Hilarious and/or WTF moments in MNC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by killien, February 26, 2011.

  1. corducken

    corducken Member

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    Last night I got totally screwed by the new grapple bug and I got hit in the face by an SMG from a sniper after I tankpunched him out of the arena. Half my team sees this happen and through a mixture of carefully managing my remaining jetpack and using my charge I make it back safely ONLY because my tankpunch knocked him so high into the air.

    We made a big deal out of it.
  2. Darrus Dreadtiger

    Darrus Dreadtiger New Member

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    I once juiced in an act of desperation as support just as overtime started. An assault assaulted me and attacked me with a bomb just when the juice started. The bomb threw me into the air and, with pinpoint accuracy, on their lowered moneyball. I don't remember whether I made the game or just dealt considerable damage... but it worked! I think I made the game...
  3. Bernee

    Bernee New Member

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    I had just respawned as assault at steel peel arena and I heard Mikey say the anihilator was ready, took the jump pad next to the spawn to the outer ring and saw an enemy tank already on the center so I threw my bomb to the button to push him away so I could get it, but I was still really far and had to throw it high and it was taking a while to come down, the tank was already jetpacking to the button platform so I detonated my bomb in air, it hit him, push him down and ringed him out.

    I'm sure it really was a WTF moment for that tank
  4. G4-

    G4- New Member

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    As assault on Ammo Mule, I engaged with another assault down the right flank on the very outside of the arena. After a brief exchange, I headcrabbed him. After determining that there wasn't a teammate around to steal my kill, I waited to see if he'd run near a teammate so I could get a little extra something with my insta-kill.

    He must've known what I was doing, because after a couple of seconds, he just jumped over the edge of the arena. I detonated the bomb just in time to get the kill.
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Wish I had recorded what I did earlier on LazeRazor.
    Enemy Support on the right botlane and I couldn't get close to do much so I backed up, did a wild, high, half-blind throw over the catwalk towards the ejector.
    Took my best guess as to where he was and detonated. It proceeded to punt him and a few bots clear off the side

    He responded with "lol nice throw"
  6. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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  7. Wintermute

    Wintermute New Member

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    Another few things I can share with you guys.

    On AmmoMule (or Steel Peel), there was an Assault on the upper ring, harassing people. I had just respawned (was playing a Sniper that round,) I exited spawn, only just noticed him. He started his Charge, panicking, I shot at him, with my sniper rifle, unscoped.
    Next thing I know, I get a headshot, and his corpse flies at me.

    Another time on Steel Peel. I was on the Upper ring on the inside of the arena, I started to set my killzones up. I see an enemy Assassin jump up from their side exit, but s/he cloaked after landing. Fired off a shot at where I believed the head would be, and of course, a headshot. I literally lol'd at me Headshotting a Cloaked, Dashing Assassin. I taunted to rub salt in the wound (and get my extra reward) :D

    A few times playing Support on LazerRazer and Grenade3, I was able to catapult using an enemy Assault's Bomb to their moneyball when I had a juice ready. I thanked them in chat.
  8. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Fight a support (as assault) on Ammo Mule on the left side by the jump pads up to the ejector platforms. I start backing up a bit he manages to attach an air strike to me. I immediately make for the underside of the ejector platform, my charge ends at the same time that the air strike is about to connect and the charge ends with me just barely under some cover. I almost shat myself. I literally made it there with under a quarter of a second to spare.
  9. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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  10. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Gunner, died to a sniper, after respawn I randomly shot mortar across the map and got a double kill on the sniper and an assassin.

    Assault - Joined a really good assaults friend game to see him playing support, he was trying to get the 20 hhgun kill protag by farming juice and chasing people, so of course I was one of them. I jumped off an ejector bridge with about half health left, tossed a bomb, he jumped after me, it stuck him and I spammed by bomb button as fast as possible, it blew him up with my health bar showing no visible health (so i had just a sliver left). He kinda got mad about having to actually try for his protag when I came.

    Sniper - I was trying to headshot an assault from across grenade iii (keep in mind I'm not a great sniper, I run a high sensitivity mouse which is bad for sniping), missed, and headshotted a stealthed dashing assassin somewhere behind him, and the explosive shot killed a gunner that was unseen around a corner.

    Assassin - juiced on steel peel, killed a couple rockit 1s and a support, had juice left so chased around a couple players and lunged out. then I went to message a friend and noticed my latest achievement was all time great. That was back when the protag was bugged though, so I still don't have it. I had no idea it was even 6 people, it seemed so fast and easy.

    support - there were big people shooting at me so i just spammed airstrikes at them and all 3 stuck different people. two of them got under cover though :(

    Tank - Any incident involving railgun sniping people from across Grenade iii
  11. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I threw a bomb onto the ejector nearby the bridge on the enemy team's side in Spunky Cola while I was trying to fight a Sniper. Blew the bomb up, he flew all the way to the other side and landed next to OUR team's ejector and used it right before he died from burning damage.
  12. bigsby_major

    bigsby_major New Member

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    When your fighting someone and they keep backing away bunny-hopping till they jump off the map. That never gets old...

    Although when you do it yourself you feel like the biggest ***** ever!
  13. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Making a gunner collectively waste ~$300 on ejectors on his teams side of the map trying to kill me. I kept him out of the fight for quite some time, harassing him with lunges and blatant facestabs. I'd jump down after getting his attention and he'd immidiately run for the ejector. On Spunky.

    I'd smokebomb up behind him and kill him on the ejector button after he triggers it. Did that about 4 of those times. And of course, i'd smash all thier bots between episodes.

    Also, having a sin who isn't running armor blatantly facestab me then get counter-grappled and killed makes me laugh every damn time. Had one guy who did it about 6 times in one match. Never did kill me.

    And of course, moments where i switch into hardcore derp mode and do something blatantly stupid for no apparent reason, like follow behing an enemy sin who clearly has more speed, swinging my sword like a derp.
  14. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    An assassin with gold speed, silver juice, and bronze accuracy.

    I'm still trying to figure out the thought process on the accuracy.
  15. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Sniper rifle that shoots katanas.
  16. Darrus Dreadtiger

    Darrus Dreadtiger New Member

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    ...I believe I just witnessed the first Jackbot ring out ever.

    A jackbot got airgrappled, teleported over the edge and fell down when the grapple was finished. What the what?
  17. Timon

    Timon Member

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    Don't like to be a grammar nazi, but lol nice typo. :D
  18. G4-

    G4- New Member

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    I didn't see a ringout, but I did see an assassin grapple a Jackbot on GrenadeIII, and the jackbot ended up on top of the walkway above the moneyball. :shock:
  19. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    See a gunner, there's a gunner, top ring of Steel Peel, facing away from the side room jump pad, so I jump up via the pad to support the fellow who is in combat with him via jamming my sword in his big fat tiki spine... Wait, Where's the gunner? He was here just a - Oh, that's his shad.. SHI-*PANCAKE*.

    Oh god. Worst death in that match was that one right there. Seconded only by the obviously aimbotting sniper using.. a very bad aimbot. Sorry but if i'm walking around cloaked and you're firing rounds past my head at this distance with no indication of my location prior then you ARE cheating. ESPECIALLY if you keep doing it after i move.
  20. corducken

    corducken Member

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    Two separate times on the same map I've been "pancaked" only for my model to just go into an idle stance. Both of these pancakes were from the gunner hovering an inch into the air and slamming the ground next to me. Each time it would stick there until I respawned. Both times the enemy tank would run over and try to jet gun my "corpse" judging from the overhead view. Apparently the gunner didn't notice a thing and saw me as flat/gone.

    Also, I've seen Bullseye get hit by a lag grapple or something. He teleported to the lower tier of Spunky Cola. Apparently either his pathing was either perfectly synced with our base wall or he's got some good AI because he ran around to the other side of it and gave us from free cash and juice without enemy interruption before flying off.

    I would've expected him to not move at all or walk into walls at that point, but he moved to a specific spot on our side of the base, did a little jig, and flew off. Odd.

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