[WIP][SERVER]MLA Subfactions mod

Discussion in 'Work-In-Progress Mods' started by manlebtnureinmal, August 27, 2018.

  1. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Hey, I'm currently working on an MLA subfactions mod. There's currently no plan to do custom modelling or even texturing, but if someone else jumps on the project, that will be added too. There will eventually be 4 subfactions, corresponding each to one of the lore factions. Each subfaction will be assigned 1 commander:
    Nemicus = Foundation
    Osiris = Revenants
    Invictus = Legonis Machina
    ??? = Synchronous

    Because the Legonis Machina's name resembles that of the Legion, it will be referred to as the Imperium Machina from now on, with the Imperium being the state and the Legonis being the military; as it is a military state, they are one and the same.

    It will inherit licenses from the Legion expansion, as I will utilize some assets from it. I have already borrowed the shield generator code from the Legion Team.

    Foundation is currently playable, sans support for hotkeys or hotbuild. Foundation will continue to receive balance updates and bug fixes.

    Outline of future plans:
    Foundation: Repair, high hp/metal ratios
    Revenants: Reclaim, lower hp, passive regeneration, converting wreckage into units(?)
    Imperium Machina: Fabbers doubling as combat units (and vice-versa), offensive turrets
    Synchronous: T1.5, no T2, highly specialized unit roles

    Each faction will have access to one modified Titan and lose access to another Titan.
    Foundation: No Ares. Mithras replaces Atlas and serves as a frontline support titan (shields)
    Revenants: No Atlas. Athena replaces Ares and serves as an intel denial titan (radar jamming, fake unit generation)
    Imperium Machina: No Ares. Janus replaces Zeus and serves as a transportation titan (teleporter creation)
    Synchronous: No Zeus or Atlas. Poseidon (maybe other name?) serves as a naval-based fabrication and carrier titan.

    Current Progress:


    Thank you to Nicb1, Stuart98, wondible, and others for the help I have received.

    Thank you to billthebluebot, Nimzodragonlord, Bot 1, and many others for giving me feedback and ideas.
    Last edited: September 9, 2018
    Anonemous2, Nicb1 and stuart98 like this.
  2. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    energy production: 2000 -> 2400
    metal storage: 1500 -> 4500
    energy storage: 45000 -> 15000

    All Factories:
    1.2x energy usage per second

    Metal Storage:
    metal storage: 20000 -> 40000

    Energy Storage:
    energy storage: 100000 -> 50000

    Energy Plant:
    build distance: 15 -> 10
    mesh size: [5,5,5] -> [10,10,11.3]

    Energy Plant (circle) {new unit}:
    Same as energy plant, but built in a circular formation.

    Advanced Energy Plant:

    Font of Creation (new unit):
    Stationary fabber
    Cannot reclaim living units*
    Cannot support items that it cannot build*
    Does not use energy
    150 metal per second
    200 range
    Costs 2000 metal
    Does not use energy
    Cannot reclaim living units
    Cannot assist for things that it cannot produce itself

    Dox -> Scamper:
    No longer attempts to target air
    Now fires seeking missiles
    projectiles per attack: 2 -> 1
    damage per projectile: 10 -> 15
    AoE radius: 0 -> 5
    AoE damage: 0 -> 10
    range: 75 -> 65
    turn speed: 720 -> 150
    break: instant -> 150
    acceleration: 50 - 20

    Grenadier -> Torch:
    speed: 12 -> 11
    fire rate: 0.4 -> 0.3
    projectiles per attack: 2 -> 1
    range: 125 -> 200
    splash radius: 6 -> 0
    shot damage: 40 -> 0
    shot deviation: 1 -> 0
    Targets a location for divine judgement.
    Divine judgement has a 3-second delay.
    Divine judgement does 120 damage.
    Divine judgement has a radius of 3.

    Spark -> Charge:
    speed: 14 -> 12
    range: 65 -> 75
    energy consumption: 200 -> 100
    energy usage per shot: 400 -> 200
    Splash attack replaced with a chain lightning attack
    Chain lightning can hit up to 8 times
    Chain lightning can choose new targets per hit
    Chain lightning does 128/64/32/16/8/4/2/1 damage
    Chain lightning has 15/14/13/12/11/10/9/0 chain range

    Boombot -> Martyr:
    damage: 600 -> 500

    Stitch -> Priest:
    Does not use energy
    Cannot reclaim
    Cannot build Mines
    cost: 300 -> 62.5
    health: 50 -> 75
    metal usage: 30 -> 15
    range: 60 -> 80
    speed: 12 -> 10

    Mend -> Bishop:
    Only builds Passageways (Teleporters) and Shrines (Walls)
    Does not use energy
    Cannot reclaim
    cost: 1200 -> 400
    health: 150 -> 300
    metal usage: 60 -> 100
    range: 75 -> 100

    Bluehawk -> Avalanche:
    cost: 800 -> 500
    hp: 200 -> 300
    range: 220 -> 235
    pitch range: 0 -> 60
    yaw range: 0 -> 180
    Cannot target orbital units
    Fires a volley of highly inaccurate missiles
    Volleys have 4 missiles.
    Volleys are fired every 3 seconds
    Missiles do 320 damage each

    Ant -> Histericlese:
    cost: 150 -> 140
    health: 250 -> 235

    Inferno -> Crusader:
    cost: 225 -> 135
    range: 20 -> 30
    damage: 100 -> 10
    firing arc (yaw): 45 -> 30
    firing arc (pitch): 45 -> 30
    speed: 10 -> 12
    acceleration: 180 -> 360

    Spinner -> Elysian:
    cost: 160 -> 120
    range: 120 -> 100
    damage per projectile: 25 -> 40
    fire rate: 2 -> 1.5

    Skitter -> Oracle:
    Radar does not use energy
    Radar applies to underwater units too
    speed: 25 -> 20
    vision: 200 -> 125
    radar: 200 -> 300
    detection: 200 -> 300

    Leveller -> Zealot:
    health: 1500 -> 1650
    range: 120 -> 110
    fire rate: 1 -> 0.5
    projectiles per attack: 2 -> 10
    damage: 300 -> 120
    splash radius: 3 -> 5
    splash damage: 300 -> 30
    yaw rate: 30 -> 25
    yaw firing arc: 0 -> 40

    Vanguard -> Paladin:
    cost: 1500 -> 1600
    Repairs units within 40 range for 80 metal per second
    Does not use energy
    Radar removed

    Sheller -> Schism:
    damage: 400 -> 80
    splash radius: 15 -> 3
    Projectile travels much faster on average (difficult to quantify)
    Projectiles release a damaging field.
    Fields last 5 seconds.
    Fields deal 12 damage every 0.25 seconds.
    Fields have 20 radius.
    Fields deal 200 damage on expiration.



    Hummingbird -> Lightning:
    move speed: 90 -> 95
    turn speed: 270 -> 220
    aggression distance: 50 -> 55
    acceleration: 90 -> 50
    breaking: 30 -> 15

    Bumblebee -> Thunder:
    damage: 75 -> 25
    ammo capacity: 425 -> 400
    ammo usage: 75 -> 100
    Attacks leave mines that deal 50 damage
    mine AoE: 10 -> 15
    Mines last for 3 seconds.
    Mines only do 25 damage if killed before triggering or expiring.

    Phoenix -> Omen:
    Omnidirectional Targeting
    cost: 820 -> 574
    health: 300 -> 450
    vision: 150 -> 30
    range: 120 -> 80
    fire rate: 3 -> 0.5
    damage per projectile: 150 -> 200
    AoE damage: 10 -> 200
    AoE radius: .75 -> 1.5
    speed: 80 -> 112
    rotaation speed: 270 -> 720
    acceleration: 80 -> 400
    break: 80 -> 400

    Kestrel -> Redeemer:
    Additional weak anti-air weapon (equivalent to 2 Hummingbirds, but 60 range instead of 100)
    cost: 600 -> 900
    health: 300 -> 500
    fire rate: 4 -> 2
    range: 80 -> 72
    damage per projecitle: 20 -> 30
    projectile velocity: 150 -> 75
    projectile lifespan: 2 -> 4

    Angel -> Saint:
    Does not use energy
    Missile interception removed
    cost: 5500 -> 550
    health: 1000 -> 700
    speed: 30 -> 60
    range: 120 -> 80


    Barnacle -> Vicar:
    Does not use energy.
    Cannot reclaim.
    Cannot build.
    Group preference changed to back.
    health: 500 -> 1000

    Group preference changed to back.
    speed: 9 -> 10


    Halcyon (new unit):
    Tanky low-range hover unit.
    Only attacks submerged units.
    350 range Sonar.

    Orca -> Oathkeeper:
    Both normal weapons removed.
    Fires barrages of 6 missiles, doing 75 damage each, every 2 seconds.
    Missile hit rate is lower at max range.
    Can only target watersurface and ground.
    cost: 600 -> 650
    health: 1500 -> 1800
    range: 180 -> 125

    Stingray -> Borealis:
    Rapid-firing anti-orbital and anti-air unit with 250 (massive) range.
    Does 1200 DPS split on up to 25 different targets.
    Cannot target ground, naval, or submerged units.
    Requires 2000 energy per second to maintain weapons.

    Kraken -> Riptide:
    range: 150 -> 170
    Main weapon fire rate: 5 -> 4


    Solar Array -> Prelate:
    No energy generation
    Repairs units within 250 range for 400 metal per second
    Does not use energy
    health: 1000 -> 500
    speed: 10 -> 40
    acceleration: 10 -> 40
    break: 10 -> 40


    Atlas -> Mithras
    (currently underpowered, probably)
    3.0x health
    Earthquake attack removed
    Mobile Shield Generator
    Bombards nearby units with highly inaccurate AoE; obliterates Dox; nearly useless vs t2 units



    Wall -> Shrine:
    Repairs allies within 25 range for 1 metal per second

    Teleporter -> Passageway:
    Does not use energy
    cost: 800 -> 1600
    health: 9750 -> 14625

    Rapture (replaces Halley):
    2x effectiveness (1 Rapture = 2 Halleys)
    *needs testing
    cost: 40000 -> 60000
    Last edited: May 9, 2019
  3. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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  4. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Imperium Machina:

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  5. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Have you considered just giving each faction one style of Commander i.e. all Imperial Commanders are Legonis Machina, etc.
  7. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    I was originally planning to do that, but it would leave no vanilla MLA commanders left, and I realized that there's an extreme imbalance in the quantity of commanders of each type.

    On the other hand, there are so many raptor commanders that I could easily split off half of them as vanilla MLA while allocating the rest as Foundation.
  8. river39

    river39 Active Member

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    the teleporters don't work without energy
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  9. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Stuart has fixed this as of yesterday.

    As of today, I have implemented orbital, which should be fully functional now.

    The only Foundation unit that will definitely be added, that has not been implemented yet, is the Ragnarok and the Font of Creation, the Foundation fabrication structure.

    edit: forgot that I also need to add in the unit cannon
    Last edited: September 2, 2018
  10. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Foundation is now essentially "complete".

    I need to figure out how to get buildbar tab selection hotkeys working, and to figure out how to get hotbuild2 to stop hating the mod.

    Foundation may get some decent balance changes though.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    This is showing as disabled due to a mod identifier change. Intentional?
  12. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Made some new changes to Foundation. This is v1.08

    Dox -> Scamper
    Ant -> Histericlese
    Grenadier -> Torchbearer
    Spinner -> Elysian
    Skitter -> Oracle
    Kraken -> Riptide (this actually happened a long time ago, but undocumented, and without a name change)

    some other misc. changes that are mostly cosmetic too

    Also upped Foundation Spark's movement speed back from 10 to 12.

    The Torchbearer and Elysian were also in v1.07, but with highly-flawed projectile effects.
  13. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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  14. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Stuff changed for v1.10:
    Hummingbird -> Lightning
    Bumblebee -> Thunder

    The Lightning is marginally faster than the Hummingbird, but has a much slower acceleration and turn rate. Otherwise, it is statistically identical to the Hummingbird.

    The Thunder drops mines that last 3 seconds. As opposed to the Bumblebee storing up to 425 energy and using 75 energy per shot (5.67 shots per volley), the Thunder stores up to 400 energy and uses 100 energy per shot (4 shots per volley). The initial projectiles do 25 damage (compared to 75 damage per projectile for the Bomber); the mines have 50% more AoE and do 50 damage. If a mine is killed before it triggers or expires, it only does 25 damage. The mine trigger radius is 5 units, while the projectile AoE is 10 units (same as the normal Bumblebee) and the mine AoE is 15 units. It is therefore possible for a unit to be outside of trigger radius, but still in the mine blast radius when it either expires or is killed. If a mine expires, it still does the full 50 damage.

    I also made some changes to the UI that borrows more code from Legion; as a result, Nemicus is now purple in lobby select, and it is clearer when this mod is present!

    On the other hand, I believe I have broken the player ready up shading in the lobby, so I'll have to fix that somehow.

    I might also write a Python script to convert any Hotbuild2 settings to one that also works with Foundation (and in the future, Revenants, Synchronous, and Imperium Machina too). I don't currently use Hotbuild2 myself though, so I might need some help testing this.


    Followup on some of 1.08's unit changes:

    The Scamper has a much slower rotation rate than the Dox, so it cannot dance effectively vs enemy Dox projectiles. On the other hand, it shoots homing projectiles that have a small AoE. For this reason, the current system of Dox vs Dox wiggling is ineffective vs the Scamper, and players should approach the Scamper more like they would approach a low-health Spark. Single-target damage potential of the Scamper is slightly worse than that of the Dox, so it is somewhat worse at harassment.

    The Histericlese is similar to the Ant, but with marginally lower cost and health.

    The Elysian has a slightly lower range than the Spinner (basically the old pre-buff Spinner range), a slower fire rate, more damage per projectile, and is cheaper.

    The Oracle is slower and has a lower vision radius than the Skitter, but it also has a respectable 300-range energy-free radar, and its mine-detection ability is also extended to 300 range (as opposed to 200 vision/detection for the Skitter).

    The Riptide is similar to the Kraken, but with slightly better anti-sub weaponry and slightly worse anti-surface weaponry.

    The Torchbearer has a much higher range than the Grenadier (125 -> 200). However, its projectiles also travel extremely slowly and have a much lower splash radius. As a result, it is effectively unable to hit anything that is not stationary. Low DPS, but very good at sieging metal extractors and defensive structures. Basically the only harassment unit that Foundation currently has that is better than an MLA counterpart at its role.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  15. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Made more changes for v1.15


    Summary of v1.15 changes:

    Sheller -> Schism:
    damage: 400 -> 100
    splash radius: 15 -> 3
    Projectile travels much faster on average (difficult to quantify)
    Projectiles release a damaging field.
    Fields last 5 seconds.
    Fields deal 20 damage every 0.25 seconds.
    Fields have 20 radius.
    Fields deal 200 damage on expiration.

    Spark -> Charge:
    speed: 14 -> 12
    range: 65 -> 75
    energy consumption: 200 -> 100
    energy usage per shot: 400 -> 200
    Splash attack replaced with a chain lightning attack
    Chain lightning can hit up to 8 times
    Chain lightning can choose new targets per hit
    Chain lightning does 128/64/32/16/8/4/2/1 damage
    Chain lightning has 15/14/13/12/11/10/9/0 chain range

    Torch now functions differently:
    Targets a location for divine judgement.
    Divine judgement has a 3-second delay.
    Divine judgement does 120 damage.
    Divine judgement has a radius of 3.
    Last edited: May 9, 2019
  16. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Zealot splash radius: 7 -> 5
    Zealot splash damage: 50 -> 30

    Schism incremental damage: 20 -> 12
    Schism initial damage: 100 -> 80

    Crusader range: 40 -> 30
    Crusader firing arc (pitch): 45 -> 30
    Crusader firing arc (yaw): 45 -> 30

    Mithras renamed to Themis
    Themis shields actually work now

    Paladin renamed to Templar due to the fact that a Legion unit is already named "Paladin"
    Avalanche projectile duration increased from 4 to 4.5 seconds to accommodate the range buff they received in v1.15
    Last edited: May 9, 2019
  17. stealthpiloter

    stealthpiloter New Member

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    How come this mod is disabled?
  18. stealthpiloter

    stealthpiloter New Member

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    It was working a few weeks ago

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