Running PA on Linux: Post Solutions and Workarounds

Discussion in 'Mac and Linux' started by cyberoslion, May 22, 2020.

  1. cyberoslion

    cyberoslion New Member

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    Sorry if I'm breaking forum etiquette here, I didn't want to necro any threads. However most of the threads and post in this sub-forum don't seem frequently updated, so I have started this one.

    This post is going to be focused on Ubuntu (I'm actually running Linux Lite 4.8, but it's based upon Ubuntu). If you have found fixes or solutions for different Linux Distros (or other Nix systems altogether) please do post them. I'm hoping this thread can be place to find solutions to some of the common issues that users are facing.

    Coherent UI

    There seems to be a relatively common issue of the UI not being rendered (or not loading, I don't really know which). If you run the papatcher script from the BitBucket account (I can't seem to post the url, sorry about that) and one of the last lines within the terminal states something to the effect of "Uber Entertainment Planetary Annihilation/stable/host/CoherentUI_Host: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file", then you might not have the libudev0 package/library (I don't know which it would technically be...)

    While I could be mistaken, I don't think this dependency is available within the standard Ubuntu repositories. I personally acquired libudev0_175-0ubuntu13_amd64.deb. As the site I obtained it from (Again, sorry that I can't provide you with the url) lacks encryption, it might be best to generate an md5 of the file via the command below in the directory of the downloaded file:

    md5sum libudev0_175-0ubuntu13_amd64.deb
    (the md5 that I have from the file is: 41300f39136541a1f8c9dbd2e809d049).

    Linux Lite has a GUI installer for .deb files, but I am quite sure that there is a way to install this file via the terminal, you will just need to look-up the appropriate command.

    The ' version GLIBCXX_3.4.20' Error Message

    If you see something like this when trying to run PA from the terminal (which I strongly recommend if your having difficulties as you can see error messages and the like), then the libstdc++6 on your system might not be the most up-to-date version. Again, from what I could gather online, the default Ubuntu repos don't have the newest version of the library. The following terminal commands resolved this issue for me at least:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install libstdc++6

    The first line adds a new repo that holds a newer version of the required library; the second updates apt; the final line adds the library (or in my case it updated the library).

    These two methods have enabled the game to work for me, but if you have other solutions to the same or different issues, please do post them.
  2. admin

    admin Official PA

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  3. cyberoslion

    cyberoslion New Member

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    Thanks for the help!

    I'll be honest when stating that I started this thread because I had promised (or at least I think that I did) an individual from Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation Inc about posting the solution to the problem I had found.

    Still, this thread can archive a list of fixes to at least some of the problems that some users are facing. I don't use Arch and I have little experience with RHEL distros, so it would be interesting to see fixes on those systems. I might set-up a Debian VM and see if there are more steps that one needs to go-through.

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