Star ratings

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Decker87, March 11, 2011.

  1. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Having both the stars and level displayed would give the best idea, because someone with a higher level probably played more matchs, so has a more accurate rating, while for someone who has a lower level star rating is almost irrelevant as it can vary so much with few matchs.

    I suspect there's a numerical rating behind thoses stars (and seeing the game "comes" from xbox I wouldn't be surprised if it was using the Trueskill system), with a bit more precision than just 5 levels. It might be a good idea to make this rating visible, and why not even use it for a leaderboard
  2. President Barackbar

    President Barackbar New Member

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    So true, I started at 3 stars today, and got demoted down to 2 for no discernible reason (I didn't do any better or worse than before) and now people avoid my team like the plague. It really sucks that I'm being discriminated against because the game rated me arbitrarily at below average. Its very hurtful.
  3. Atrus1

    Atrus1 New Member

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    Five stars is really just too coarse grained, and not transparent enough. I'd rather have it replaced with a dollars per hour average (career money earned / career time played). I think looking at how quickly a player can earn money on average is a good indication of their skill level.
  4. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i agree, score/money per minute would show skill a lot better
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Meh, just gimme back levels(or at least the option of stars or levels)
  6. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    I MVP'd the last few matches i played (Despite how much you guys have borked my favorite class in favor of not upsetting the babies i'm still playing and damn well TRYING to like it) and i was knocked to 4 stars.

    My friend also did quite well as gunner, second on the board... and is now 5 stars. I'd say you need to work on that system a bit, yes. If you would - how exactly does it currently calculate your worth as a player at the moment? It would do a bit to ease the irritation to know WHY when i play well that my efforts are only worth 4 stars. Players need positive reinforcement and this is not it.
  7. Myst

    Myst New Member

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    Replacing stars with a salary ($/min) figure rounded to one of five salary brackets would provide a better representation of "skill", still allow servers to limit by skill level, and would fit in better with the whole sports theme IMO.
  8. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I honestly don't think there should be anything depicting you skills to anybody else besides leaderboards and the scoreboard. The level system was alright because it didn't show actual skill, only time played. I viewed that as a good thing. If you care too much about how good your team mates are, join a team. If people want to flaunt their skills, get MVP. There is no need for anything else, in fact, I find it detrimental to the pub atmosphere (competitive atmosphere is COMPLETELY unaffected by this).

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