[SERVER] Boom Bot Fix

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by NikolaMX, January 9, 2021.

  1. NikolaMX

    NikolaMX Active Member

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    Simple mod that makes Boom Bots explode and do damage to enemy units upon death.

    Significant Quality of life improvement over their current design where boombots only do damage if they actively attack an specific unit, resulting not only on massive overkill, but also suboptimap pathing and detonations. Now all of this is in your controll!

    You no longer have to bother with the dysfunctional attack command to get any use out of your boombots: so long as you can get them in the ranks of the enemy, they will pay for themselves.

    Goal of this mod is to get boombots to behave propperly.

    If you are worried about counters, just add a few boombots to your army. Sparks, dox and strykers are all still eqully effective at clearing out booms.
    Friendly fire is not enabled (obviously, who would want chain reactions/nuking your own army...)

    Have fun blowing stuff up!
    Last edited: January 12, 2021
    bthirteen and mjshorty like this.
  2. NikolaMX

    NikolaMX Active Member

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    Fixed some bugs, still trying to find a stop booms from killing air and obtial. Fun mechanic, could be an idea for a dedicated AA unit but as it is now, its unintended and broken
  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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  4. NikolaMX

    NikolaMX Active Member

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    Thanks Quitch, neon helped me fix it.

    Now the only technical issue left is how to prevent a player from loading pelicans with booms and using them as suicide bombers
  5. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    You remove
    "transportable": {
    "size": 1

    Are you saying if a pelican gets shot down with a boombot loaded that the boombot still does damage? Do you want to remove that aspect of them doing damage but still be able to transport them?

    I actually kinda think its funny as a 205 metal investment and would find it interesting
  6. NikolaMX

    NikolaMX Active Member

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    I know how to remove it, was wondering if there is a non-dodgy solution but PA devs say there isn't rn. Trust me, its OP, totally wrecks AA.

    I'm considering increasing their cost to balance out for that significant added value in army clearing, probbably doubling it, but mechanics wise they feel a lot less random/ more consistent than their unmodded version. Tested it out in a few FFAs and will do some 1v1s with 80 metal cost to see how it pans out before pushing for release.
    Last edited: January 13, 2021

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