Uber: Loving the game!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by IvanDashSmith, August 14, 2010.

  1. IvanDashSmith

    IvanDashSmith New Member

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    Hey Everyone at Uber,

    You did an amazing job on this game. I downloaded the demo and was very impressed by the smooth framerate and crisp visuals, and my wife liked the fact that the controls were as tight as a FPS. Once we saw there was "bot" combat, we were sold. I think that was an incredibly smart move for the longevity of the game. I am going to try and get everyone at work to get a copy as well.

    I hope the game is a huge success for you guys. Looking forward to what comes next, but for now I am going to go kill some bots! :D
  2. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    Too bad the overpowered Support class is currently ruining the game.

    It's really exceptional outside of that one, glaring flaw.
  3. sn0wy0bject

    sn0wy0bject New Member

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    not overpowered. you just cant combat him right.

    on topic.

    yeah i agree. this is the only game ive played for 3 days straight. .-.
  4. ev_baw

    ev_baw New Member

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    I also agree. I have no problems dealing with Supports.

    Everyone at Uber should be patting themselves on the back. This is one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played, even when I get completely destroyed. A tremendous breath of fresh air when matched up with all the other crappity crap games that have been thrown in my face. :D
  5. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Thanks a lot! We really appreciate this kind of feedback. The team really worked hard on this game :!:
  6. XFire_Team_Leader

    XFire_Team_Leader New Member

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    As already stated, great work! I went to school for Game Design at the University of Advancing Technology and it was the best experience I have ever hadm other than getting married of course :lol: . This is a studio that I would now put on the list as a final destination studio. I am so impressed that not only did you create a game that isn't focused on being competitive, but you are stealing players away from those competitive games. That is when you know it have done it right.

    As for feedback, MNC has been out for only a few days and is just consuming the player base from other games. So, you are always going to get your overpowered comments. Some classes are very strong, in the hands of a good player people! Players forget that even though they may get trample by one Suppot that they next encounter may leave you saying " sheesh, what a moron." Case in point, Uber, don't get distracted by ALL the feedback fans leave.

    I do, however, feel that when it comes time for an update that Private Matches should be addressed.

    Thank You & Much Love,

    PFC Ruggley

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