How to create a local sever on another PC?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by ragnarok89, April 8, 2020.

  1. ragnarok89

    ragnarok89 Member

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    Hello all,

    I have spent hours trying to understand how to go about this, but I am more confused than I began. Can someone please explain to me, or point me to the idiot's guide for installing a local PA server on a second PC?

    I have a PC with 32 GB ram and onboard graphics. I would like to use this machine as the Server to host LAN games. Nothing is installed on this machine other than the OS. There is no internet access. It connects directly to my second PC's ethernet adapter.

    I have a second PC (Client) which I use to play PA (I purchased Titans on Steam, so I have a Steam key.) this PC has 2 ethernet adapters. 1 is connected to the server, and the other to my router. There is no communication between them, no traffic, as they are on different subnets.

    1. How do I install PA on the "Server" PC, given it has no Internet? (Assume I do not want to connect it to the internet no matter what). Surely I can download something to the Client PC and transfer it by USB or over the LAN?

    2. When launching PA from my Client PC I ensure Steam is storing my password (Settings > Account > Don't save account Credentials on this computer is unchecked). I then put Steam into offline Mode, I disconnect the internet (I even disabled the ethernet adapter), and then launch the game. Once the game loads, the upper left hand corner shows my User Name and a field where I must type my password. Clearly, the Steam client is not providing it, and if I type it in, authentication fails because I am not connected to the internet. So how am I supposed to start?
    Thanks for the help guys...
  2. ragnarok89

    ragnarok89 Member

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    Though it's not relevant at this point, firewalls on the Server and Client PCs are OFF.
  3. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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