eXodus eSports Map Pack v1.4.1

Discussion in 'Mapping and stuff' started by exodusesports, July 12, 2016.

  1. exodusesports

    exodusesports Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    A hand-picked selection of the best maps the community has to offer.

    Maps are divided between 1v1, 2v2, 3v3+ and FFA. The number of custom landing zones a system has is the maximum number of supported armies. Multiple players on a shared army count as one army. Some maps have recommended player counts as well.


    You should download and install this mod via the Planetary Annihilation TITANS in-game Community Mod Manager. You will need to enable Community Mods.


    Please help translate the eXodus eSports Map Pack to your local language.


    | Map                                  | Ver   | Author             | Spawn | Play |
    | AmazonasSafari                       | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Aquarius                             | 1.0   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | Arctic                               | 1.0   | N30N               | 2     |      |
    | Atlantis                             | 1.1   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Berg                                 |       | Uber Entertainment | 12    | 2-3  |
    | Blitz                                |       | Uber Entertainment | 2     | 2    |
    | Boading                              | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-10 |
    | Cauldron                             | 1.1   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-6  |
    | Chess                                | 1.0   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | Chlorophyte                          | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 2     |      |
    | Chocke                               | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Closair                              | 1.1   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | Clutch of Annihilation               | 1.0   | Gandal             | 2     |      |
    | ColdFeets                            | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Coruscant                            | 2.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | Cratered                             | 1.1   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-10 |
    | Derisia                              | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-4  |
    | Diadem                               | 1.0   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | Dorne System                         | 1.0   | silnceoftheclans   | 2     |      |
    | Duat                                 |       | Uber Entertainment | 14    | 2-4  |
    | Dust                                 | 1.0   | flubb              | 2     |      |
    | Elijah's Path SHARED                 | 1.1   | Alpha2546          | 6     |      |
    | Farenheit                            | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 2     |      |
    | Finn's Revenge                       | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-4  |
    | Fortress                             | 1.0   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | Frozen                               | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 2     |      |
    | FrozenOreoYoughurt                   | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | GSystem                              | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Hades                                | 1.1   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Ignus                                | 1.1   | ishytarus          | 2     |      |
    | Incontrovertible                     | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 2     |      |
    | Kimberlee 1V1                        | 1.2.1 | Kimberlee          | 2     |      |
    | Kinomo                               | 1.1   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-6  |
    | Lazona                               | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | Living Forge                         | 1.0   | Metapod            | 12    | 2    |
    | Lockery                              | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 2     |      |
    | Lugaan                               | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-4  |
    | Lush                                 | 1.0   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | Molten                               | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 2     |      |
    | Moore                                | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-4  |
    | Oblivarum                            | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-4  |
    | Omega                                | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | Outlier                              | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-10 |
    | OvercookedPizza                      | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Pressure Cooker                      | 1.1   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-4  |
    | Prof X                               | 1.0   | Gandalf            | 4     |      |
    | Roc                                  |       | Uber Entertainment | 2     | 2    |
    | Sauron                               | 1.0   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | Semmo                                | 1.0   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | Sinnet                               | 1.0   | superouman         | 4     |      |
    | Smelter                              | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-4  |
    | Solitude                             | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-4  |
    | T- Crevage                           | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | T- Geyser                            | 2.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | T- Harbour                           | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | T- Hydrogenix Facility F407          | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 4     |      |
    | T- Insanateria                       | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | T- Kure Atoll                        | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | T- The Island                        | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | Tectonic                             | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | The Faceoff                          | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | The Forgery                          | 1.1   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | The Reef                             | 4.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | TheClassyBarren                      | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Thermopylae                          | 1.0   | superouman         | 2     |      |
    | TheWall                              | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Thief's Pass                         | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-8  |
    | ToIsengard                           | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Tundra                               | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Venetzia                             | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Zetox                                | 2.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    Last edited: September 28, 2018
    stuart98 and killerkiwijuice like this.
  2. exodusesports

    exodusesports Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    | Map                                  | Ver   | Author             | Spawn | Play |
    | Atlantis                             | 1.1   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | DeathStar                            | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 4     |      |
    | Duel Lake                            | 1.0   | River              | 4     |      |
    | Fields of Isis                       | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 2     | 2-10 |
    | FrozenOreoYoughurt                   | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | GSystem                              | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Incontrovertible                     | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 2     |      |
    | Kinetics Multi v4                    |       | MangoMango         | 2     |      |
    | Lockery                              | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 2     |      |
    | Mot's Recipe For Disaster            | 1.0   | Mot9001            | 4     |      |
    | Seton's Grip                         | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 24    | 2-8  |
    | Soloroid System                      | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 4     |      |
    | T- Elrose System                     | 2.0   | Alpha2546          | 4     |      |
    | T- Kure Atoll                        | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | Tandem                               | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 4     | 2-4  |
    | The Forgery                          | 1.1   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | THE T3MPLE V2                        | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 4     |      |
    | TropicanHoneyDonut                   | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 2     |      |
    | Zetox                                | 2.0   | Alpha2546          | 2     |      |
    | Map                                  | Ver   | Author             | Spawn | Play |
    | Bang Battle 3T V1                    |       | =VoW=BlackAngelLOL |       |      |
    | Burnt Playground                     | 2.0   | Elite Sardaukar    | 8     |      |
    | Frontlines SA                        | 1.0   | Omnicock           | 2     |      |
    | Marshall's Lament (Titans)           | 3.0   | WPMarshall         | 16    | 6-10 |
    | Medea                                |       | Uber Entertainment | 12    | 6-10 |
    | Mot's Recipe For Disaster (Modified) | 1.1   | Mot9001            | 10    |      |
    | Omega Belt                           | 1.0   | Elite Sardaukar    |       |      |
    | Seton's Grip                         | 1.0   | WPMarshall         | 24    | 2-8  |
    | T- Rain System                       | 1.0   | Alpha2546          | 14    |      |
    | TWBaby                               | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 6     |      |
    | War of the Worlds                    | 1.0   | Pwn4two            | 8     |      |
    | Map                                  | Ver   | Author             | Spawn | Play |
    | NewZealandsBaby                      | 1.0   | AndreasG           | 6     | 6    |
    | Pockets                              | 1.0   | TETC               | 6     | 6    |
    | The Somme                            | 1.0   | Grand Homie        | 6     | 6    |
    | Wadiya - No Crater                   | 1.2   | AndreasG           |       |      |
    Last edited: September 28, 2018
    stuart98 likes this.
  3. exodusesports

    exodusesports Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:

    v1.4.1 - 2018-09-28
    • Fixed fat fingered typing that caused Solitude to be missing from the map list. Always copy & paste, kids!
    v1.4.0 - 2018-09-28
    • Removed PA League Season 1 tab
    • Moved FFA maps to their own tab
    • Fix for Elijah's Path SHARED missing a metal spot near one of the spawns with thanks to Grand Homie
    • Clarified that Mot's Recipe For Disaster in 2v2 and 3v3 are different
    • Removed FFA from map names due to new tab system
    • Fixed map sorting
    • Fixed duplicate key error in Kinetics Multi v4
    • Fixed Kinetics Multi v4 missing from 2v2 map list
    • New maps
      • 1v1
        • Dust 1.0
        • Solitude 1.0
      • 2v2
        • Seton's Grip v1.0
      • 3v3+
        • Seton's Grip v1.0
      • FFA
        • Wadiya - No Crater v1.2
    • Updated maps
      • 1v1
        • Cauldron v1.1
        • Cratered v1.1
        • Kinomo v1.1
        • The Forgery v1.1
    • Removed maps
      • 2v2
        • Elrose System v1.0
      • 3v3+
        • World's Collide v1.0
    v1.3.3 - 2018-02-24
    • New maps
      • 1v1
        • Outlier v1.0
        • Pressure Cooker v1.1
        • Thief's Pass v1.0
      • FFA
        • NewZealandsBaby v1.0
        • Pockets v1.0
        • The Somme v1.0
    v1.3.2 - 2018-02-23
    • Removed Kure Atoll
    • New maps
      • 3v3
        • Frontlines SA v1.0
        • Omega Belt v1.0
        • T- Rain System v1.0
        • War of the Worlds v1.0
        • Worlds Collide v1.0
    • Reclassified maps
      • 2v2
        • T- Kure Atoll v1.0
    v1.3.1 - 2016-10-29
    • Fixed issues with Closair
    • Fixed issues with Ignus
    v1.3.0 - 2016-10-16
    • Created tab for PA League season 1
    v1.2.0 - 2016-07-14
    • Removed Trials from pack
    • Added Blitz to pack in 1v1
    v1.1.0 - 2016-07-12
    • Fixed pathing on Coruscant
    • Added T- Elrose System by Alpha2546 to the pack in the 2v2 section
    v1.0.2 - 2016-07-12
    • Added supporting forum thread
    • Fixed 2v2 sort order
    • Added missing fields
    • Fixed spelling and grammar
    • Sorted maps alphabetically
    • Renamed third category to 3v3+
    • Initial release
    Last edited: September 28, 2018
    stuart98 likes this.
  4. exodusesports

    exodusesports Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    • Fixed pathing on Coruscant
    • Added T- Elrose System by Alpha2546 to the pack in the 2v2 section
    stuart98 likes this.
  5. exodusesports

    exodusesports Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    • Removed Trials from the pack
    • Added Blitz by Uber Entertainment to the pack under 1v1
    stuart98 and elodea like this.
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    v1.4.0 - 2018-09-28
    • Removed PA League Season 1 tab
    • Moved FFA maps to their own tab
    • Fix for Elijah's Path SHARED missing a metal spot near one of the spawns with thanks to Grand Homie
    • Clarified that Mot's Recipe For Disaster in 2v2 and 3v3 are different
    • Removed FFA from map names due to new tab system
    • Fixed map sorting
    • Fixed duplicate key error in Kinetics Multi v4
    • Fixed Kinetics Multi v4 missing from 2v2 map list
    • New maps
      • 1v1
        • Dust 1.0
        • Solitude 1.0
      • 2v2
        • Seton's Grip v1.0
      • 3v3+
        • Seton's Grip v1.0
      • FFA
        • Wadiya - No Crater v1.2
    • Updated maps
      • 1v1
        • Cauldron v1.1
        • Cratered v1.1
        • Kinomo v1.1
        • The Forgery v1.1
    • Removed maps
      • 2v2
        • Elrose System v1.0
      • 3v3+
        • World's Collide v1.0
    lulamae likes this.
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    v1.4.1 - 2018-09-28
    • Fixed fat fingered typing that caused Solitude to be missing from the map list. Always copy & paste, kids!
    stuart98 and grandhomie like this.
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    v1.4.2 - 2020-06-26
    • Updated maps
      • Seton's Grip is now Seton's Clutch
    • Removed maps
      • 1v1
        • Berg
        • Blitz
        • Duat
        • Roc
      • 3v3+
        • Medea
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    v1.5.0 - 2021-05-02
    • Added a multiplanetary tab to aid users using Shared Systems for Galactic War
  10. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.5.1 - 2022-08-08
    • Fixed mod icon
  12. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.5.2 - 2023-06-24
    • Fixed scene formatting in modinfo

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