CMM IS BACK DO NOT USE -New PAMM Server & PAMM Version 1.5.2-

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by flubbateios, June 5, 2018.

  1. flubbateios

    flubbateios Active Member

    Likes Received:
    CMM is back online so you should uninstall PAMM and use that instead.
    PAMM Server

    The Community Mods infrastructure went down a few days ago and the old PAMM server has been down for multiple months. As such, I've built a new PAMM server @ .

    Information to Modders
    To upload/update a mod, you must sign in with GitHub (press login) and go to the "Add/Update" page. To enable/disable your mods, go to the "Your Mods" page. If a mod is on the list but not under your ownership please contact me or @acesoyster. Your mod does not have to be hosted on GitHub, it is merely linked to your github account so that others can't update it.

    New PAMM Release
    We've also done some work on the PAMM client itself:
    • Rolled back Community Mods changes
    • Removed mod status (likes,downloads,etc...) since the new server doesn't support it
    • Added support for titansOnly and classicOnly properties in modinfo
    • Various bugfixes for Linux
    • Updated to the latest version of electron
    There may be issues with your antivirus and PowerShell (we had one user report this). If you're on Windows 7, you need to get a newer version of PowerShell (>=4.0) in order to support TLS1.2. Windows 8.1 and 10 users do not need to upgrade PowerShell.

    Version 1.5.2
    The 1.5.0 update mechanism is broken. To update, please download the latest PAMM and use the install script. The update mechanism has been fixed so this will not be required in future.

    PAMM downloads mods and icons from external sources. Your IP could be collected by any of those servers. You are using PAMM at your own risk!


    Download link!

    Thanks to
    • AcesOyster for helping sort all the mods, updating the PowerShell install script and making the logo on the website
    • DeathByDenim for updating the Linux/Mac OSX install script and testing on Linux
    • Grand Homie for testing on Mac OSX
    Last edited: September 16, 2018
    davostheblack, n00n, theiban and 19 others like this.
  2. manlebtnureinmal

    manlebtnureinmal Active Member

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    Thank you.
    boaone likes this.
  3. grandhomie

    grandhomie Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Great work, thanks guys!
    boaone likes this.
  4. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

    Likes Received:
    - What does logging in do for you?
    - Is there a reason that some of the mods do not show as available? Off the top of my head, I'm thinking Eco Manager & Nuke Shockwave FX.
    (They were in my download folder so I could install them manually)
  5. flubbateios

    flubbateios Active Member

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    We used a truncated mods list to populate the database initially so some mods may be missing. We'll try to add them back ASAP :)
    NikolaMX, lulamae and acesoyster like this.
  6. acesoyster

    acesoyster Active Member

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    Added, will associate with actual owners shortly. Feel free to send me DMs anywhere for any further requests
    okeanos and Nicb1 like this.
  7. ReddWolff

    ReddWolff Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you.
  8. nimzodragonlord

    nimzodragonlord Member

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    Thank you guys so much! I can’t express how grateful I am to be able to reserve the color orange for myself in ranked 1v1s and automatically switch factories to infinite build. The one mod that doesn’t come up that I can think of is “bigger explosions.”
  9. tripper

    tripper Active Member

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    Hold the line is missing but more importantly, the Hello Kitty commander icon mod is also missing.

    Like, omg... Literally. Unplayable.

    Also, you're a leg end Flooby, big love.
  10. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    I think you mean Cover The Line, but yes, it is available.
    tripper likes this.
  11. tripper

    tripper Active Member

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    Stop oppressing me with your facts lula! Thanks tho, my life is now marginally better.
    lulamae likes this.
  12. sardaukar666

    sardaukar666 Well-Known Member

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    Great work!
    Nicb1 likes this.
  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for your work on this. I have feedback.
    1. UI Mods should be called Client Mods to maintain consistency with CMM
    2. Forum link under ? doesn't lead here
    3. Can we have an option to hide the built-in mods? Can it be on by default?
    4. Please differentiate between locally installed and PAMM managed mods, or just hide the uninstall option for locally installed mods
    5. Clicking on a missing mod dependency just tells you it's missing, but it should take you to the missing mod, or better yet, missing dependencies should just be installed on startup (maybe with a pop-up to confirm that's OK)
    6. Descriptions are cut off with no indication that they're cut-off or means to expand them
    7. Available Mods should default to all, and then let me filter by client or server if I so desire
    8. The term "context" on Available Mods is weird to me. Mod Type or just Type would make more sense.
    9. Show Only is vertically centred, which given the number of tags makes it look like early tags belong to the previous option. It should be vertical top.
    10. Is remember window size really causing crashes? If not let's remove that note from the option
    11. If the default tab is going to be news then the quality of the posts there is going to need to improve. The new post doesn't say who mikeyh is, give context as to what PAMM is in relation to CMM, asks you to report issues on the forum but doesn't link to where that is, and the reasoning link doesn't lead to any reasoning. Casing isn't consistent for terms like PAMM, etc. Key things like how to submit a mod are absent, nor does it explain elements like how to install mods, where to get help with this client, that PA doesn't read changes to the mod list while active, etc. Also old news posts should probably just be dumped simply for clarity, and then some fixed width style should be introduced because the width of my window is designed around mod lists not news posts.
    lulamae and NikolaMX like this.
  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    12. You can't uninstall Legion if you enable mod icons because it overflows into the mod below it so the uninstall and forum links are unclickable.
  15. gabrielbalcazar

    gabrielbalcazar New Member

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    I own PA Titans but I can´t install some mods, because they say "Titans only" like Legion Expansion for example :(
  16. thedenial

    thedenial New Member

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    Copy the attached file to: %localappdata%\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\pamm\resources\app\assets\js\ and rename it to pa.js

    Attached Files:

    • pa.txt
      File size:
      5.4 KB
  17. gabrielbalcazar

    gabrielbalcazar New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you very much :D
  18. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    I have several Skybox mods available. To my knowledge, enabling more than one at a time doesn't break anything, but a player may not see the skybox she was expecting during the game.

    Is there a way notify the players that they have multiple skybox mods enabled? (conflict notifications?) Or even better, disable the earlier skybox mod selections, leaving only the most recent one enabled?
  19. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    Thanks a lot flubb for resurrecting this, you made me very happy. Also lula your skyboxes are awesome I really like the crab nebula one.
    I really appreciate your efforts and overall your results!
    If I could be of any help to any of you modders, ask me! I really feel I'm in debt
    lulamae likes this.
  20. ashor

    ashor New Member

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    guessing i cant continue my 6 month long GA campaign, when i try to continue my commander isnt loaded. I dont even remember what mods i had installed, there were atleast 30 including numerous map packs

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