Gunner "hop" bug kills me yet again on Steel Peel.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by PizzaBoy, March 4, 2011.

  1. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    Every time it happens, it goes like this:

    Ooh, Lazer Fun Ball is up, and I'm standing in the center!
    *check jets, they are full*
    Ok, here we go!
    *jumps to the Annihilator platform*
    *jets don't turn on*
    *falls to death*

    Here's how it goes on Lazor Razor:

    They have Firebases in bottom mid, I'll buy juice and take them out!
    *check jets, they are full*
    Ok, here we go!
    *jumps to the juice platform*
    *jets don't turn on*
    *falls into Firebase nest*

    I'd say this happens about once every 10 games. It also happens to my friend who plays with me, also as Gunner, also about every 10 games or so.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    That happens to me about 10 times PER game.

    Not the dying necessarily, but getting a jump with no jets.
  3. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    Lost a game today because I was going in to juice the ball, hop glitched and fell, and couldn't get up before the ball went back up, then lost later in over time.

    Would have won if the hop glitch hadn't happened.

    Also, spawned without ammo in either gun today, for about the 5th time ever. Nice. Had to sit back and reload everything before going out.
  4. corducken

    corducken Member

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    I love being assault, getting launched by my bomb, and then having my fly empty out like it's level 1 at level 3, causing me to fall to my doom during a jump.

    Almost as annoying. It happens more often when I'm trying to fly around snipers and their traps to give them a hug with the grenade launcher.
  5. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    This is an attempt to prevent certain glitches, if you reach over a certain height your jetpack is drained nearly instantly.
  6. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    Just wanted to bump and say during a game yesterday, I got the hop bug four times in a row, one jump immediately after another.

    There wasn't any lag, as I was getting shot at perfectly fine the whole time.

    Oh, and I got the "spawn without ammo" bug several times over the free weekend.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Could it be a case of you having a better connection then the rest?

    I mean since you have posted this thread there have been very little with the same issue. I am wondering if there is some sort of problem or error on your end? Although this problem does very rarely occur on the 360 version as well.
  8. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    My friend who also mains gunner lives close to me. Not on the same cable, but still the same provider (his net can be down while mine is up etc). He often tells me when the hop happens, it's frequent enough that one of us just has to say "f*ing hop" and we know what happened.

    We look for good ping servers, and the hops never seem to be tied to lag. They happen frequently enough that we notice it at least twice per day (10 to 15 quick games is a typical session for us). It has happened while jets are maxed or halfway. I've had to learn to jump some points (steel peel annihilator) in a certain way so that I won't die if the hop happens.

    I should also point out that we both play with gold speed, and both frequently jump on to railings, then leap up to get on top of walls and fight from there. Our play style means we jump around a lot more that a normal gunner, so it may explain why we get this hop more often than others. A note about being near the map ceiling: the hop occurs at any height, at normal play areas or on top of a wall. Jets do not deplete when the hop occurs, because the hop is our jets failing to turn on.

    As for spawning with no ammo in either gun, this happens about once every 30 games and we have no idea what triggers it.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I also play with gold speed and jump a lot. I get the "hop" frequently, exactly the same as PizzaBoy describes it. The jets just never fire at all when it happens.

    I have basically no connection issues, I play exclusively on low ping servers (around 50ms), and I get a constant 90fps framerate (limited down from an average of 150 or so)

    It's a real pain in the *** and gets me a lot of deaths that I don't deserve by falling into pits, freeze traps, grapples, charges, slams, etc...

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