So, I've played sniper enough to get a general feel for how fast he can get juice and my impression is that his fastest juice gain comes from the explosive rounds in groups of bots. The other day, however, I played a sniper who juiced significantly more frequently and faster than I thought a sniper could. He chained a good 6 juices pretty much back to back. The first 3 I can understand (we had lost map control) but the last 3 really left me for a loop. Is there a sniper juice gain trick I am missing?
Yeah, the thing is the timing on these seemed faster than the recharge on the juice machines would support. Perhaps my sense of time was just off.
as of now, juice machines are timed perfectly so that you can buy a juice, use it, buy the OTHER juice, and by the time you are done with that one, the first pad is done recharging.
Be comforted by the fact that any sniper who buys juice other than to deny it for the enemy team is awful and should be ridiculed as such.
This is wrong by the way, as long as the times on the Xbox aren't different than on the PC. You have to wait after your second time because it's still on cooldown.
The first 3 juices probably gave enough money to buy. Were your money ball shields down? Flak grenade does work On it
I have a feeling this is targeted at me the last time I was playing. I was against you and juiced 20+ times that game :roll:
Yes it was, well played. I really didn't expect you to be able to buy juice that quickly with the cooldowns, but apparently I am just a n00b.
Which is why, if you have the extra $$$, you should buy the other juice machine. Sure it may be a waste but you can probably get people off your moneyball, push some bots, and you keep the enemy from juicing up that second time (Not to mention the extra time he/she just took running back to that juice machine only to find a big red circle waiting for him)