Looking for a neat clan to have fun with, and since the community is so small it seems the only way to get a game is that way. Who is still active?
Are you in the discord? you should join the people in voice that makes it easier to find a game. https://discord.gg/nPUxS2
Currently active clans are [BSE] (Eastern Europe, Russian as main language) [BRN] (Aussies, English as main) [pXs] Central Europe, German as main, [I.C.A.R.U.S.] Worldwide English as main, [Air-Hoz] Western Europe, French as main, and [TNC] Worldwide, English as main. If u wanna git gud and trash talk random people, hop in when you see someone on discord, there si a 60% chance they are from TNC or SPEC (cought pwn cough)
As a former member of RLM i can tell you there aren't any active PA players, and the clan has undergone a lot of change over the years, not just in PA. As for PAG, Clopse is still around, and i saw a post or two by elodea last month about him coming back in.
Apologies, as I'm a bit late to this thread. Both TNC and I.C.A.R.U.S contain several ex-RLM members. Admittedly, both of them also started as joke factions, but have quickly grown past their original scopes. (Note that I'm slightly biased here because I'm the founder and leader of ICARUS.). TNC has a slightly bigger focus on 1v1 and skill while most of the ICARUS players right now mostly play large, single-planet, high-metal maps. I'll admit that TNC has the higher average skill level too, although I wouldn't refer to them as exclusive.