I found that my Desktop Icon for MNC was a blurry mess, so I decided to come up with an alternative icon I could use. Anyway, after a little bit of work, here it is. (Direct link: here.) It's essentially just the logo from the 8-Bit crossfire desktop, resized (I had to do it by hand, I might add), and with a few changes (background, light thingies, and slight font change on the C). To use it: Right click and save, preferably to desktop (you can delete this file later) Open it up in your favorite mid- to high-end Image editor (GIMP, Photoshop, etc.) Make sure transparency is working and Save as a .ico file in a directory of your choice Set it as the icon for your shortcut Sorry about not already being in .ico, but I don't know any good sites for non-image file uploads. I may do different versions if they are requested (sans lights or whatever), but making modifications should be simple if you want to do them yourself.
Re: MNC Icon I'm pretty sure you can change the icon to the one mnc.exe uses (located in /Binaries/Win32/) and it'll give you a high quality icon.
Re: MNC Icon I actually didn't know that. That's certainly another option for all the destop users outthere.
Re: MNC Icon Why is the default one so blurry then? >_< I thought it was ugly when I got the game too.