Star ratings

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Decker87, March 11, 2011.

  1. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    I'm not usually one to complain... but these things are WAY off. I know they can't be perfect, but some of them are just insane.

    Example: I play a game with my friend Jesse and arson1st. Jesse gets 2 kills, 5 assists, 14 deaths and kills 12 bots. Arson1st gets 22 kills, 19 assists, 3 deaths and kills 72 bots.

    After the game, Jesse is promoted to 4 stars, and Arson1st stays at 3 stars.
  2. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Didn't find any precision on how it's calculated, do we know anything? But in the first days it's not very surprising to see big variations in ratings I guess, it's usually statistical stuff and it needs a lot of data to be acurate.
  3. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    The star rating system is something we'll be continuing to work on to get right, but Llamatron is correct in saying the first few games for existing players are likely to cause some significant fluctuation.
  4. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    I believe your friend Arson1st was playing before and he failed so he got like **, ***, **,***. And your friend Jesse just started the game, so the average was nicer to him. I believe its just like kdp, ***+***+**+*+****=13 13/5=2.6
  5. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    I agree, the star ratings are indeed way off...
  6. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    Yeah, I don't get it. I've played probably around 15-20 games since the last update, and I'm consistently first place on my team...most bot kills and positive k/d ratio, but I've been lodged at four stars. I wish that the system was more transparent.
  7. ars0n1st

    ars0n1st Member

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    I'm not his friend. >( Punctuation fail.

    My star rating is 100% broken and will probably stay that way. I magically started at a 4 after I patched the first time. Then left the A14U server to apply the patch to the patch. Joined a server magically a 3 rating. I just finished winning a good 15 or so games in a row went up to a 4 rating but after winning the last game i went back down to 3.

    Basically the system is broke. If you get thrown onto a team vs all 2 and 3 ranked players you will go down in rank for trashing them.

    Servers need to be able to implement a rating floor rather than a rating ceiling. Personally, I would rather play in a server with all 4 and 5 star ranked players. I might not completely stomp the other team but it makes for a much better game.

    If the ranking system takes into account player level well...then I am just screwed and will be rating 3 for all eternity.
  8. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    Yeah, after I reset the A14U server and rejoined it my rating went down to 3 stars. Afterwards, I was fluctuating between 3 and 4 stars despite winning many games in a row too...sigh.

    I agree. There should be a minimum instead of a maximum.
  9. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    Ok, I have over 250 MVPs. Since the March 20th update, I was likely the mvp 20 out of around 25 games. I just got demoted to 3 stars. wtf? Up until now, I was impressed with Uber's focus on this community's wishes, but this star system is clearly HUGELY biased toward players who frag pros, not bots. The community has said countless times to put incentives on bot-smashing since the team who does that better ultimately wins. Star sytem not only sets us back in this regard, but it really, really takes away the reply value. Any competitive multiplayer game is all about flaunting ranks...leveling up to show it off, and that's non-existant now.

    And now I'm not allowed to join certain servers? The last thing that a game with a dwindling userbase needs is for the few remaining active servers to shut people out. HUGE FAIL.
  10. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Huh, I played Sin on Steel Peel, got 2 deaths, 2 kills, and a crap-ton of bot kills, losing because half my team rage quit. Afterward, I got promoted to 5 stars. Uber, you give me too much credit. :lol:

    I am wondering if it takes every Shurikan hit into account. I do use them to ward off the Tank and the like.
  11. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    Never said you were, have nothing against u though.

    Everyone else is screwed in this regard too, especially if the game thinks you're average and pits you against 4-stars who can't kill a thing.
  12. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Im looking forward when some troll will rage at me cuz ill OWN him with words like: LULZ you are just 3** noob, haha i got 4***! (ATM im at max stars, cuz i played only one game, but since its so broken, i can MVP as much as i want to but it wont do a sh**)
  13. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    Okay...I managed to get to 5 stars.

    I just played a full game against a 5 star team and won.

    Hmm, now my rating is 4 stars...super.
  14. bware

    bware New Member

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    my rating is 2 stars since the patch came out, and it hasent chainsed after played atleast 50 matches, do i care?
    no they problaly will fix it, and im still having fun:)
  15. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Same here.

    I'm actually having more fun even in matches I lose. Mainly because I'm on a winning streak.
  16. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    Got bumped down to 2 stars today. After getting clipped down by the sniper aimbotter Shmu yesterday and playing against some shady assaults today (although given the lag problems it might have only appeared that way) I have to look forward to more jeers from the terrible MNC community even though we won those games because the enemy team didn't watch their base, but I get punished for not kill farming. Wonderful.

    Honestly I think the Star system needs to be rooted out or at the very least made behind the scenes and private. Nothing is going to scare away the newbies faster than a little picture saying you suck on ice next to your name.
  17. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    Oh don't worry, it'll give newbs 3 stars.
  18. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    They are new, they aren't going to stay that way.
  19. PezD

    PezD New Member

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    I played 2 good games, went up to 5 stars.

    "Amaziiiing, amaziing".
  20. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i have been 5 stars since i played my first game, and it hasnt moved, so i think the star rating is just fine :D

    although i do think the stars look ugly, and i preferred to see the level of the other people in the lobby rather than their star rating. Knowing what rank someone is works out better than some 1-5 system.

    I was watching a friend play on his xbox a couple months ago, he was playing halo. The system in that seems better, like you only fight vs people 1 or 2 levels up or down from you, then if you beat the level above you you rank up. This is a better system but that game has millions more players so i doubt it will work.

    I think maybes a better method would be to have servers for noobs only, and have a cap on it depending on your level. so like under 30s servers or something, cos if you haven't learnt to play by level 40-50 you never gonna learn.

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