Is this game dying?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Runie, March 9, 2011.


Are you unhappy with the way the game is?

  1. Yes, the game is dying

    28 vote(s)
  2. Yes, the game is imbalanced

    9 vote(s)
  3. No, the game is fine as is

    23 vote(s)
  4. No, but the game could be better

    34 vote(s)
  1. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    I do not think the game is dying, but there is less people playing it that is undeniable. I think the main problem is the quality of players we have been getting. Complete idiots, who if they do not win then proceed to grief everybody and tell them how **** they are. This just promotes bad feelings, also you get the douchebags who might win a game, then slag everyone off saying how they got "pwnd" then they lose next game and quit in a huffrage. These people will then tell everyone that the game is ****, failing to see that it is them who is ****.

    I feel that a lot of gamers these days just want easy games, everyone thinks that they are "pr0" and that they "pwn all the noobs", but in reality the gaming community is saturated with really really bad players who have no desire to try hard and practice so that they will increase their gaming skill, instead favouring easy kills and easy no brainer games so that they can think that they are cool.

    Take a look how when this game had way more people, yet no-one wants to do pugs, scrims or any other form of competitive play, "what a challenge??? no thanks i might die. I'll just stick to pubstomping thank you, that way people will think i am cool"

    So I guess yes the player base is dying, but i think most of the people who do not play any more will not be missed.
  2. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Reminds me of a feeling I have with street fighter. But then, it's more because I feel unprepared than wanting to always pubstomp.

    Anyway, I think it has to do with a singleplayer mindset. You know, singleplayer games where you are the chosen, the one and only, the hero that can save the world- you get the point. At least, that's the idea I have when people want easy challenges. Although I might be wrong, I feel like that's part of the problem.

    But let's not discuss that here. Escapist magazine[/shameless plug] is here for a reason.
  3. Arth

    Arth New Member

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    em... this game is very very very very easy... but has full capability to apply the easy mode "tools" of this game in high end tactics..

    and thats the main problem that ppl have with this game.

    so kinda what you said but i don't agree that you intend to say that this game is "hard"
    that actually made me laugh, honestly

    im willing to explain this in more details but then we get quite a discussion here. and im not planning to make this post in a 2nd "Change these things: And I will cry tears of joy " :lol:
  4. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    ah you misunderstood me i think a little bit. Sorry more-than-likely my fault as i wrote that after i got out of bed.

    I do not mean that this game is hard, if anything it is quite the opposite, probs one of the easiest games i have ever played, but then again my fave fps games are arma 2 and unreal tournament.

    What I kinda mean is, they get the game, fire it up, get confused by nothing, then quit and say it is ****. The game is very easy, and very simple, yet people seem to have the problem actually grasping the concept of the game. Like I have played dota once in sc2 but I understood this game straight away. Kill some bots hmm I get money for this, kill i pro, hmm I get less money for that. What do I need money for? hmm skills, kk so I kill bots at start get lots of money then buy skills with the money which will make killing pros easier. So many people do not even understand this.

    I think games like the newer cod releases and stuff where you just shoot and people and they die, and it doesn't have much depth to the game. Which, I think, has made people fear anything that is a challenge to them, the challenge in this game is that you kill bots, which to many people is like wtf I don't get kdr for bots, so why the hell would I want to kill bots?

    Sorry if this is yet again hard to understand, I kinda just type and drift off then think wtf am I typing about again :D

    I just remembered my point I think, also the challenge is playing against people who have skill, this game is not hard at all, but playing against a team who are on vent whilst you and your team are also on vent and playing it properly is a challenge.
  5. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Competitive play doesn't seem to be encouraged by the game either:

    The leaderboards are a joke: it's basically how much time you played the game, with a bit of how good you are at killing stuff. The average earning per match can also vary quite a lot depending on the classes (support for example don't do much earnings if they focus on healing). Sadly the only available stat that is remotely close to personnal skill is KDR...

    As far as I know the lobby doesn't even allow to directly make teams for a scrim, not sure how the few teams around manage to get some scrims running but I bet it involves fiddling around to get the right people in the right teams.

    As I said in a few other posts, between the total noobs who have no idea wtf to do (probably thinking they bought a TF2 clone), most people wanting to play the same classes, and people ragequitting left and right, then being autobalanced... most matchs carry a lot of frustration for anyone with a competitive mindset.
  6. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    well in the lobby you just get the people on red team to pick red, and people on blue team to pick blue. Is this hard?

    And leaderboards in most games are a joke and do not denote skill at all, except games like starcraft 2 but that is a different story altogether. Also kdr is not in the leaderboards only kills.

    And for scrimming it is so easy, join the irc channel, type !join, then join the server and TS chan and choose your team and play, not hard at all.

    Another thing, like you just said as far as you know the lobby doesn't allow you to make teams, when the truth is it so obviously does and is very noticeable. So if I can just ask the question, do you even play this game or do you just come here to moan about how imbalanced and **** the game is?
  7. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    I thought the team selection only allowed something like 3 people on the same team, and if more than 3 sign for a given team some will be balanced like if they didn't select any team.

    For the leaderboard sure nothing is perfect, but the current system is just a plain grind-meter. I'm #2 on crossfire earnings atm if it can answer your "are you playing this game" question, that doesn't mean I'm good, just that I have played the game more than most people, and also the fact I play tank a lot probably contributed to making me earn more credits per match than average. If there was feeling of relationship between winning matchs and getting higher on the leaderboard, or ragequitting and getting a penalty for it, I'm pretty sure it would be quite different.

    For IRC I don't have a client installed atm and never used this kind of system of pug so far (I'm quite noob at shooters), used it only for chatting, maybe I'll reinstall something to at least take a look, do you get pugs runing on the right region servers within a decent waiting time with it?

    Anyway I guess most people don't even know how an IRC client works, or can't be bothered, so something in the game itself would probably be more usefull in the long run.
  8. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    To get a scrim working you set minimum players to 12 so that people actually have time to pick the teams, that's nothing but a workaround though.

    Proper tournament mode is required, the ability to easily pick maps without having to change the map rotation on a per scrim base, POV demos are necessary but as I hear it won't probably happen so the game stops it's competitive potential right there.

    Some people will enjoy scrimming every now and then but it'll never make it to any bigger league without the aforementioned things, now mod tools may be able to alleviate some of these things but who am I to be optimistic.
  9. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    well irc is made simple with so probs best to use that rather than installing a client that you may want to uninstall. I have found most leaderboards to be a grind meter, making people who play the most at the top regardless of their skill. As for an in-game pug system, I do not know if any game has this implemented, I know sc2 has like chat function and you can arrange games inside that, like mini chatrooms and stuff but i have never seen another game with that, i could be wrong though i forget most things.

    Well atm in irc there is one server in EU and I think 2 more coming but i think they be EU too, we did have access to a one in dallas but due to lack of interest it got shutdown. Like everything is ready to pug, just no one seems at all interested in it.

    As for the 3 people pick a team thing i really do not know, i am pretty certain if 6 people pick a team and the other 6 do nothing then it will be the 6 that chose a team on the same team and the other six on the other team, could be wrong though.

    Also grimbar i think you can play 4 vs 4, well i know the pug bot has 4 v 4 option
  10. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    My post didn't even concern team sizes, have a nice day (also 6on6 is better)
  11. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    6v6 is better, just saying you can play 4v4 scrims, 5v5, highlander etc

    and thanks i hope you too also have a nice day
  12. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    What an utterly pointless, stupid thread.
  13. Diquebutt

    Diquebutt New Member

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    No offense, but aside from a killgrinder like Black Ops, what would those be? This game is far from rocket science, and even a really casual, simple game like TF2 trounces it in strategy. People getting tired of this game and not playing has more to do with really bad dev philosophy and lack of content. Saying "well, people are complaining about every class so it should be pretty balanced!" is just dumb. About content: They add new costumes, new menu features, etc, but no new maps, modes, classes, turrets, anything? I know there's a new map coming soon, but even for a small studio 15 dollar game you need a bit more.
  14. maxxy

    maxxy New Member

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    I voted that this game is dying. I attribute this to a lot of bad design issues. The game has a lot of potential but the level of finish on it is very very low. This game is becoming Demigod #2 very fast (I'm sure Polynomial knows what I'm talking about).

    - Terrible learning curve. Noobs just get completely dominated by pros. This curve/frustration causes a lot of people to just dump the game. Heck, even I deleted the game after the first few tries (I had a guest pass) due to frustration.
    - Lack of basic features/functions such as changing team? changing crowd volume? Why do people need to hack the .ini files? And now vote kick is done via console? Ugh.
    - Serious lack of class balance in game. Assault ownage? Rate of fire sniper?
    - Hackers/Cheaters - I have seen several of these in the game now. It's pretty common.
    - Terribly terribly designed maps. Steel peel anyone? Not to forget the small number of maps.
    - Juice mechanics. Buying it for $500? Low cooldown on the juice dispensers?
    - Useless Lazer turrets. I always get pissed when I see someone buy these. Especially since you can't do anything about it!
    - Last but not least, the latest patch that had the 5-star-cannot-connect-to-servers issue? QA? Product Management? Anyone there? This was the last straw for me.

    And to say that Uberent is listening, that they are updating, etc etc... Sorry to say, but this is Gas Powered Games (see Demigod) all over again. The money is what talks here people. I know this is a small game and I know it's only $15. I also work in the software industry and I'm aware of how long it takes to fix bugs (because I fix them myself!). But wasting resources on new "hats" (aka skins) is being cocky. The game is a long way from getting to the point that they can focus on quirks.

    I seriously don't understand Uberent. This game has the potential to be the next TF2, yet they are stuck with Penny Arcade/TF2 homage.

    After last night's patch I decided not to be frustrated with this game anymore. I will probably play here and there but most likely will dump it and perhaps return in 3-6 months (if at all).

    Enjoy my $15. For the enjoyment I got out of it, it was worth it. On the other hand, there was a lot of frustration...
  15. FlyveHest

    FlyveHest New Member

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    I could not agree more, as I said earlier, the game tries to be a little of everything, leading to it failing on almost all levels.

    Its not my game to design, but I would have loved MNC to focus a lot more on the DotA aspect, and more or less negating the DM/PvP aspect of the game (at least early/mid), forcing players to not play the games as a K:D DM stats game.

    I think that making a PvP game of this type is pretty dang hard, mostly because people see an FPS interface, and thus expect and play for DM PvP action, and if they don't get it, they will leave.

    I have gotten plenty of fun for my $$$ also, I have absolutely no regrets about buying MNC.
  16. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    The game-hurting changes to class balance (two major sin nerfs in one! go go uber go! whatever happened to 'small steps'?) and this asinine rating system are doing serious damage to my desire to play.

    And the future of MNC in Australia.

    Even more than the fact nobody can join the uber servers in Australia anymore because the official servers are 3 star capped.

    There's usually 1-3 full servers at any given time and now access to decent servers is limited even further by this faggotry, as well as alienating the player base. I've been a fairly regular MNC player, so my opinion on server count and player base in this country is fairly solid. There's only been a few times where i haven't found a server to play on. Until today. It's peak time right now, there's one server going and it's half full.

    Why bother having servers in this country at all if you're going to **** us in the *** like that? At least have the courtesy to buy us a drink first next time...

    I understand uber want shiny new people not to be put off by players with skill because of experience or the learning curve but if that's the justification for grabbing one of those NERF battleaxes and swinging it around the game code like they're the infected from 28 Days Later, then to coin a phrase that can "**** right off"

    All of that and you didn't fix the chat box? Come on guys... I like this game. I like you guys. But you have to give a little for this relationship to work.
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    So, who was the Arsonist guy that I beat 1 game, and then the stacked teams got me killed and lost 4 games in a row? (one game I unstacked his teams, but then we started winning and an enemy rage-quit and I got sold to the enemy)

    Played well, at least it was a good match 2 of those games (where 5 of your teammates didn't gangbang at the same time at least lol), but gawd don't I wish assault moneyball damage would be touched on soon.

    Everything else is fine except the fact that a team with 100% can lose in overtime to a team with 25% moneyball damage, AND THEIR TEAM TURTLED OVERTIME EXCEPT FOR 1 ASSAULT. I thought maybe, JUST MAYBE, my team could handle him, with the rokkit shaveice firebase guarding the upper moneyball ring opening. I is wrong, my team are bad lolz. Well, at least more bad than their team had.
  18. Arth

    Arth New Member

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    ever tried a bomb ? it's good stuff v.s moneyballs.
    even without juice.

    if you keep your remaining resources for enemy players you could be quite the pain in the -ss for them


    now im questioning myself why im still on this forum, cause im not playing mnc anymore :|
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    It is a good forum... ish...

    Anywho, in case I didn't make myself clear, I meant the assault does way more damn damage than he needs. As in his grenade launcer needs a general damage or at least nerf to the moneyball. Not much, but 30% at least? I don't really even mind the bomb all that much.

    My only regret, is that I didn't switch to assault and bounce grenades off center pillar to KO his moneyball outside their base. This would have tought him a "i'm from Xbox" lesson. Yet, I could have done a number of things to keep his ball down, I wasn't tryharding.
  20. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I think if they nerfed the assault's bomb damage (and only the damage from bombs) to the moneyball than his damage would be fine. Its lower on average that most other classes when using either the assault or grenade launcher. But the low CD on level 3 bomb coupled with its MASSIVE damage (I think its like 15% of the max health aproximately) make his damage the highest. His grenade launcher is only an issue because he can use it safely from range to keep the moneyball down, but a good assassin can accomplish this too thanks to her mobility, and shurikans. And a good tank probably could as well using product grenade, but its much less effective or consistent.

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