The most important thing to fix in the first patch.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Time Glitch, August 14, 2010.

  1. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    The. Support.

    Support, as a class, is meant to help the rest of the team out. Hence the name, Support.

    Right now, the Support is actually the most powerful class. They're near-invincible if they're draining health from someone, they can call in their own personal air-strikes, heal team-mates, create deadly turrets anywhere, have a win-gun as their secondary (shotgun), take over turrets/make turrets better, and have extra health/speed to boot.

    The turrets/healing I can understand. That's the roll of a support class. Everything else is beyond ridiculous. Combining their drain ability with air strikes and the Firebase, these guys can be totally invincible and require about 3 other people to take down.

    I could go on all day about how this class is by far the most powerful, but I'll get to the point:

    1. Air Strike should do half-damage.
    2. Shotgun should do half-damage.
    3. Healing gun's drain ability should not heal the Support, or if it does, about half as much as it is right now.
    4. Support's health should be lowered, but if he's healing someone, he gets a health boost equal to his current.
    5. Firebase needs to have less health or be more vulnerable. Currently, a Support healing his turret can last for what seems like forever.
    6. Firebase should not heal nearby friendlies.
    7. Firebase should not be hackable.
    8. Firebase should have 180-220 degree turning radius, not 360.

    These nerfs, I feel, would put the Support back in his place as, well, a Support player! But, I recognize how this could also leave the Support as the weakest class. Lets boost him up in some other areas that would help him fit his class:

    1. Turrets should upgrade faster and cost less to a Support.
    2. Supports gain a speed boost when healing another player.
    3. When actually healing another player, the Support gets over-healed.
    4. Supports can heal the Moneyball a little when it is not under direct attack. It should be limited to 40% of the Moneyball's current health, and the healing should be slow.

    I think these changes would eliminate the Support's current over-powered state, and also fit him more in a roll of a real support player.

    Don't believe me?

    Take a look.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    Did you seriously just call the shotgun the win-gun? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's funny. It only wins against assassins who fail their grapple, and only if they're stupid enough to stick around afterward.
  3. Gomahetsuha

    Gomahetsuha New Member

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    If it is so overpowered, why does everybody play Gunner and Assassin ?

    I think the game is pretty well balanced. I kick *** and get my *** kicked by everyone as a Support.
  4. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I don't agree with all the nurfing in the first post but support is OP, needs a slight tone down as currently they are a one man army.
  5. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    I just played a game where the Support players totally dominated us within a few minutes, and we could do NOTHING about it. They were invincible because they could pull health from anything, and coupled with people they could heal and protect, AND the Firebases...It literally took 3 or 4 of us just UNLOADING on him to take him down.

    We were met with subsequent games where the Support classes were just spammed to oblivion. They were damn near un-killable and it was ruining the game for everyone.

    This needs to get fixed, or this game is doomed to die a quick death.
  6. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

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    the Support does not heal as fast as your saying, the only thing it cant sit there and not heal more then its taking is another Support. Clearly your team cant aim
  7. SYN Reaper55729

    SYN Reaper55729 New Member

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    The only problem with support is the fact of multiple people playing support and laying their guns down in a strategic position.
  8. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    And clearly you've never encountered someone who's exploiting Support. It gets ridiculous.
  9. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

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    i play Support, My best game of 52K, 48A, 5D, and over 8000points was with a support, but i have never been able to heal faster then taking damage unless i am stealing health and gaining it from my turret. That only out heals a Support sucking my life.

    and the firebase, no matter what level or hack its at 1 Airstrike (no matter the Airstrike level either) and its gone.

    I just got done with a game of 4 Supports on the other team, i Airstriked and got 2 turrets and 2 more Strikes and 2 more turrets down along with half there team, then we rolled over them with a Tank.
  10. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell New Member

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    I think the class is fine. Maybe make him have a bit less health, but other than that he's useless 1 on 1 with other classes.
  11. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

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    My findings is that he has too little health, he is a defensive class and can be killed by a level 1 grapple. Unless you give him gold armor.

    but yeah he seems fine to me other wise, and i am ok with the health, alittle more would be nice though.
  12. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    Sub-Zero sucks.

    My only problem is the portable turret at Rank 3. I generally just try and stay away from it. I won't complain about the class being overpowered or anything like that, they seem okay besides the fact that they are nimble as a cat and hard as hell to catch when bouncing (as an assassin of course).

  13. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Reptile FTW!

    I do think that perhaps the support should have his health lowered just slightly to about sniper level, but that's just my personal opinion and it maybe is coloured by all those firebase deaths I get :oops:
  14. SaberJ

    SaberJ New Member

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    That's not completely true. I'm pretty sure an over-healed firebase will survive one airstrike.

    either way, I agree, the support is pretty well balanced. I play support unless there are a lot of other support players. I feel that I'm a solid Support player. But still, I have games where I get rolled over, and I have games where I do the rolling. Just like any other class.

    If a support throws down a firebase, take it out before it has a chance to pop up. Use a Gunner/Assault/Tank to take out a support player. They go fast, in my experience. Possibly only behind Assassin and Sniper.

    If you can't get to a firebase before it's up, the Sniper's snipes, the Gunner's mortars, and the assault's grenades are all really good tools for taking it out from range. Take it out, then rush the Support. Easy as cake. The only time a Support has a chance against a heavy class head-to-head is if A> He is a better player, B> He has another support class with him, C> He has his firebase out, Or D> The heavy class is preoccupied with someone else.

    This is all my opinion, but I think the support is right where it needs to be.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    Christ... The only time I've ever felt Supports were truly ridiculous was when we played some of the devs and they took advantage of a spot on the map where the turret has insane LoS, can't be hit with airstrikes. I don't know the map's name, but I'm sure they know exactly what I'm talking about. Two turrets in the building with the annihilator, and they refuse to go down.

    We still made a game out of it before we lost because we had a party and they had a party, pretty well matched. Actually took 2 games out of 3 that we played against them, all 3 going to overtime iirc.

    The only time the Support is truly unbeatable is when you try to take the pro and his turret head on like an idiot. Time Glitch has been making noise on these forums about the Support being invincible when he's draining health from you, but that's just plain not true. Every class has abilities that can handle him, you don't have to stand there in close range trying to gun him down while he bunnyhops, and if you do that you deserve your death.
  16. Acosta02

    Acosta02 New Member

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    I'll throw in a complaint against the support's power. My friends tell me that the shotgun feels way too strong*, and I really hate how air-strike is an end-all solution to pretty much any problem the support comes against (save perhaps a backstab or headshot, but turrets help ward off the former).

    *As primarily an assassin player every gun feels overpowered against me ( ;) ), so I'll listen to my teammates on this one.

    The firebase might be worth a second look, but I don't think it's as likely to be a problem as shotgun/air strike.
  17. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Personally I would like to see his air strike recharge rate be a little longer, it's a powerful move and you get one every 15 seconds or so at level 3, it has a good rate of use at level 1 and 2 since you can't spam the move too often.

    All classes feel real good with their balance... but I think the support has a little edge which need a small adjustment.
  18. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    Totally agree: the Support needs some kind of nerf. He's just too useful in too many situations, he's basically bad at nothing.
  19. LuNatic

    LuNatic New Member

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    Yeah, the support is pretty ridiculous at the moment. I just played a few games with support where we destroyed the moneyball before the first jackbot wave spawned. I'd suggest removing the ability to steal enemy turrets with hacking and making deployable turrets susceptible to the assassins smoke bomb(they seem to recover <1 sec atm). Increase the airstrike rof of fire but also increase the amount of charge required, so that only two can be dropped simultaneously instead of three.
  20. ICryCauseImEmo

    ICryCauseImEmo New Member

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    The level 3 turret is literally more powerful then a gunner turret, its a bit ridicules but still decently easy to take out. Air strike when locked onto one target is just OP it one shots regardless. I understand an assassin getting a 1 shot kill, but a support class whose main target is "support" just doesn't make sense to 1 shot.

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