i was thinking of buying this game, but..

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Trada, March 11, 2011.

  1. Trada

    Trada New Member

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    should i ?

    i saw videos of the game and i was intrigued.
    but now im seeing so many posts that the game is dead and bad. i don't know if i should


  2. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    This game is NOT dead, It is awesome and we all love it, dont trust to trolls...Believe me its good... i dont have any guest pass left, but i believe someone could give you some if you ask nicely :D
  3. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Well, a new patch is out, so the usual stuff with raging people that their favorite class is unplayable now etc etc. Like in every other game.

    Still makes so much fun to play :D.
    But there are many things the devs have to fix ...
    Last edited: March 11, 2011
  4. Darrus Dreadtiger

    Darrus Dreadtiger New Member

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    The game is far from dead. Except for the trouble with the update yesterday I usually always find a place to play at... Well I DO have my own technical problems... but apparently only I have those. The game itself is pretty good!

    *shakes fist at wilder*
  5. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    right.. and now a honest reply.

    cause bro this is a bad place to ask it and you probable understand why by now.

    anyway, not gonna go into to much details but this is primarily it.

    - the community droped with 90% in a record time
    - due to the fact that this game has little content and a very short lasting appeal. ( most decent gamers will say 2/3 weeks top )
    - the game allows "shananigans" and relies on it ( wall of text if im gonna explain this completely )
    - the game has some unbalance in it, to put it lightly
    - and last, the community isn't gonna get a "baby boom" if you get what i mean.

    unless uber pulls out some seriously stuff, but atm thats not the case.


    wait and keep a eye on the game or skip it as a whole.
    cause if i look back at it i would almost say i played a unfinished game

  6. FlyveHest

    FlyveHest New Member

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    I wouldn't say the game is bad-bad, but its not fantastic either, and as regarding to dead or not, the numbers speak for themselves


    Check in a couple of days when the new-patch-frenzy has subsided a little.
  7. maxxy

    maxxy New Member

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    I recommend getting a guest pass as the game may not be your cup of tea. The community is very small and the current updates in the game have not yet brought it to a "finished" state. Far from it.
    For the price, its an ok game. I have played many hours of it but after playing a few weeks i have decided to take a limitless break from it. Your choice. If you are looking for the best bang for buck then you might want to wait a bit with this title or skip it altogether.
  8. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I have to say this game was 15 bucks well spent.

    While right now you may see the topics on the forum discussing balance issues. The most recent patch did create something of an imbalance but if we can get a look at how will affect gameplay down the line and if players can adapt (or if Uberent will make more changes) then we can be definite.

    Many people are going to say that the game has some design issues that hamper it and it will die soon. And while there is merit in this position on the matter of the population I wouldn't go with the doomsday scenario that drives off players like you.

    I will say that new players dont visit the forum and need to get a better idea of how the game should be played. That and the chatbox should be emphasized to make it more apparent so communication can happen.

    Otherwise yeah, get a guest pass and you should get a feel for the game. Lurk the strategy forum and the General Discussion and you should go far. Trust me
  9. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    It is a good game, but yeah, you should get a guest pass.
  10. x gr1m x reap3r x

    x gr1m x reap3r x New Member

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    IMO the game aint dead and it's one of the best times I've spent 10
  11. bware

    bware New Member

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    i can only speak for myself, but this game brings me the most fun i had playing a game in a long time.
    i dont know exacly why, but i just keep playing it..

    so yeah pick up a guest pass and try it out, it's fourth 30 minuits off your time..
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Guest pass? I can, and could play with you. Just gotta pm me when I'm on.
  13. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    At the moment, it is fairly difficult (very rare) to get a room where everyone is on a fairly even skill level. The classes are actually pretty well balanced, nothing real game-breaking. Just some small tweaks here and there. I am hoping for Uber to work on the server system to make it more attractive to competition, then start on a couple game modes.
  14. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    If you really want, I can give you one of my guest passes. Nothing like trying it yourself.
  15. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I've been playing today mostly as support and assault with a little Tank action ever now and again.

    Now, as a support I did feel a bit more fragile but I also felt more effective today in all my classes.
  16. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    The game is good in its own rights.
    I suggest getting a guess pass from someone and giving it a try before buying it.

    atm the game doesnt have that big of a community so you will end up playing alot of matches vs the same people over and over again.

    This isnt necessarily a bad thing unless you consider the skill difference in players.
    The game is nice enough to divide us up into levels and to be honest, a few levels can be a world of a difference.

    for example, im somewhere around 75-80, most players below 70 will be face stomped by me.
    In return however a lot of players above 120-130 (that have passed 99 once) will face r*pe me.

    Now this on itself isnt a bad thing, unless you consider that most matchups will consist of the same people over and over again with alot of high level players playing in groups or with friends, this results in teams like with on 1 side a level average of for example 120 while the other team maybe has 30-70 (and ive seen it happen often enough).

    Im guessing uber kinda tried to fix this with the allstar ratings but imo so far it isnt really working as they imagined, as a team of low level players vs other low level players will automatically do better then vs high level players, thus resulting in a higher rating, thus being matched vs the same high level players again.

    And this is just 1 of the many problems still in the game.
    Its not a bad game at all and i love it dearly, its just a bit rough and unfinished and could use some spit shine on some of the already existing parts.

    The bottum line is, if you want a fun game thats def. worth the 10 bucks you pay for it and you can live with it being what it is for the moment being untill some things change/get fixed, go for it.
    Else the least you could do is get a guess pass and try it for yourself, to actually give it that chance and judge for yourself before taking ANY of this advice here, be it bad or good.
  17. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i would say it is worth it, so far i have played nearly 100hours, and for the 9 i paid for it i think it works out a bargain.

    Also regarding player count, I think there are a lot more people playing it than the steam stats make out at first glance, like i normally play about 2-5 rounds then play some sc2, then rq sc2 then play a few rounds of mnc. I do not find it is a game that people will play for hours on end in one sitting, mainly due to repetition of maps, so the numbers will always appear low, but i could be completely wrong about this.

    I have only played as tank for first 50 hours or something then assault for next 50 hours, I love assault and will be sticking with it for a while to come but even if i got 50 hours of play out of the other 4 classes i havent been yet then that is money well spent.

    In conclusion the game is well worth the money.
  18. tymeo

    tymeo New Member

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    The game is actually quite balanced for all skill levels average and below. This is one of those games where you can just hop on for a couple of hrs and blast away with a friend a two. It is well worth 15 dollars.

    I bought the game because I was told it was a mix of DOTA/FPS game. It's no where near the same gameplay as DOTA. So if that's what you're looking for, be prepared to be disappointed. If you're trying to play to win, the game becomes very unfun, very quickly. Maps stagnate, you'll see some classes far superior to others, and you'll find you want more class customization.

    Best advice for you if you do decide to play, play with you're appropriate star level servers.
  19. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Look, the people who like the game will say it's the best game ever, and the people who hate the game will use every insult in the dictionary.

    See if you can find a guest pass, or at least watch a bunch of YouTube videos. You make your own opinion, since everyone has thier own.
  20. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    I really like this game.

    It's really unique.

    It has quite a handful of bugs, though not even close to 'unplayable'.

    It will piss you off.

    It will make you bursting with joy.

    It's totally worth 15 bucks.

    Why are you still here?

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