MNC 360 Poll

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Aeadon, March 9, 2011.


What 3 things does MNC 360 need most?

  1. More Maps

    173 vote(s)
  2. Balance Adjustments

    89 vote(s)
  3. More Characters

    38 vote(s)
  4. Better Matchmaking

    127 vote(s)
  5. Better Performance

    108 vote(s)
  6. More Game Modes

    59 vote(s)
  7. Lots of small updates

    48 vote(s)
  8. A few really big updates

    50 vote(s)
  9. More meta game (protags, sponsors, etc)

    31 vote(s)
  10. Exploits fixed

    86 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    We should take what Spunky gave us and break it down to figure out a good DLC.

    Remember UBER couldnt update the old maps so they gave us the same maps again, with changes. On your Xbox you have a total of 9 maps. 1 spunky 2 of everything else. This caused a high amount of room to be taken up. So people asking for the spawn doors remember you are limiting our DLC.
    For a new character i see it as something that will be needing more fixes, and with UBERs not so common updates would this be good/bad and ruin/help the game?

    Metagame is fun, protags i can care less about but seeing all these awesome outfits on PC i would hope they gave us a good portion of that too, hopefully involving spending out money.

    Exploits and Balance issues should be addressed no matter what.

    And as for the more matchmaking options, forget that, TDM would be lame anyway we have one solid objective game. And thats what makes Monday Night Combat, Besides Blitz mode i would compare it to any other sport.

    Please UBER just use our comments as a guide, some people might be too young to understand some things or they dont understand how some things work for downloads and programming.
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Hm, that's right, they also have a storage limit on how much they're allowed to give us, aren't they? That complicates things quite a bit... *sigh*

    I would enjoy the spawn doors, but if it was that over improved matchmaking, and new outfits: F*ck spawn doors.
  3. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Like, everything the bloody PC version gets, please.

    No, in fact, give us something which the PC version will NEVER get, ever. Give us something exclusive.

    At least you people actually feel like updating the game for after so long. Thank God you all finally feel like doing it.

    If not then this poll was/is completely useless.
  4. Organous

    Organous Member

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    * Exploits: To my knowledge, only airstriking the spawn is covered under this. Some people have tried to tell me the rear entrance to a Spunky base is an exploit, but considering Uber would've had to go out of their way to make that walkable path, I don't believe it. All the same, even if it's just this one thing, there should be no exploits.

    * Balance: For the most part, the game is balanced, but the Assault remains the most powerful class to me. It's difficult to balance without making him useless, though. Prevent him from breaking out of ice traps, nerf the bomb, can't really think of anything else offhand.

    * Performance: The game should be able to function without significant framerate dropping for any reasonable situation. If I'm not mistaken, overtime generates up to 4 Jackbots per team (counting the one done after Bullseye before overtime actually starts), making 8 total. The game should be able to handle this in addition to, I suppose, 6 juiced players. I figure it is unlikely to expect a full juiced team, but 4 juiced on on the superior side and 2 juiced on the other could reasonably happen. As it is, the game drops tremendously for me just from using the Annihilator as host.

    Everything else is just icing. Perfect what you have before adding on to it.
  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    [quote="Gentleman"No, in fact, give us something which the PC version will NEVER get, ever. Give us something exclusive.
    I like that. I like that a lot.

    Okay, so we sound like little kids saying that, probably.

    But, I think we deserve it. Time to use the "Made here first" card. That, and PC will continue to be supported long after the 360 gets it last update, AND players are almost guaranteed to mod whatever we get anyway. So, pretty please?
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The way I look at is everything on this list we will eventually get, the poll is just to determined what the most of us want now. With that said I imagine that their meeting with Microsoft turned out good and are trying to figure out what to quickly give while at the same time work for the longer updates as well.

    I mean when you see a tweet like this you know MNC has a LOT more planned then they are letting on.!/ooo27/status/37571075034324992
  7. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I blame the Non-Disclosure Agreements.

    Local splitscreen capabilities? Oh wait, we already have that.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    How about a stable and working game for all those who bought it on Xbla? Just saying...
  9. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    The one that locks up randomly when you get host, and can't be fixed for months at a time, as opposed to PC's "lawlinstafix"'s overnight? Yeah.......

    Their stuff will get fixed. Probably before we get an update.
  10. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    More Maps
    Would be nice, but I think we have enough maps for the mean time, though Grenade III could do with going away since it's just a competition to see who can launch who off the map the most.

    Balance Adjustments
    I selected this because I figured if nobody wants balance in this game, the assault would continue to run around doing anything he likes.

    More Character
    I heard PC are getting a new character and half hoped that we'd be seeing a new one any ways. It'd be really cool if we got one, but could provide issues with balance. I'd still like to see a new character though.

    Better Matchmaking
    Teams are being grouped as high levels versus low levels on most occasions. I quit a game and it puts me right back in the same game. Playing as a team of 5 is very hard to get a game going. Would be cool to see a Team Crossfire mode.

    Better Performance
    I find the performance of the game to be a bit shaky, but overall bearable. An update in performance would not go amiss.

    More Game Modes
    Like I said, Team Crossfire would be cool. A game mode with players doing 8 vs 8 or 10 vs 10 would be a really fun game mode too. But I think time could be spent elsewhere so that the population of players on 360 don't get separated too much.

    Lots of small updates
    I selected this option on the grounds that I thought it meant, lots of small updates, more frequently. I am dying here seeing the PC get updates every other week as we wait months and months for such rudimentary bugs to be fixed.

    A few really big updates
    Updates of any kind would be nice, big ones, small ones, doesn't matter.

    More meta game (protags, sponsors, etc)
    More sponsors would be really awesome, some pro tags would be fun too. But this shouldn't really be a high-priority until the game runs smoothly and bug free.

    Exploits fixed
    Exploits should really be the primary concern for all people. But not just exploits, bugs fixed. The assassin is one glitchy son of a gun.The various other bugs to do with spawning without skills, spawning and having to reload your weapon, etc... these are the things that need to be fixed the most. I don't understand why it's not the leading concern. You can be killed in your own spawn and people don't seem worried :S!
  11. NataVonDoom

    NataVonDoom New Member

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    Personally I'd like better matchmaking over anything else. Exploits are probably the second most important in my eyes... because its always a bit of a mood killer when I run into people using them.

    ( I was tempted to vote for new maps, because I'm mostly curious about what the minds of Uber can come up with. But yeah. I don't mind waiting for any new content so long as older things are being addressed. c: )
  12. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I'd rather see more content and big updates than matchmaking updates. Exploits should not outweigh other changes because many are fixed with small adjustments,
  13. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    My only problem with this is while what we get is shiny and new, we're shooting ourselves in the foot for another.... several months?

    A month or two after new maps came in, and the WAAZZING! wears out, we still have constantly unbalanced teams, major frame rate issues, a random chance of your Xbox locking up on host, a plump Italian who can kill you in your spawn (along with a Gunner who can Mortar you through the spawn door), a Gunner who can.... well, y'know.

    Point being: New stuff nice. Solid foundation better.

    Still, this is just my opinion, even if it is correct.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    New stuff is what is going to grab the immediate attention of old and new players alike. While I have high hopes that everything listed here we will eventually see I could use some extra content to hold me over until then.
  15. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    So you'd like content to keep you occupied whilst they fix bugs? Why not get the bugs fixed now and content come later? This is why I would prefer lots of small updates so we have a stream of changes rather than huge periods of something being wrong or an exploit being used. I for one think i'd have even more fun on every map if my assassin wasn't always stutter stepping or spawning without dash/lunge. If her smoke bombs were reliable and if bouncers couldn't see her when she's cloaked. But again, that's just my opinion.
  16. [V]iVergil zZ

    [V]iVergil zZ New Member

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    I think the biggest problem is the host, I'm italian and everytime the host switches to another player who isn't italian, me and my friends lose all our moneys, skills upgrades and kills. So, it happens like 5-6 time a-day and is really boting because it seems like we played for nothing, no moneys, no kills, no exp..
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I don't know about you but I don't really want to pay for bug and exploit fixes.
  18. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    Exactly these things should be mandatory fixes. Why should i pay to fix a broken game i paid for :lol:
    If thats the case Modern Warfare would have been fixed quickly :lol:
  19. [V]iVergil zZ

    [V]iVergil zZ New Member

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  20. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Hm. Good point. Though, not like I want to pay for them, and them alone.

    Just that I place them at a higher priority than new stuff.
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