The support class is insanely overpowered

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Payattention, August 13, 2010.

  1. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    Do you know what actually is trolling? You. You attacking people on quite pathetic levels because you disagree with what they are saying. You have no argument outside of - stop whining. The support class is a strong offensive, and defensive threat, AND he can heal, and hack, and so forth. He also has the best bot. Combat that argument, not the people making it.

    No, we're saying the support class should actually be a support class. A class which is there to help their team mates - and yet even though I've occasionally had as many as 3 or 4 supports on one team, I very, very rarely get personally helped by them - I don't see them heal my dying towers or heal me.

    The support class should be a class which heals the turrets, the pros, and the bots, assists them on their way a bit, lays their firebase down somehwere it helps their team. What I personally don't think it ought to be is as much of a threat as anyone else. There are certain classes that I tend to 'fear' when I'm playing as certain other classes - or certain classes I prey on more than others. As a sniper, I seek out gunners, and tanks - but a support really has no issue taking on anyone at any time. A support troop should be useful in combat but I really don't think it should be attempting to throw himself into the middle of it as the most succesful supports do now.
  2. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Support Rush

    Tell me this isn't overpowered. No other class-spam could do this.

    I'm starting to think that use of the Heal Gun should require the user to be stationary...

    Also, bots need to be NECESSARY to taking the moneyball down.
  3. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    that was scared.
  4. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    Just played a game which really epitomised the problem. Anyone who isn't getting this is completely missing the point. 5 minutes into the game, one of their players, (they have 3 supports, 1 assassin, 1 assault), is $1100 ahead of everyone else. Their three supports were 1,2,3 on their team. They won in 7 or 8 minutes. I was top of my team and had more points than everyone on the other team too - other than Cheaty McGee.

    Get it in your head - this class is overpowered. They get juice -FAR- too easily, and with juice they can wipe out turrets with ease, kill any pro type with ease. They are offensively the best character, they are nigh on impossible to snipe as they really have basically no need to stand still except when hacking, and they can just jump around like children all day - which is incidentally precisely what they do.

    More and more it is becoming clear that not only is this class overpowered, but the EXTREME rise in the number of people playing it (its now the most played class in my experience - which is pretty bizarre considering it probably should appeal the least).

    It is -ludicrous- for one player within SIX minutes to more than double the 2nd best player in a game. Uber have put in all the tools they need to stop this ridiculous problem - please don't allow this game to be crucified in the way that so many other games have been by a reluctance to actually change these things. We had a balanced team - they had a COMPLETE lack of balance. Their assault was poor, and their ONLY offensive threat was their three supports who were a nightmare to kill. You actually have to go find them - but then there are three of them, three firebases, all with extra health?!

    The problem is with a support that they can stay behind cover, making themselves invulnerable, whilst still being an utter nightmare. To actually take them on you have to go to them which puts you in an extremely compromised position.

    That match was the biggest domination by one team over another I've seen so far - and they weren't even that good. A team as unbalanced as theirs should have struggled - but of course they didn't. The support is OP. Uber, you have got to fix this - it's going to get worse, not better. Something has to change, and it really does need to be a big change. Anyone who watches that video, btw, and denies there is a problem is a complete, complete idiot, and is more or less condoning the breaking of this game.

    So, it's simple. Try something. Try some form of nerf, you can do it easily apparently, and if it's too much, reel it back, but for God's sake be proactive and don't fall into what I like to call the Infinity/Treyarch Ward hole, where you don't change anything, deny there is a problem, and allow your game to fall into a greater and greater state of disrepair.

    Having said this, the video really only shows an extreme form of the problem. That exploit needs to be dealt with somehow - perhaps supports not being able to heal eachother - and only one person being able to heal something at a time? Beyond that, there is still a problem. Those who are saying the support isn't OP either play support a fair amount of the time or are seriously misinformed.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  5. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    HOLY ****.

    Jesus...I haven't run into that yet, but that basically proves that this class is WAY overpowered.

    God damn...


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    I encourage you all to hop on YouTube and watch some other videos with other classes. I've see. Tanks hit 30+ kill steaks, snipers with major spreads and assassins that were nothing short of unstoppable. All the pro-nerf arguments are based on what other games provide with their healing and support classes. This game allows everyone of all classes to kick ***. It's nice to play a support class that isn't just a mindless healer. There is a large gap between the skilled and unskilled in this game as it is only a few days old. Before nerfing needs to be implemented, you should all focus on improving your play style. We, as support, have zero long game - I can't say that about any other class. But as I don't and won't complain about non-issues, I've gotten comfortable with all classes and have no problem destroying supports. Learn tactics, focus on team play, become comfortable with the maps and know your opponents and their limitations.
  7. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    You actually don't see a problem with that video, do you? I'll reply to the rest once you've answered that question.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    Nah, it proves that you shouldn't allow 5 supports to walk into your base unopposed. They didn't see a single enemy player until they had hacked both turrets already. Get a brain and stop whining.
  9. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    What do you think would have happened if they'd met a couple, or even a trio of players, which realistically is all you could have any expectation for, what do you think would have happened? They'd have killed all three -easily- and come out of it unharmed. Nothing could have stopped that attack, because nothing bar maybe 4+ gunners all locked down could have damaged them fast enough. Realistically, a balanced team could do ****-all about that.

    As I said before, anyone who sees no problem in this video, is completely, and utterly ignorant of the problem, willfully ignorant probably.
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    Build laser blazers at the start to damage the supports. Get a tank to product bomb them. Pancake them from the upper platform as the Gunner. Get your own support to airstrike them. Assassin smokebomb the group and grapple one. Assault charge or bomb the group. Sniper headshot the hacker who's standing still while his teammates who have zero long range ability stand and watch helplessly.

    You are a serious moron if you can't figure out how to counter this tactic, all it takes is pressing the back button and going "oh hey they have a few supports, I should make sure they don't hack my base turrets" and then easily stopping them. This only works if nobody fights the supports.
  11. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    Let's get this straight. All the characters on one team are spending no money, so they can build laserblasers. I doubt they'd have time to get them above level 2. How long precisely do you think that lasts against airstrikes and a grenade launcher - and at what point is a level 1 or 2 laserblaser enough to take down an overhealed pro?

    Of coruse then in your fantasy, an assassin is going to 'smokebomb' the group - even though their smokebomb is probably unupgraded - and grapple one - even though they are all overhealed and they wouldn't die! You've got a gunner 'pancaking' them - well at best he'll get one, which he wouldn't get close to killing, and then he'll get destroyed by the shotguns. The assault is charging and bombing - which again, is highly unlikely to kill one - and then the support will airstrike them - except that wouldn't kill them either, because they are overhealed.

    The sniper is then going to have the time whilst dodging shotguns, firebase bullets, hurt rays, airstrikes, and whatever the assault fires at him, to snipe the hackers - and he HAS to headshot them. So he HAS to be in a position where he CAN see their heads...

    If you are coordinated, you can definitely do a better job at trying to mitigate the attack than their opponents did, no doubt. You might do a lot better - but that is assuming that you actually predict they are doing this before the game and RADICALLY change your strategy to deal with it.

    When 4 supports and 1 assaults can require you to come up with an elaborate plan requiring total coordination and prior knowledge of what the opponent will do to even have a hope of stopping it is proof that there is a large problem - and it's ALL caused by the support.

    The fact is that EVERY character there was overhealed. This plan you have is probably not one which would succeed but EVEN if it did, even if you managed to hold of this crap - it would not change how DUMB it is that a 4support1assault tactic can require this.
  12. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    The bolded part is the problem.

    If your team spams Support, you increase your chances of winning the game.

    Spam Assassins? You lose.

    Spam Snipers? You lose.

    Spam Tanks? You lose.

    The problem is that Supports are almost necessary to win in this game AND the more you have the better your team gets. It a class problem and they need to be looked at and brought more in line with the rest of the classes.
  13. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    The guys in that video are people I play with, I just didn't happen to be there that game (best time in a game I'm playing was 1:27). I know from firsthand experience that the support rush only works if the other team ignores you or is grossly incompetent. The support has NO long range ability, their firebases will all be level 1 and unhacked (if they even lay them down in time) because the Supports saved their hacks for your rock-it turrets, and supports are slow in getting to your base in the first place so your team should know where they are if your eyes are open.

    And yes, I am suggesting that if you press the back button and see a few supports on their team, you should definitely build some laser blazer turrets. Just one on each side and a pro or 2 is enough to make this entire plan not work.

    Try it yourself, you'll see how easy it is to get shut down.
  14. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I don't know man... They were ALL overhealed. FOUR Supports, all overhealed, still able to delpoy their firebases, and actively healing each other sound fairly invincible.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    The only one that's invincible is the one being healed by several of the others, and even he can be headshot from a sniper standing comfortable out of shotgun range on the spawn platform really, really easily for a kill. Or he can be charged, slammed, or grappled to interrupt his hack. The others are regular Supports wearing the Support's cardboard armor with an overheal and will die if you shoot them a bit.

    Some of you that are in an uproar over this video of 5 coordinated players versus 3 randoms (one of which was a freaking level 0) need to try this yourself against an even team. You won't succeed very often.
  16. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    You're all missing the point.

    NO class should be able to rush like that and succeed. Ever.

    And out of all the classes, it really shouldn't be a rush of support players that win the most often.

    I'll re-state what so many reasonable people have been saying: If you don't see the problem with the support class, you're either trying to defend your overpowered tactic, or you're willfully ignorant of the problem.
  17. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    You know what would be an acceptable nerf to fix this entire tactic? Make it so the hacked turrets can't knock out the moneyball's shields. Suddenly, poof! There goes the factor that makes this tactic win in <90 seconds. After that, the full team of supports playing against uncoordinated randoms might take upwards of 2 minutes to win! Just like full teams of any other class.

    The group I play with, the guys who made that video showing them winning with 4 supports/1 asssault in 1:18, regularly beat teams of randoms in under 3 minutes. We've done this playing with all snipers, all assassins, and playing as whatever we want. The problem is not with the support, the problem is with such unfairly matched teams playing each other. The support is only unique in that you don't have to wait for your team's bots to arrive.
  18. BeastGraphix

    BeastGraphix New Member

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    Best counter ive found is a sniper using Flak + Rifle.

    Throw up the flack and shoot the firebase, Support has to move off or die. And the duration of the flak(fully upgraded) + Sniper rifle fire gets the job done quick.

    I think the most overpowered support function are those damned bots they spawn. No one thinks they are priority and we all know that most people aren't team players.
  19. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    Oh so they're your friends - lol - that explains a lot more. The point is that even if you do fail to take them out like that - you should lose EVERYTIME with a team as unbalanced as that, unless the team against you are completely, completely inept.

    A coordinated team should not be able to go in and IMMEDIATELY wipe out another team with a stupid tactic. The only pro spam which should have any hope of working is assault spam, as at least they are all rounder characters by design. It doesn't really matter that the opposition team wasn't coordinated - it's terribly stupid for new players to go in and be met by exploitative play and abusing overpowered classes to that degree. I hope none of them were on trials as frankly I'm sure that would put them off buying.

    You have to remember, that you're managing this within the first days of the release. People will get better at it, better at cheating it, better at exploiting it and the problem will worsen.

    If this game is balanced well, a team should have no more than two of any class, and preferably no more than one of most classes. This game is about variety, and I'm afraid, what that video shows is blatant exploiting, and it's pretty disgusting. It is however fantastic evidence to show that there is a clear problem with the support which is patently obvious even before this video surfaced.
  20. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    Stopped reading there. The teams that lose to this are completely, completely inept. We'd have won in under 3 minutes with any other class combination.

    MNC has no matching of skill, so matches like this happen all the time when you roll with a party.

    edit: ok I read the rest of your post:

    There's a wonderful little thing in the lifespan of every competitive game where new strategies are found, counter strategies are found for those strategies, and the metagame gets deeper and deeper or reaches a plateau and the game dies. You say people will get better at support rushing, I say people will get better at fighting back against it. You're just being pessimistic and defeatist and asking the devs to make the game easier for you, I'm expecting people better than you to start fighting back and make the game harder for me.

    That's called competition.

    Again, unfairly matched teams. There's a skill gap where teams of random inexperienced players don't stand a chance against good parties no matter the class combination. That isn't a balance issue, that's a matchmaking issue.

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