Every fabricator has been fitted with cutting edge replication technology allowing it to build units of its tier and type. Doesn't change the balance nearly as much as I thought (maybe I'm just bad at the game lol), but fabricators can now be useful support units, allowing you to dynamically adjust your army composition and build units on the go. (Also adds T2 orbital fabricator, because building laser platforms with just the T1 version would be way too OP ) Supports alt-build circle patterns. Doesn't work with Legion Expansion *yet*, though I may update it someday. Now works with Legion, Second Wave, Section 17, and hopefully everything else!
Version 1.01: Compatibility with Legion, Second Wave and Section 17 Added Advanced Fabrication Starship as Legion T2 orbital fab. Its stats are the same as MLA Advanced Orbital Fabricator. cost: 4000 hp: 400 energy demand: 3000 metal demand: 150 build range: 45 rest of the stats same as in T1 orbital fabs
Sounds like a good idea. Can t1 fabs build mines? Think it can be food for buildiny aa bots or skitters if you need vision for mines etc
T1 fabs can't build mines, I didn't want to change too many things with this mod. But you can build stiches with bot fabs, skitters with vehicle fabs etc. Building AA bots with expanding bot fabs can be a useful way to defend from fab snipes, but I lack the apm to pull it off most of the times