Shotgun Support

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Xx Tikki xX, March 5, 2011.

  1. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i've been thinking about trying out a shotgun based support build, firebase will be more of a distraction rather then a tool if doing this just throw it down (hack is sometimes but not everytime) and then use it to kill some bots while you go and shotgun some people, RoF gold, armor silver, but for bronze what would be a good idea? passive and airstrike off the spawn.

    obviously this is a much more solo support style where your not really looking to build up turrets and stuff since you will be out and about, over heal players when your not fighting people and are running away this build is just a fun build for when im getting bored and want to mess around. oh i forgot to add, jet ski trolling people as much as possible as well, obviously.
  2. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    When soloing as support I find air strikes to be EXTREMELY important. The shotgun does ridiculous damage per shot. 1 or 2 shots will frag most pros, and I find the normal rate of fire to be more than sufficient if you get the drop on them. Air strikes get you out of those sticky situations that soloing gets you into, as well as being the ultimate anti-support weapon. GZ's are also super easy once you get good with them. Another perk with skill is that you can get your disposable firebases up faster.

    I prefer this for soloing:
    Gold Skill
    Silver Armor
    Bronze RoF/Regen

    If RoF is going in gold I recommend skill or(possibly) regen.

    In the end, it's a fun build so whatever is fun is best.
  3. DarioLikex3

    DarioLikex3 New Member

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    why not: Gold Speed, Silver Critical shot, Bronze Rate of fire? i think it's great fun to chase people down to their base :lol:
  4. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    just an FYI, the shotgun does 15x29 damage per shot.

    Up close, that's a total of 405 damage (support without armor has 400 hp).

    That is all. *goes back to hiding in a corner*
  5. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    I never have need for the shotgun.
  6. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Buddy of mine tried out gold accuracy silver rof and bronze armor and was doing pretty well. 26-4 or something.
  7. Drex

    Drex New Member

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    I personally found that accuracy really doesn't do much for the shotgun since the pellets just kinda "phase out" after a fairly short distance. The distance it DOES stay viable, it's mostly going to be a facefull of buckshot anyways so eh.

    What I've been using is Gold RoF, Silver Armor, and Bronze Skill. Since you're focusing on the shotgun however, I guess you could swap out the Bronze Skill for Bronze Running Speed perhaps just so you can chase your enemies down a bit better, but I still like being able to get the little regen for my airstrikes.

    your choice

    you're missing out on a lot of fun, mate
  8. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Please turn your attention to
    This is why people use the shotgun... and armor.

    I still think gold RoF is unnecessary for the shotgun. 405 dps is already ridiculous. If you get the drop on them it's more than enough. But whatever floats your boat.
  9. Drex

    Drex New Member

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    won't lie, been thinking about swapping in gold armor instead of gold RoF, but there are just moments where that one slight difference between shotgun bursts saves my *** against a tank or gunner with enough health to taunt about it later for the cash

    plus, supports last passive purchase does increase his health so it's a bit unnecessary. then again, having a fast firing powerhouse like the shotgun is also unnecessary, but fun :twisted:
  10. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I switched out gold RoF for skill regen. Air strikes are a must when powerhousing as a support. Enemy firebases are just too obnoxious. An overabundance of 1HKO wide AOE is never a bad thing . It also herds people tremendously, making the shotgun work all the easier. :cool:
  11. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Accuracy has no affect on the spread of the shotgun, any performance is just placebo.
  12. Drex

    Drex New Member

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    i'd been wondering about using Gold Skill Regen for a while now. It makes me so sad thinking that the support has some of the slowest skill regen in the game. I mean come ON... I can understand since airstrikes are so wicked powerful and all, but yeesh, it still feels like forever compared to assaults and tanks :(

    will give it a go however.

    i wouldn't say that's completely incorrect. At the maximum range for the shotgun for the pellets to still hit, it's possible that maybe not all of them will hit. the accuracy just ensures that at the "maximum range" (and trust me, i use this term fairly loosely), all the pellets should hit.

    again, i still say gold accuracy for the shotgun is useless. at least RoF helps both weapons.
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    As to our current understanding the accuracy endorsement doesn't affect the factor that determines the accuracy of the shotgun spread, it only makes the reticle appear smaller thus it doesn't have any effect.
  14. Drex

    Drex New Member

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    really now? huh...the more i know!

    also i think i played against you yesterday

    you guys had like 5 gunners and a support on ammo mule

    that was the WORST TIME for me to try out my assassin build... :oops:
  15. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    Did everyone forget about my guide :/?


    Since you're using the turret as more of a distraction, incorporate elements from SOTSM (viewtopic.php?f=31&t=6617), namely the latter portion, and use it as more as a way to battle tanks.

    Don't use accuracy since, even if it would actually work, you'll miss more since you have less room for error, stick with the endorsements I have listed, and rely a ton on dropped speed upgrades from Pros and Bullseye and stuff. Ignore the portions of the guide you don't need and you're done. Easy.
  16. Drex

    Drex New Member

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    oh trust me, i've read your guides.

    love 'em by the way, bloody useful if you ask me (especially that goddamn hack dynamic camera zoom thing...)
  17. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Any good Support should be using the Shotgun 50% of the time. Healing would be the other 50%. Not using the Shotty is like a Gunner not using his Minigun and running around with the Mortar at all times.

    And when running around with a Support using bronze skill rec, you will almost always have an airstrike saved up. Eventually you will learn not to waste them. Gold Skill rec is not needed unless you are a base ridden Support hacking turrets.
  18. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Control is not a waste, and only having one air strike generally means an opponent getting away. I would rather have 2 saved up, and be guaranteed a kill, than only one and have to pray the opponent is to busy/oblivious to dodge it. GZ's are only reliable up to a certain range, a range that usually means a shotgun will work just fine instead(tanks/gunners being the exception).

    The shotgun is a 1-2 kill in most situations, gold RoF has never saved me where I couldn't have survived another .2 seconds. Tanks and the like should generally be GZ'd instead of shotgunned anyway. That's where the gold skill comes in.

    This is also a fun build. While I'm sure people will still heal with the HH gun while no enemies are near, maximizing the usefulness of the shotgun is the primary goal for this build.
  19. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Haven't tried this out yet, but I want to.

    I'll probably go Regen/Armor/Skill for this. Passive 2 on the support seems to up his health regen, so it ends up being pretty damn fast, like the tank's at passive 2.
  20. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    hmmm i might try that out tonight.

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