Highlight Reel

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by PH4T3, March 7, 2011.


Should there be a highlights reel?

  1. Yes!

    9 vote(s)
  2. No!

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't care

    0 vote(s)
  1. PH4T3

    PH4T3 New Member

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    Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but the thought about something like this would add much scope to the game.

    It would be interesting if there was a highlight reel of the match that recaps some of the great plays during the match. Granted I am sure server overhead would grow a bit and lengthen the time in between matches. However, being able to see some of your really great plays that made the difference in the match highlighted on a closing recap video of sorts would be fun. You could perhaps make an option to not have this on your server so that the matches play perhaps. But if this is really a game show / sports event, it should be given that treatment.
  2. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    It's a cool idea, but "good plays" are kind of vague. A sort of final play cam would be interesting, to follow the player or bot who finished off the moneyball back for ten seconds or something similar.
  3. PH4T3

    PH4T3 New Member

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    The criteria of what the highlight real might include would be up to Uber I am sure. However, there could be thresholds, such as when the annihilator is use, or a multi kill, juice streak, or some sort of behavior that leads to a change in the stream of bots perhaps. And even the final "photo finish" plays might not be bad. I could be as short as 15 secs, or perhaps a good review would take 30 secs to a minute. Have the announcer say a few things about the plays or what not. If something like this was done, I think the newer players might work harder to win, instead of just getting a high K/D ratio, or ignoring bots all together.
  4. corducken

    corducken Member

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    It could just log an impressive number of bot kills followed by information and other stuff shortly after (like did the enemy shields go down shortly afterwards, if they were they eliminated from the team's base, etc), short term kill streaks, cash earned in a small amount of time, most impressive juice runs (i.e. most cash earned excluding streak money), and accomplishments of spawned bots

    For example, things that could be shown in a highlight reel

    - X person spawned a bunch of gapshots/bouncers, they eliminated a bunch of turrets/pros
    - Y person destroyed a bunch of bots in the base, saving the team and turning the match around (assuming Y person's team won)
    - Z person attempted to juice, but was quickly snuffed out by X person with a head crab bomb/ring out
    - X person juiced back and eliminated the entire enemy team

    All it would need is a couple seconds of footage for each event to show it off, and they could simply be referred to as their class or team name in a sort of mad libs fashion like "A [hotshot]'s member not only took out [two icemen] including [their top scoring player], but decided to add insult to injury by [destroying their level 3 longshot turret]"

    Or, hell, just a little description of the carnage going on in the clip in text while it's going on would be fine. The clips would probably have to have to be a little longer and have a bit of intro to them so people can read the text but it means not having to pay a VA. :?

    EDIT: Also, I'd really like the idea of a "Juice of the Match" segment sponsored by Spunky Cola where it shows off who pulled off the best juice that match, assuming more than a couple people juiced at all. How it calculates what is "the best" would be convoluted and all, but pretty snazzy.

    Also, for shorter matches that are curbstomp style I'd recommend there being absolutely no highlights at all for them because there really no point to it at all.
  5. PH4T3

    PH4T3 New Member

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    Indeed, this sounds good. I am not asking for a few recap of the game, but I wouldn't mind seeing a longer one. But even a simple few seconds highlight of some of various plays like have been mentioned in this post, would be exceptional.

    I mean the Sniper says something like "If this wasn't the Laser Razor Highlight play of the night I don't know what is" or other various mentions to a non existing highlight reel. More feedback is required so the devs know this is a serious bonus feature that would jetpack this game further above the rest.
  6. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    We don't have a way of playing back recordings of matches in a multiplayer setting. We explored something like this early in development and were forced to abandon it as it simply wasn't plausible with the time frame and budget we had. It would require fairly significant rewrites of major systems. Halo, Call of Duty, and Team Fortress 2 were all designed from the ground up with this in mind, the Unreal Engine as a whole was not.
  7. corducken

    corducken Member

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    That's disappointing. :(

    Oh, well.
  8. PH4T3

    PH4T3 New Member

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    That is unfortunate indeed :(

    Is it a possible way future addition? Or are we going to need to wait until MNC 2 hehe.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    My guess is you'll have to wait until they make their own engine or use one that is capable?
  10. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    yeah was a nice idea but i am not surprised by uber's response. these things are always way more complex than most gamers appreciate.
  11. PH4T3

    PH4T3 New Member

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    I do understand how "epic" it would be to undertake something like this. However, it doesn't need to be video capture, it can be point reconstruction, similar to how they didn't think you could have graphics like we do today. But once we were capable of rendering on the fly, anything was possible. That being said, you could just grab the data and have each pc render the replay on their own.

    But like was mentioned, if they didn't have variables set up in the first place to gather such data as "interesting play combos" or what not, then it would take so much work backtracking on this it would get expensive time wise. I wish they would have left the groundwork in place to work on this feature instead of cutting it out from the get go. But then again, for $15, its one of the best games I have played in that value range, period.

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