The Assassin's lunge-grapple exploit.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Delacroix, February 20, 2011.

  1. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    I hate getting grappled out of charge.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Being grappled as you charge is intended, although it is fairly hard to time right.
  3. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Truth flies from this dude's fingers. :lol:
  4. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    Because getting grappled straight out of cloak with no way to counter it is fair? Oh, and let me save you a paragraph, unless you happen to be jumping prior, there is no way you are going to react that quickly. It's not even possible for athletes.
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    A lot of people haven't had much reason to gripe about before the recent patch bugged things up
    Before, if an assassin lunged then grappled, it was a facegrapple, now with the new lag screwyness that lungegrapple ends up finishing with a backgrapple
  6. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Allow me to be the first one to directly insult the intelligence of anyone who feels the Assassin needs a nerf.

    Now, for the PC version, and PC only, there should be a type of cool down considered between the two.

    When the Gunner/Tank/Assault can literally fly across the map unreachable by Assassins for most of the game, a lunge grapple isn't even a possibility. A Sniper needs only USE his skills. The only one that isn't a complete and total threat to the Assassin is the Flak, and that's just comparatively. So, the only classes that are actually Lung-Grapple-able are the Support and the Assassin. The Support, unless he's a cocky idiot who deserves to die, will be surrounded by Turrents or teammates. If he get's Lunge-Grappled, then, oh well. Sucks to be him. So, the Assassin. Just be better than the other person. If you're not, you'll lose no matter what. So, no b*tching allowed.

    And, let's say there was a cool down implemented. What would happen after you're lunged? Sit there and take it? No. You'd bunny hop like the Easter Bunny on crack. So, just deny that only way an Assassin can intentionally and successfully close the gap for a successful grapple when someone leaves themselves open. Brilliant. Truly genius at work here.

    I really don't know what it is with the PC community. I understand they're getting introduced to the game and all, but it's almost like watching the 360 boards all over again. Nerf this, nerf that. But, then again, no one EVER declared the Assassin's Sprint overpowered in the 360 community.
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I have played mostly Assassin recently but I have played almost all other classes extensively before. I see a problem with grappling in general after the last patch. Everything can happen pretty much. Uber said they found the bug and fixed it. So let's look at other aspects.

    Fact is if you nerf lunge in any significant way it will hurt the Assassin badly, maybe to a point where she becomes worthless. Tying lunge to the same cooldown as dash will only slow the Assassin down and make playing her annoying as hell. If the Assassin can't lunge and grapple in one swift move anymore it will be next to impossible to get a kill on any experienced player.

    I would suggest that every player in this thread who has complained about lunge-grapple tries to play Assassin for a couple of matches. Play one match against experienced players without using lunge-grapple. Then come back and tell me how that worked out for you.

    Don't theorize, test it yourself.
  8. PH4T3

    PH4T3 New Member

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    I am sure this is part of this bug, but on various instances, I have fallen outside of the ring, and yet still grappled someone on the way down. I mean, I am flying out and then they get sucked to my location for a grapple. If I am going down, you are going with me sort of style. Although with a sniper, I often knock them back in after this, but still pretty funny.
  9. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    The only bug with assassins is the annoying air grapple due to the network changes uber made.

    To solve this problem:
    if you bunnyhop 100% of the time, you are a pain in the *** to kill as an assassin 100% of the time.
  10. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    That is a separate thing. An actual bug. One that needs fixing.
  11. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Actually there is a max range for seeing stealthed assassins written into the skill itself


    It varies based on how much they are moving around but the basic breakdown is that unless they have been damaged you cannot see a stealthed assassin past around 3000range (for comparison sake that is about twice the range of the Support's shotgun)
  12. Delacroix

    Delacroix New Member

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    If lunge-backstab grappling from the front and animation canceling is intended (confirmation from a dev would be nice), then by all means close this thread. Resolving the issue (if it is indeed one) is just one part of the problem.

    Keeping the assassin viable while doing is the second half. If it can't be accomplished then it's probably easier to remove myself from play and pretend it never existed. Just need to apply that to cancer next...
  13. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I honestly don't think it's intended. Similar to wall walking, breaking out of an Ice Trap with F.L.Y., and using the Tank's charge to fly across the map.

    But, the problem is, it's one of the few, if not only, ways for the Assassin to intentionally get the jump on someone. The only two options are for those who are annoyed to get used to it, or for a change to be implemented and the Assassin's get used to it.

    Out of the two, the former is heavily favored, because it's by no means gamebreaking. Annoying, but nothing that deserves a workaround.

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