Update: PAMM new version is available go read flubb's thread Hello guys if you want to play with mods right now do the following: 1) Download and install PAMM: a) ATOM SHELL EDITION: UPDATE: READ MY LAST REPLY Note that atom shell is now electron b) MSI INSTALLER VERSION 1.4.1 (works for me) (NOT recommended and you should unistall it when new PAMM will be available) (I'm not allowed to copy paste links) Write upload files . io / 8h48g ( without whitespaces) The program works as is without any tweaks. 2) Go into PA data directory and unzip the mods in client_mods folder: PATH: Users->YOURACCOUNTNAME->AppData(hidden folder)->local->Uber Entertainment-> Planetary Annihilation->client_mods You'll find your previous installed mods under the download folder PATH: Users->YOURACCOUNTNAME->AppData(hidden folder)->local->Uber Entertainment-> Planetary Annihilation->download NOTE: IF YOU WISH YOU CAN ALSO MANUALLY INSTALL MODS: Just read the readme.txt attachment[/)s]
Also for enabling mods after PAMM detects them just click into the black dots near the mod's names, when the dot is blue the mod is active. NEVER enable these two stock mods: PAX Prime 2015 Demo Mod Server Browser Cheat They prevent game from loading correctly.
UPDATE: (works with every OS) This is Kimberlee's PAMM fixed atom-shell version; All you have to do is launch the executable and it will install automatically
EDIT: Never mind - I just ran & installed the PAMM in your last post and that did the trick! What do the instructions in your readme.txt do? _____________________________________________________________ Couple of days ago I downloaded PAMM v 1.4.1 and Atom-Shell v 0.19.5 Ran Atom.exe then dragged the "Main.js" file from the PAMM folder into the window opened by Atom which the ran/opened PAMM (that PAMM would error out it I tried to run the install routine)
There is now a released version of PAMM with online mods database access that you should download instead from this forum post https://forums.uberent.com/threads/new-pamm-server-pamm-version-1-5-0.72981/