Assassin backstab glitch

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by MadMike Love, August 14, 2010.

  1. MadMike Love

    MadMike Love New Member

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    i usually play as assault or sniper. i do not encounter this problem as a sniper but when i am an assault it happens 50% of the time.

    When im minding my own business with full health, and an assassin backstabs me, there is a 50/50 chance it won't kill me all the way. usually a tiny notch (not sliver) of health will be left if it glitches up. so i counterattack with a grapple, and send her flying.

    I have armor as a gold endorsement. could this be why? but i only mention this because it seems like a lot of people have been calling me a hacker for this. and for the people that i do not hear, i just imagine raging to no end. Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. bicycletire

    bicycletire New Member

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    I've been in your same position and i'm pretty sure it's the armor boost. It's only happened when I was a tank or a gunner though, and one time as an assault which I'm positive was a glitch (my health bar was completely gone when I got back up and grabbed her.) Any other time I didn't have the armor boost death came swift and silent.
  3. Orion

    Orion New Member

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    Personally I wish the endorsements gave you the actual numbers on how much they increase your stats by, currently the only one I know the numbers on is the gold juice which ups that by 40% and I only found that out from reading the forum topics. I have been in similar scenarios as well. For instance, once I had gold armor and was back stabbed by an assassin, it only dropped me to half health, another time I had silver armor and was backstab, this time it killed me instantly. And yet another time with the lowest armor I was backstabbed and survived with a flickering line of health!

    So I know the armor has something to do with it but I'm not sure what endorsements affect how much pain the assassin's backstab does to you.
  4. MadMike Love

    MadMike Love New Member

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    I think this should be taken note of. Something to do with the armor stats are off, or it's just bugs.
  5. Togedude

    Togedude New Member

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    I honestly think this is a design choice rather than a glitch, even though it still needs a fix.
  6. Captain Awful

    Captain Awful New Member

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    It might be that critical hits affect grappling.
  7. itz mr gaga

    itz mr gaga New Member

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    Yes it is because of Gold Armor. And it counter's Assassins HARD. And people probably call you hacker 'cause they're new. Just explain to them this and they'll shut-up :p
  8. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    armour helps so much with grapples, a support will die in one frontal grapple from an assassin but if you stick silver or gold armour on you will survive with red hp, and usually grapple back lol.

    There was someone playing last night who was rather wise about it, the player would use the reloading dash first to sting you and then grapple, it was still just as quick but they also got in that first attack before doing anything else , and it worked.

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