Supports... please SUPPORT.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by crispymazilla, March 11, 2011.

  1. crispymazilla

    crispymazilla New Member

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    Skip to the bold text if you do not wish to read.

    What the f*ck is this? Why isn't ANY Support playing the game LIKE a Support?
    Recently, I played a game as Assault (I switch between Assault and Support depending on the mood) and I was pushing bots like an idiot regarding the fact the Assault can't push for ****. I only upgraded my passive to 3 and bomb to 3, the rest of the money, I cashed in on turrets.

    I wanted a big, heavy fort that no one could push through. Our golden baby, the Moneyball got the respect she deserved. I think I bought at least 7 Rock-It Lv. 1's before they got wrecked, built NEW ones, four of them - all of these - I upgraded to 3. So we had 4 level 3 Rock-Its in the base.

    We had two Supports on the team. Not that it mattered. They were just killwhoring around with their Firebase, only paying attention to their little helper - I saw them hacking their firebases.


    Then WHY THE F**K WON'T YOU HACK THE BASE? I know that the Hack skill's regeneration is a slow one but these guys had their Firebases out the whole game. The only f*cking thing they hacked, was their own Firebases. NOTHING else.

    Now, whenever I play Support - I RESPECT that class. You choose it to BE defensive and strategic. That's what the f*ck it's for. Not blasting of beginner-Assassins with the shotgun. I hack CONSTANTLY, I always TRY to help out my teammates in danger by healing, I often push a Gunner or Tank with constant heal to make him kill players and/or destroy turrets.

    Why don't I see this any longer? Is this really THAT uncommon? Has the Call of Duty-community jumped over to MNC? Because the play-style of players I've recently been playing with has been like this... like them... ugh. Little 12-year olds taking video-games to seriously.

    I love Monday Night Combat, from the bottom of my heart, I really do. But why is it that recently, the MNC Community has become so competetive and TryHard? Clan-games are different, that's where skill is meant to be measured. But I mean, public? It used to be tons of fun. I would never get annoyed at a player or irritated. If we lost the match - so what? We had fun!

    Now - suddenly - I rage. This is slowly turning into a game with the CoD-aura. Thrashtalking, bragging, ego-playing, etc.

    Discuss my fellow MNC-brothers: Why is it that almost no Supports actually support anymore? Or team-play in general, I mean, why is there, from game to game, occasionally, no-one helping out, playing like a TEAM?

    I love you all,


    EDIT: This is of course dedicated to the players that should feel guilty. If you know you're a good Support, keep it up - I love you.
    Last edited: March 11, 2011
  2. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Im sorry the game has become difficult. As for the not supporting thing ehh....
  3. crispymazilla

    crispymazilla New Member

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    Nono. The difficulty stays the same. If everybody cares to give a **** about what class they actually chose in the beginning of the game.
    We have 3 offense, 3 defense classes, right? Then why would people go and killwh*re?
    I do not get it :'(
  4. Undertaker4uplr

    Undertaker4uplr New Member

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    I like to make a game of it, so I never support assaults. They are to powerful anyway, and if you stay with them to the opponants base, they just smash the other team into submission. The results is usually them pub stomping, which I am not down with at all. Don't want someone to take advantage of the other team on my account like that. Not saying other classes wouldn't do the same, but it just seems its always an assault I'd support that would do this. I just don't like anything about the class. I try to support every other class otherwise.
  5. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    go find shammas' guide please.
  6. crispymazilla

    crispymazilla New Member

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    Miracle >
    Who are you writing to?
  7. Organous

    Organous Member

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    On the difficulty of public games, that's simply natural for any game of this age. Even people who don't take a game seriously will still be learning and trying to win. Casual =/= "run in blindly with bullets and do as much as I can before getting killed."

    On Supports, they do it because it really can be difficult to take out a firebase constantly getting healed. Even if I go Gunner, put on gold armor, silver accuracy, bronze accuracy, pre-rev, and deploy with dual miniguns, I'm going to take a lot of damage before I get it. That's also assuming the firebase is the only thing hitting me. Snipers and Assassins can outrace it at long-range. Anyone else has to charge in if not juiced. Therefore, Supports see safety in their firebases and see easy kills. It takes intelligence to take out a firebase camp.

    However, not all Supports are like this. I certainly am not. I'll put a firebase in a good spot, but I don't have much need to camp on it as long as it has a solid player by it. Instead, I let my firebase watch one bot lane and build up a fortress in the other one, making sure to hack properly (even if it's not my turret I'm hacking). I'll try to overheal everything I can and keep dying players alive. Of course, I can't always do that and there are times when I just have to give up a player for lost in favor of higher priorities. Random players who have not yet achieved an all-star rating, and perhaps even those who make Slim, are all still just learning the game. Don't be too hard on them. If they actually care about winning, they'll work toward that goal. It seems you do, but you can't expect everyone else to, as well.
  8. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I'll let you figure this one out.

    At least the Tank has the luxury of being able to stun it for a few seconds while doing this. Supports can Airstrike them (unless there's significant overhead cover), and if a Firebase is in Ejector range, that will destroy any of them except a fully overhealed level 3.
  9. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Heh, yeah. That's what I get for typing while watching an anime DVD I've been meaning to watch. Actual build is armor, accuracy, rate of fire.
  10. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    what were you watching dude? And I usually find a way to shoot the Firebase from around a corner, if not, mortars! MNC is for sure influenced by the Lonewolf, Call of Duty playstyle. I don't know why your expecting randoms to do things right this far into the game. :lol:
  11. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    I find this picture to be relevant
  12. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Not everyone is good/great at video games. Some people just don't understand. You can try to help them understand, or just find good Supports and send them friend requests.
  13. [ITA]EvalZenith

    [ITA]EvalZenith New Member

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    Me --> Heal tourrets - Heal Mates - Heal Bots - Shot someone -from the start again!
  14. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I play support and I feel ur pain. I rarely see any "good" support players. I see plenty of people playing support, they're just not good at it. bad Supports are pretty easy to spot though. A lvl 1, unhacked firebase deployed right in the center of an ejector, running at you in a straight line, trying to drain and jump away while being blasted with a shotty everytime they hit the ground.

    I assume most players play support when they cant play anything else. They assume he's a noob class cuz he has a firebase and isnt made for combat. they don't embrace the support. You have to get to know the support. You have to be ONE with the support class.

    Not really. You can do ok with a little practice as support, so you get a bunch of players who get lazy with it and lean on their firebase.
  15. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    I'll play however I want. I don't build turrets, I don't over heal that gunner that is 3 and 80, and I laugh while healing my firebase and people like you run up to me on fire and melee me trying to get my attention.

    If you want me to play like you suggest I should be playing, please pay for my copy of the game and ill conform. If not please get better, no one even rolls with a support anyway.
  16. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    This too. I LIKE to overheal my teammates. Too many benefits not to. Juice, they get tougher. If you start meleeing me to get my attention, you pretty much guarantee that I wont heal u for the duration of the match. Im even gonna watch as that assassin behind you finishes you off, then i'll blast her for the kill.

    I like working as a team. I don't like being told what to do by some gunner who wont shoot one friggin mortar at a turret to get our bots in.

    I dont build turrets either. I'll upgrade one occasionally, but one juiced assassin burns it all down. I usually play offensive support.

    So yeah, there is a difference. The support who doesnt heal you because he cant figure out which trigger does what, and the support that wont heal you cuz you can't or wont fight, just baiting a group of pros to flank us and get us both killed.
  17. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Why heal someone when you have a shotgun? Healing doesn't boost your stats.
  18. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I gave you a solid overheal every chance I had when we were on the same team. I did that cuz I know that you know what you're doing. If all gunners were that solid, id hardly ever hafta use my shotty.

    Ill give everyone an overheal, im easy. If you do dumb things and just get smoked, then im gonna handle my own business.
    Last edited: March 15, 2011
  19. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Oh that was you healing me.
  20. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Lol, yeah. Like I said, if you're good, and our team is stronger if I overheal you, i'll hold that leash all day and do plenty of damage with airstrikes and a firebase.

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