The Future of PA and Titans

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kelwin99, June 5, 2018.

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  1. kelwin99

    kelwin99 Uber Employee

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    Some of you have been asking about the future of PA and Titans. We are currently building up a new team to continue working on some ideas we've had, as well as many issues we've seen come up. We'll be talking with the community on that plan post migration, and get a feel for what the majority of players are looking for, which will help us prioritize what order the work will be done in.

    We've gone through a lot of changes on the Uber side over the last 4 years, but know that we see you still playing. and our goal for the new team is to be more involved, and more communicative. We have some foundational issues with the game that need to be looked at first, but we're excited to work on making PA feel more alive again.
  2. kelwin99

    kelwin99 Uber Employee

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    We wanted to share some of the things we’ve been working on and that are currently in the pipeline:
    * Ladder reset for 1v1 giving everyone a fresh shot at hitting the top of the ladder
    * Working on server performance and optimizations to improve player experience (some of these optimizations have already been made)
    * New 1v1 ranked maps

    We will let everyone know as these come online.

    Also, for those of you who did not see the announcement, Community Mods, the Community Dedicated Server, Community Chat and Legion Expansion support are now up and running.
    killerkiwijuice, Quitch and Nicb1 like this.
  3. zoro24

    zoro24 New Member

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    Всем Привет .
    Я хочу сказать свою идею!)
    Для дальнейшего идеального прогресса ПА нужно добавить новую рассу « органических существ»
    Типо насекомых..
    Идея поможет придумать интересный сюжет и разнообразит игру.
    У меня есть несколько примеров сущесв и о их возможностях.
    Буду рад обсуждению этой темы.

    Текст перевожу через google переводчик.
  4. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    Hello .
    I want to say my idea!)
    To further the ideal progress of the PA, we need to add a new line of "organic creatures"
    The type of insects ..
    The idea will help to come up with an interesting story and diversify the game.
    I have several examples of essences and their possibilities.
    I will be glad to discuss this topic.

    Text translate through google translator.
  5. zoro24

    zoro24 New Member

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    Простите хочу заменить слово в предложении: «раса» - «вид»


    Для дальнейшего идеального прогресса ПА нужно добавить новый вид «органических существ».

    Forgive me I want to replace the word in the sentence: "race" - "kind"
    To further perfect the progress of the PA, we need to add a new kind of "organic beings".
  6. zoro24

    zoro24 New Member

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    У ПА есть будущее, я уверен на 100% . Он только родился и ещё мал. Но как любой ребёнок он нуждается чтобы его кормили и развивали.
    Каждый обязан нести ответственность за то что он сотворил.
  7. LmalukoBR

    LmalukoBR Well-Known Member

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    If you really want to know, what the game needs is stability. We all want something different to expand the game. But more often than not i think the major issue with the game is it's stability, once you build a large enough number of units the match turns into a slide show. I really love this game, i like the strategic options we have in it, but it becomes really frustrating to play once the lag starts. Sometimes I'm so enthralled i play through the lag, but most player just don't have the same patience.
    lulamae likes this.
  8. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    I'm glad to see that something is being done. I'm sure the game can still have a bright future if given a chance and polished up a bit more. PA is a spectacular game, but it has some major and minor quirks that have madr it difficult for a lot of people to even give it a chance.
    From my perspective, some foundational issues with how the game works and recieves commands made a lot of long time rts fans not even give the game a chance.
    If I can make a few suggestions that would make the game easier to fathom for newer players:
    It would be nice if continuous build was enabled by default on buildings, or made an option in the options menu.
    The game doesn't accept keyboard commands and mouse commands at once. This is a huge flaw which would cause the uninformed player to percieve the game as buggy. There is not doubt this causes unneeded stress for the player. From what I understand, when you mouse down, the game is waiting for the possibility of an area command. Neon was kind enough to make a mod called "fast click" which moves area commands to its own key. It would be nice if this could be implemented as an option or bu default.
    Also units tend to sometimes miss when firing at even stationary targets. If you build factories on a slope, particularly in craters, it is possible that the units will be stuck in place midair until the factory is destoyed.
    Your nuke will never fire if it is finished by assist while the launcher is paused. (If i remember correctly.)
    Building an ares on a planet that is too small, the ares will attempt to fire through the ground.
    These are the biggest offenders, and i think the first two being given attention would be give a huge boon to player retention.
    I don't know if this is what you were asking for.
    The game does often suffer from slowdown... If you want to lag up a server, just make an army of combat fabs and tell them reclaim an entire planet.
    Perhaps some more in depth tutorials made available through the game could help new players not be so completely overwhelmed.
    I think incorporating hotbuild into the base game would also be really helpful.
    Quitch likes this.
  9. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    I would make it an option in game settings before making it the default. Until then, there is the Infinite Build mod.

    The nuke launcher is like any other factory that will not release its unit until unpaused.

    I'm with you on most everything else.
  10. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    The nuke launcher thing is a tiny problem (I have never found it in my 2e999874 gameplay hours).
    I don't think there is any gamebreaking bug, the worst thing is the slow down with many units
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