Players being able to shoot moneyball down without bots

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by michael, August 14, 2010.

  1. michael

    michael New Member

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    Some people that i've been playing with will go to the other teams base, get to the high ground above the moneyball and just constantly shoot at it until the shields go down. This causes them to be able to win almost every round in around 3 minutes.

    I don't really think it's that overpowered or anything, I just think that it takes away from what the game is all about: pushing your bots up to the enemy base. Being able to find a good spot and just constantly shooting the moneyball till you win just takes away from that. Also I don't think it makes sense that the pit girl tells you to not shoot at the shields when the shields are able to be shot down (although it takes a while). I don't know if this is a glitch or on by design but either way I wanted to know if you guys think about it and if it's a glitch for it to be fixed. ;)
  2. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Are you absolutely sure that there weren't any bots around when said players attacked and damaged the ball? I'm almost wondering if you just didn't see a bot kill the shields, I think some of them have ranged attacks that could have gone unoticed.
  3. ArkInBlack

    ArkInBlack New Member

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    Like the Jackbot's. I hardly notice the projectiles the Jackbot's shoot. Unless, of course, they're shooting me.
  4. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    How did you not stop an entire team from rushing the spawn?

    Geez dude, moneyball-rushers are sitting ducks.
  5. Aeldur

    Aeldur New Member

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    It's not always that easy to stop an entire team, especially if you're the only one who's actually defending the base.
    I play Support, so I know the feeling :p
  6. ptcMalice

    ptcMalice New Member

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    Honestly, if you don't notice the pro sitting on top of your spawn, chipping away at your moneyball, you deserve to lose.
  7. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I agree on that but it is a bit lame if someone can drop the shields without bots, i've never seen it happen but if it is possible what's to stop 6 players or tanks bumrushing to the enemy moneyball and pwning it?
  8. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    It is possible to drop down the moneyball shields without bots. A Juiced up gunner can empty his minigun into it and normally that is enough for the shields to drop. And yes, I have been on teams that do this and we do win in under 5 mins, before even the jackbots come out.

    I must say, it is a bit unfair, sort of takes the fun out of the victory. I thought only the bots could take down the moneyball shields, but that is not the case.

    Is this a bug? Maybe.
  9. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Not gonna lie, if the moneyball can be taken down without bots, I am gonna be pretty upset.

    I thought escorting your bots into the base was one of the most basic tenents of the game. If you don't have to worry about your bots, why not just go jump the enemy base?

    I mean, if I am sure no bots have made it past me or the other lane, I shouldn't have to go check on my base because a juiced gunner snuck in. That would go against the basic strategy and gamplay of lane control and bot pushing.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  10. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Can we get a dev ruling on this?

    Is taking down the moneyball's shields without bots by design? Or is a bug?
  11. Turnip

    Turnip New Member

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    I think that with juice, you should be able to take down shield 1 (If you notice, it only takes 2 bots to drop the shields.) with enough damage (Lots), but shield 2 should be a requirement for bots.
  12. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    but i dont think the shields are damage based...
  13. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I had a chance to test this today on ammo mule arena, was a tank and had juice so I gave it a try, just by mounting, juicing and using my jet gun I was only a few seconds away from dropping the ball by the time the juice ran out, if I was using a faster firerate endorsement that ball would have been down before I died.

    I think it's lame and it needs to go, make it so bots only can drop the shields like we all first thought. If two juiced tanks were to charge in the game would more or less be over.
  14. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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  15. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    Design. The moneyball has a shield. It's taken down when inflicted with damage. From anything/anyone.
  16. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    From Twitter:

    ObiFett: @Uberent Bots not needed to drop moneyball? (Also, Support pretty powerful...)

    Uberent: @ObiFett The bots jumped on the Moneyball before it went down.

    ObiFett: Oh, totally missed that! Sorry. Btw, there are reports that people are bringing the MB down without bots, just a heads up. ;)

    Uberent: Yeah, would love to see it

    So maybe its not possible to bring down the moneyball without bots?
  17. ROWAN1551

    ROWAN1551 New Member

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    I thought you did need bots to bring down the shields, If you dont it should be changed so you do because thats what makes crossfire great, Having to push your bots up the field!
  18. Doma0997

    Doma0997 New Member

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    Yes, you can shoot down the moneyball without bots, just tried it actually. Make a private match and play by yourself. Don't touch any bots on the way, deploy inside their base, and it takes a little over a clip. While this may be hard to set up in a real game, it just shows that it can actually be done.

    Edit: Did this with a custom Gunner. Gold rate of fire, and an ammo increase as well.
  19. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    By now we know it's possible.

    I think, honestly, that if it's by design, that it's a very stupid design decision. The whole point of MNC is to get the bots to the other base, and take down the Moneyball. But apparently, if you can just shut down their turrets and get in there, you can take it down with players. This negates the need to escort bots at all, essentially making them useless.

    This should be changed, if it's by design. Bots only for Moneyball!
  20. ACometAppears

    ACometAppears New Member

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    I can confirm i took an Assault with Gold fire rate, fired directly at the enemy moneyball with my grenades and took it down in around 10 seconds, no bots were present and this happened several times.

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