Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by thatsonofabroom, May 14, 2020.

  1. thatsonofabroom

    thatsonofabroom Member

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    Heyo! it's your favorite PA coach thatsonofabroom! :D I am very excited to announce that I will be hosting the next planetary extinction tournament for the summer of 2020 along with Cyberpunkpanda!

    Planetary Annihilation: TITANS
    Start date
    august 1st 2020

    End date
    TBT it depends on the games
    Server mods
    • Display Ranks for Titans & Classic
    • Lobby System Preview for Titans & Classic
    • Who Deleted That for Titans & Classic
    • Who Unpaused That?
    Client mods
    • eXodus eSports map pack
    • Team Burning Systems
    • Alpha2546 Map Pack
    • Pwn4two's Map Pack
    • Icarus Map Pack
    Casters: Coach Broom,

    Format: Round Robin followed by single elimination with the top 4 highest scoring teams, Team sizes may vary but in every match there will be equal team sizes no exceptions. You do not need to have your entire clan available to participate

    Games: 2 games a week followed by a 32 player FFA

    Clans: Each clan who signs up for the tournament will also have to give a list of players in their clan who they believe will be playing, once the tournament has started, only people who has been put down on that list can play for that clan. People can’t play for more than one clan. Each clan must put forth at least 6 players.

    Substitution players: A series of players will be messaged on discord and asked if they want to be a sub for the tournament. If you believe you are reasonably skilled and would like to be a sub for the tournament, throw me a PM on discord (username Coach broom). Subs are not allowed to participate in the tournament as a member of a clan. Only 1 sub per match at most and you may only have a sub if you cannot supply 3 players from your clan for the match.


    The event staff reserve the right to alter these rules at any time.


    You will not engage in hostile behaviour while interacting with the community – either in or out of game – including but not limited to:
    • Hateful messages or personal attacks toward a community member;
    • Attacks and non-constructive criticism toward a community member;
    • Use of alt accounts to perform hostile trolling of a community member;
    • Harassment or stalking of a community member;
    • Disguised taunts addressed to a community member.
    • Discriminatory behaviour will result in an immediate ban, including, but not limited to:
    • Homophobia
    • Transphobia
    • Misogyny/misandry
    • Racism
    • Religious bigotry
    • Hate speech
    It is forbidden to offer illegal content (videos, images, copyrighted material), pornographic or hateful images or to post any links promoting illegal activities.

    You will be polite and courteous in all dealings with fellow players and event staff.

    You will follow all instructions given by the event staff.

    The event staffs’ decisions are final in all matters.

    You may not be in Twitch/hitbox chat while a game you are participating in is in-progress.

    You may not setup movement queues which result in commanders continually entering and exiting orbit.

    People who will be participating in a match are to be in discord 30 minutes before it.

    There will be a signup in the official discord for clans who wish to sign up.

    Finally, good luck to all of those who’ll play and for those who won’t, please tune into the streams and be a part of this amazing tournament. Good luck annihilating!!!
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  2. thatsonofabroom

    thatsonofabroom Member

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    More info will be posted as the tournament gets closer
  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    As PA Inc is running a tournament on the 6th June, you might want to start a week later.
  4. thatsonofabroom

    thatsonofabroom Member

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    tournament has been postponed to August 1st

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