Hi, I have looked at a bunch of older posts from others with a similar issue but can't seem to get a fix. I have Titans installed via steam on my imac and community mods work fine there. I'm trying to install Titans via steam on windows 10 (same steam account) but can't get the community mods menu to show. I have tried: Installing/running titans with windows defender turned off - no change. In defender, Titans app and other related entries are open. Verified the local files via steam - all fine tried running in normal and modern-test modes Log is attached, seems its is getting blocked somewhere, can anyone shed any light on the situation?
Please remove your attachment as it may contain personal information Open a new ticket at https://support.planetaryannihilation.com/index.php And be sure to include the latest PA client logs and server logs: https://support.planetaryannihilation.com/kb/faq.php?id=182
Thanks for the reply, I have deleted the log file...sorry I thought I was supposed to post it here. What personal info does it contain out of curiosity?
A new update was pushed and this should be fixed now. It depends on the specific log and how players have configured their PC.
Thanks Lulamae, started up PA titans this morning and community mods tab was back, even before running the build update (could see it on the menu behind the build update window). Restarted steam and I can get to the mods....all is good!