Chewy's Guide to Rockin' the Egg

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by kingdom, March 12, 2011.

  1. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    Content in this guide provided by both:

    Most of you don't know me but i have grown fairly decent at the tank and i wish to try and make my mark here on the forum.

    Anywho this is my guide to

    Rockin' the Tank

    Table of Contents

    1.Getting to know the Tank
    2.Knowing your Roll
    5.General Stratigies
    6.Dealing with Pros
    7.Endorsment Stratigies

    Section 1
    As the tank you are a man of action, beards, and funny body shapes and are not to be taken lighty. As the tank you have the highest base amount of HP in the game, some of the most useful skills, and very large range of play styles to choose from coupled with the slowest base run speed and second largest hitbox as counters. Many see you as an easy target and are drawn into attack you ,but if used correctly you can quickly counter them with devastaing force. The pros of this pro in my opion greatly outwiegh the cons if he is used to his best ability.

    Highest Base HP
    Fast Recharging Skills
    Ability to Stun Enemies
    Ability to Blind Enemies
    Ability to set enemies on Fire
    Clutch Passives
    Fast Recharging Health (when deployed)
    Roll over Enemies at Close Range
    Capable at Long Range
    Very Good Spike Damage
    Fast Reloads on Both Weapons
    Flexible in Situations
    Great Bot Destroyer

    Slowest Base Speed in Game
    Second Largest Hitbox in Game
    Slow HP regeneration( when undeployed or without Passive 2)
    Large Head(sniper headshots)

    Section 2

    As the tank you fill several key roles in for your team that can change depending on what your team is lacking.

    As a bot pusher you are incredibly capable as your death blossom can desimate any bot in seconds. You also have skills that can disable bots for some time and a long range weapon with high damage and no drop off. Use your abilities to control the lane by pressuring those who come within your domain. This job should be your main priority!

    As a damage sponge you can take immense amounts of damage from several sources before finally being killed. You are a large target and should expect large amount of fire to be aimed at you.

    As a firing support unit you can use your long range fighting skills to support your slayers by popping several shots into their enemies from a distance. You can also use your skills to disable and blind your teams enemies allowing for your slayers to mop up whatever sad pile remains. This should come second on your todo list!

    Section 3

    The weapons of the tank greaty assume the rolls of the weapons most snipers in other games choose. You have your close range weapon, the Jet Gun, and your long range weapon, your Rail Gun.

    Jet Gun

    Rate of Fire: High
    Damage per Second: High to low( depends on the distance between you and your target)
    Clip Size: High
    Reload: 2 seconds (give or take)
    Range: Short
    Alternate Fire: Death Blossom
    Extra Abilities: Causes enemies to light on fire when hit

    Your pride and joy, this weapon is listed as your primary weapon yet it realy depends on your play style. This gun has a very high rate of fire buffed by the massive clip size this gun carries yet is controled by the fact that it has very minimal range. When hit with the flame of the gun your enemies will ignite into a beutiful team colored fire ball for five seconds which slowly damages them and keeps their health regeneration from activating for another five seconds. An unintentional downside to this gun is that it is prone to lag attacks in which case the enemie takes no damage when hit with this gun.
    Death Blossom
    The alternate fire on this gun causes the tank to spin while firing off his gun. This attack causes massive damage based on the amount of ammo loaded in the gun at the time of use. Using this attack causes all loaded ammo in the gun to be used up forcing you to reload. This attack has a 360 degree attack range with a smaller range than the primary fire. Also lights enemies on fire for same effect as the primary gun. This attack is great for pushing bots as it kills most bots in one use unless over healed.

    Rail Gun

    Rate of Fire: Low
    Damage per Second: High
    Clip Size: Medium
    Reload: 2 seconds (give or take)
    Range: Infinite (Best used when fighting at longer ranges or at mid distance)
    Alternate Fire: Grapple Throw
    Extra Abilities: None

    This weapon is listed as your secondary weapon yet it realy depends on your play style. This gun has a low rate of fire yet has an instant hit, high damage attack coupled with a small reticle for pinpoint accuracy. This gun has no damage drop off and can be very devastating in the right hands. Even though the reticle is very small, at longer ranges the shots may begin to spread. This weapon has an unintentional downside being that is has very poor hit detection.
    Grapple Throw
    The alternate fire on this weapon causes the tank to backhand his enemy far into the air. This skill has a rather short animation and is great for ring outs and for controling juicers. Once used, it takes a whole 10 seconds to recharge and can not be effected by skill endorsments.

    Section 4

    Product Grenade
    The tanks blue skill causes him to shoot a grenade that explodes on impact with a player or bot or detonates after hitting a surface after 2 seconds. This skill is an area of effect skill and can damage multiple enemies. Those hit by the grendade once upgraded to level two are also blinded by a wad of adds for several seconds and bots are disabled for several seconds. Once upgraded to level three, on impact the grenade splits into four cluster bombs which detonate two seconds later increasing the deadliness of the skill.
    Short Version
    Upgrade 1: Deals area of effect damage to those near the blast. Basically useless until upgraded. Decreases cool down.
    Upgrade 2: Increase the damage of the blast and adds the blinding/ stunning effect to those hit. Decreases cool down greatly
    Upgrade 3: Causes the grenade to split into four cluster bombs on impact dealing massive damage after detonation. Decreases cool down to an insanely short time.
    Offense: This ability allows you to minimize the risk of encounters by blinding enemies for a short duration along with dealing decent damage. When going into a fight you always want to try to hit with this skill first to minimize the damage dealt to you. When most players are hit they will frantically try to evade your onslaught with suprisingly stupid and easy to read manuvers allowing you to take control of their confusion and fear and turn it against them. Hitting an enemy with a product grenade can also allow you to close the distance with minimized risk. This skill is also usefull when trying to unroute stationary enemies such as snipers, deployed gunners and tanks, or a tunnel vision support and his firebase.

    Spike Damage: When paired with the rail gun this can be a devasting combo. After popping a few shots into the enemy quickly fire a product grenade paired with a railgun shot for a massive spike attack usually resulting in an instant death. If the your foe is not yet dead, they will be blinded decreasing their chances of escape from your awesome beard.

    Defence: When trying to escape a fight you want to try to cover your exit with the grenade as to discourage them from following you. If enemies continue to pursuse you they will be slowed down, damaged, and blinded by the grenade increasing your survivability greatly. Hitting a juice rusher with one of these will blind them momentarily making their juice attack less effective in the long run.

    Turret Destruction: When attacking enemy turrets you always want to hit them with your product grenade do disable and damage the turrets to the point where they will be destroyed. This tactic goes the same for any firebase you happen to meet.

    Bot Destruction: When enemy bots are hit with the grenade once upgraded to level two they will momentarily become disabled allowing your bots, team mates, and you to destroy them quickly. Once upgraded to level three a single product grendade can wipe out a group of bots if hit with the initial blast and the cluster bomb explosions. Doing this allows you bots to push into the enemy base with the maximum health possible by decreasing the damage dealt to them by enemy bots.

    Jet Charge
    Ahh the jet charge, one of the skills that most defines your play style as the tank. Many newer tanks see this only as a means of attack yet more skilled tanks see it as much much more. Using this skill causes the tank to turn his jets onto uber and rocket foward for about a second plowing through all things in his path. Those hit will be damaged and ,at level three , be stunned for two seconds being rendered useless. This skills short recharge time makes it a very strong skill.
    Short Version
    Upgrade 1: Causes the tank to burst foward for a second damaging all in his way.
    Upgrade 2: Increases the damage done noticably and greatly reduces the recharge time.
    Upgrade 3: Increases the damage done to massive amounts, ands the stunned effect, and causes the recharge time to be insanley quick.
    Offense: Being the most basic way to use this you simply have to charge at your enemy and hit for massive damage and stunning power. Before using the skill (i like to) begin using your jump jets to get the hight advantage or get height or to get level with any flying assaults or other jump jet users. Doing so gives you an angle which will actually cause the person you hit to fly slightly farther than average. Doing this also takes some people attention away from dodging your attack as they focus on trying to keep their reticle on your body. Also this gives you a extra protection as you can't be grappled out of your charge. Once at max height lead your attack infront of the enemy and plow through them. Note, try to "pocket them" into a corner or wall so that you can burn them to death quicker.

    Spike Damage: To spike enemies health, you simply charge into them using your offensive tactics and proceed to damage them with your jet gun. This strategy is the most commonly used one and mostly results in deaths for tanks if done improperly. The first law to obey is to know when to charge, if your foe is expecting it and is ready to dodge then don't do it or try to be random about it. Once you have charged into them there are four options you may choose from. You can jet gun them, death blossom them, railgun them, or product grendade them. Depending on what you do can mean life or death. If you would feel safer with the added protection of the product grenade and the spike damage then simply hit them with it while flying backwards, you may blind your self however but your guns are easy to hit with. If you choose to rail them simply pop a few shots into them and they will die. Here comes the hard one though, when to jet gun and when to death blossom. Most tanks will instinctivley death blossom, this would be good but most classes run gold armor and will live leaving you will no skills, and no ammo meaning death. You must gauge the amount of health left on your enemy and decide if you realy need to spike their health once again. The general rule of thumb for getting a death blossom kill is when they have a 1/3 of their health left with a full clip. One rule remains forever though, never death blossom a stunned gunner or tank because they will most likely survive and destroy you with their abundance of skills and fresh ammo. If there are more enemies close by then you should jet gun your victim or if they are a heavy class.

    Defence: When using this skill for defence you basicaly use the same idea as offence only in more dircet ways. If low on health you may retreat behind a wall (preferably a non see through one) and begin to jet jump. Once your enemy turns the corner charge into them to send them flying and leave them stunned so you have more time to make your escape. Another way to use this skill when running is to simply charge away from your enemy. Make sure to aim for the closest cover possible as doing so will leave you with out a key skill. The final way of using this skill is to try to maryter your self on a juice rusher and plow into them stunning them and sending them flying, if this doesn't kill them or disable them long enough you can follow through with a railgun grapple to further hinder their progress.

    Mobility: This is by far the least used way the jet charge is used even though it is the most beneficial. The jet charge allows you to cover large gaps of ground in a split second if done correctly. When using it for mobility make sure that no enemies will immidetly engage you once you stop moving as you will be at a disadvantage. When you come across an unsuspecting enemy while you are out of range you can quickly charge over to them and begin to point blank burn them. The biggest use of this skill in mobility is the ability to charge jump, which is the least used tactic i see as the tank. To do this you must find any sort of ledge. To do this you simply charge off the ledge and when your charge stops, immediatly press the jump button. This causes your jets to fire and for your angle to change from going down to rocketing forward at jet charge momentum. If you become proficent with this it is possible to hit the top of small, skinny objects to further increase your distance. Use this as a means of escape when available as only the assault and assassin (under the right conditions) will be able to keep up with you.

    I will be updating this guide throughout the weak and be tweaking a few things. As you can see this is a lot of typing so please be patient. :mrgreen:
    If you have any specific things you would like me to add or cover in this guide simply post it and i will try to address your question within the guide as soon as possible.
    Last edited: March 14, 2011
  2. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    Extra space for guide
  3. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    More extra space i guess.
    Last edited: March 13, 2011
  4. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Tank is simply an awesome class. I have been maining him for the last week using Armor/RoF/Skill. I have been getting 20+ kills a game with five or less deaths. It is a lot of fun to blast opponents with a product grenade every chance I get.

    Some things you might want to add would be skill purchase order, dealing with bots (might seem basic, but very important!!!), turret destruction, what to do when juiced, and easy ways to juice.

    I have been considering making a tank guide myself, would you be interested in a collaboration?
  5. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Just pointing out that "spunge" should be sponge. :p

    Good guide.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    So far it's shaping up to be a nice guide. Also don't worry I'll move it to a new home. ;)
  7. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    I would love to collaborate with you so sure. :mrgreen:
  8. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I'll start working on bits and pieces and PM them to you.
  9. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Two juiced death blossoms = the quickest way to kill a jackbot

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