Hello, I'm Dissonant, and I'm the leader of a new PA clan, I.C.A.R.U.S. Now, you might be asking, what does "I.C.A.R.U.S." stand for? Well, that's simple, it's an acronym! Yep, as you can see, our clan stands for good skilled team play and knowledge of good units. We mostly play team games together, and the only system we know how to play is Wadiya. We are accepting new members right now; just talk to Dissonant (me) for details. edit: We hope to take place in Clan Wars soon so if you're good plz join. CURRENT MEMBERSHIP (in approximate order of joining, as of 2020-06-01): Quildtide LordBlackMatter Stuart98 SpacePi nimzodragonlord Spiderking Emporer88 Gennnki Halohawk HITURUNK Grand Homie Migdom Neiro billthebluebot jerle Roscoe Staznar Bot 1 Anonemous2 Sol-Low johndotsun smurf qwerty3.14 Vietcongaline Taiga DjNemas ItsWatermelons Salt001
Well, we now have THREE members! Say hello to LordBlackMatter and Stuart98, who have both chosen to join the greatest clan, named after the greatest unit.
This is actually the most important thing for clan wars. Everyone knows that the top players, who play the game as it was meant to be played, are art critics. ICARUS is proud of its state of the art art design team.
Updated roster that was very out of date. Also, ICARUS is rebranding soon to a new and more modern acronym soon, in reflection of the new year: R. ICARUS L. Honor and Loyalty M. Respekt (and don't take hydracodeine because that killed my grandpa) We took "skill" out because a lot of us don't have any I admit so I guess it was a lie sorry