The most important thing to fix in the first patch.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Time Glitch, August 14, 2010.

  1. BaconMcShig

    BaconMcShig New Member

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    OP is way overboard, but I do agree he's a tad overpowered. I only really think he needs 2 changes to bring him to parity:

    1. Dial down the heal/sap ray rate a little bit: As a general rule of scale I'd say ~1 full clip of a Tank's railgun should be enough to destroy a Support turret being healed. As it is now, the support will heal or sap the damage as fast as it's given in many instances, and by the time you reload the next clip the thing they're healing will have full health/more health than when you started shooting to begin with.

    Alternatively, you could make the ray simply require reloads intermittently instead of being infinite.

    2. Only allow 1 airstrike marker to be thrown at a time. They're already a 1-hit kill if anyone's in the radius; That is the upper echelon of damage that should be allowed by anything. Anything more is obscene.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  2. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    My point is being brought out in all the posts so far.

    Everyone talks about how you can beat a Support character...My whole point is that if the "Support" character is really supposed to be SUPPORTING, he shouldn't HAVE strategies of how to win over him! He shouldn't be an attack class. He shouldn't HAVE to be beaten.

    Support means supporting the team, not being his own little god-strategy that you have to watch out for. So regardless if you can break his firebase-camp, or team-kill him while he's draining health...None of those should even be an obstacle you have to deal with. His Firebase should be an AID to the team, not a standalone threat. The Air-Strike should be a last-resort, not a first attack. The heal/hurt gun should be something to finish of an enemy, not a direct attack weapon.

    As of right now, the Support is his own combat class, and it's a damn good one. But that isn't the ROLE of a support character. He needs to be knocked down a few pegs to be put back into that role.
  3. Schizoid

    Schizoid New Member

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    Completely agree with the OP, my best game with support was 32 kills, 15 assists and 0 deaths as a support. All I did was sit outside the enemy base with my turret healing it and there was absolutely nothing they could do and these guys were in rank 20/30s so they obviously had played a while.

    I just had a game against 3 people who were support and our team just got trapped in the spawn the entire time, I played assault and I could not do anything to take down their turrets, every time I hit them with grenade launcher rounds they just instantly healed it back up. If I threw my bomb at it, barely a scratch. We tried to push on the offence, the turrets pushed us back, we sat on the defensive and they placed their turrets outside our spawn, then started hacking our turrets!

    Not fun. They have definitely given the support way too many options, being able to over heal, set up turrets, call in airstrikes, drain health and they get juice in about 30 seconds to a minute by healing team mates. Completely unbalanced and not fun to fight.
  4. SYN Reaper55729

    SYN Reaper55729 New Member

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    Best offensive is a good defense.
  5. TangerineMoney

    TangerineMoney New Member

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  6. Acosta02

    Acosta02 New Member

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    But your point is way off the mark. Just because he has the support abilities doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to fight. It's pretty clear that Uber wanted the support to be just as good offensively as any other class, but in his own unique way. You say he shouldn't be a combat class, but why? Everybody else in the game has multiple ways of assaulting an enemy base, why shouldn't the Support? Because of your ideas of what the game should and shouldn't be, I guess.

    That said, I do (like I posted earlier) think that he may be a bit TOO strong.
  7. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    Why shouldn't he have combat abilities?

    Because of this.

    Tell me that isn't DISGUSTINGLY overpowered.
  8. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    There is no reason for him to not have combat abilities - they just need to be a last resort. He is a support character. Therefore he should not be in the thick of it at all, and he should avoid combat where possible. If he needs to, he can, but he should be at a disadvantage to all other characters in that situation.
  9. Tigerfox 360

    Tigerfox 360 New Member

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    the only gripe i have about the support class is the range of their hurt gun, far too long sometimes in my opinion.
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    So if they changed the name to Engineer you'd be perfectly fine with the class? Somehow I doubt it.

    And all that video proves is if the other team uses multiple Supports, you damn well better built turrets and defend your base. They walked in unopposed and hacked the turrets. That tactic is so obscenely easy to counter that I can't even be bothered to lay it out for you.
  11. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    Bah. ******* whiners already, if you fail at gaming, face it.

    Support is PERFECTLY fine as it is. the ONLY thing i wouldn't allow him to do is hack other bases turrets, just that. And maybe reduce the distance of the red beam.

    He has a spit of life, he dies in about half clip of an Assault, 1 front grapple +1hit from assassin, 1 grapple from the sniper, about 2 secs of jet engine and not to mention the RICICULOUS damage of the gunner with his minigun to him, you usually die before you even notice what happened at mid-long, not even close, range.

    His firebase is strong but it's VERY fragile. one airstrike can blow it up EVEN with a full overheal. about 3-4 granades from the assault demolishes it. a granade form the tank and then some second of jet engine make it completely worthless.

    The that thing is SO EASY to evade that i ******* LAUGH every time i hit mutliple people with it unless i use it in an intelligent way. And LOL don't whine if he sticks it onto you, if THAT happened you either where too slow to kill him before he got in range or he did that from behind, which will sign his own death too. If you get sticked either way TAKE ******* COVER. you have about 3 and half second to do it, considering how the arenas are tought you ALWAYS have viable hiding spot.

    The shotgun...LOLOLOLOL. If you die from this you're just an idiot. it has an icredibly awfull rate of fire, if it miss you'll likely die and it takes two FULL shots to kill someone, it's good only to defend yourself from idiotic assassins. If you die against a support that wields the shotgun, learn to play. seriously. LOL even assassins could evade it easily, EVERY CLASS CAN EVADE IT EASILY.

    The MAIN way a support can kill it's by outsmarting people. Placing thefirebase in good spots, healing at the right moment and evading your hits, luring you into his firebase/airstrike. If you die against a support, you've just been outsmarted. Face it, whiners.
  12. GrandHarrier

    GrandHarrier New Member

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    Did you miss the part where the match was 5v3 in their favor? Do that with anything and the match will be the same.
  13. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    I'm not going to bother responding to DevilAir, he's obviously just trollin'.

    But the point of the video was not how many people there were, or any of that rot. It was the sheer speed and destructive nature of the rush. Even a fully manned team couldn't have defended against that.
  14. SYN Reaper55729

    SYN Reaper55729 New Member

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    Any good team can rush with any classes and win in 2 minutes.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    Exactly. The support is only unique in that hacking the turrets means you don't have to wait for bots.
  16. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    When I play sniper on that map I ice mine the enterances at first to stop assassins, that would have at least slowed down that rush, plus they were 2 men down who could have been helpful but at the same time too many people just run off to get kills instead of thinking about the match, it's why the base was left open like that.

    Not agreeing to any side here, just saying.
  17. Kitsu-Kun

    Kitsu-Kun New Member

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    Asking for sweeping class changes in the first week? Jesus, learn to play first. I cant believe people are still having trouble taking out firestations.

    I beg of you, developers, do not listen to most of these people. Games are fun when all of the players/characters can do powerful things. Thats why your game is amazing. Nerfing anything is a bad idea. Buff anything thats weak instead. Keep it fun or people will leave.
  18. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    The support class is fine. Keep in mind that the support is only good for close range with its shotty and hurt gun, yes it does have air strikes but they can be easily dodged. The easiest way to counter a support is from mid-long range. Mortar their turrets then push them, Snipe them or just play support against them, airstrike their turret then push them its not hard you just have to play smart.
  19. Skydog

    Skydog New Member

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    That first video is not OP, it's teamwork. I'm friends with all of those guys and we do that when were bored, had a 1:27 with them one time.
  20. Deten

    Deten New Member

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    I'm glad to see the fastest game made it into this thread(Check video at bottom or original post). We should have gotten it in under a minute but we choked. :cry:

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