Hilarious and/or WTF moments in MNC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by killien, February 26, 2011.

  1. killien

    killien Active Member

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    360 section already has one, but I figured it might be confusing to some if PC experiences got mixed in, so put them here!

    Other night, match on LazeRazor, was running with a buddy and our team wasn't doing to well. Somehow we held til OT and after a death I notice 4 of the other team on the left ledge(1 sin, 1 gunner, 1 support and I forget the 4th) and I'm thinking "Aw crap... we're gonna lose"

    Game ends and my first thought is "Dammit! We los... wait"
    I'd forgotten we were on Blue and it was the Red moneyball blowing up. Derp DX
  2. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    mine was from a 360 game ages ago, game starts up i pick my class my friend was away he comes back picks his class i check the score board "dude.....its 2v5....LETS DO THIS!" we won around 2mins later and the whole other team left.....
  3. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    - Flying Slimbots
    - Flying into the abbiss of the arena because of a Assault, randomly pushed the grapple button, grappled Assault in mid air outside the map, guy raging.
    - Moving while taunting.
  4. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I join an empty game, hoping to start up the server. I run Gunner.

    Halfway into the game, [H4X]pro and [H4X]pwn join the other team. They are both Assassins.

    About 7 minutes later, I win the match with 13 kills, 0 assists, 1 death, and a shiny new No Running with Knives ProTag.

    Was good day to be big man.
  5. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Witnessing a poor newbie Tank trying to snipe people across the map in the upper storey of Steel Peel while being deployed and using his JET GUN.

    Eventually got the idea though, but it was still a lol moment there. :lol:
  6. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    A few nights ago I was playing Gunner, and I accidentally hit the skill upgrade button while trying to pancake an assassin. It did some...very strange indescribable animation, and the assassin died without a corpse or making a death sound. My friend who witnessed it said it looked like the assassin simply disappeared...it was pretty strange :)
  7. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    A friend's first time playing. I'm rolling tank, he's playing Support 'cause he figures the medic role is familiar enough from TF2.

    I hear an assassin cloak, turn and charge in roughly the direction it was coming from, and a decloaked assassin suddenly materializes in front of him and goes flying off the map.

    "What the %*@$^ was that?!"
  8. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Used the middle ejector on GrenadeIII launching an assassin into one of the walls surrounding that large pit. Apparently there was just enough room for her to manage to walk back to the bot lanes without falling to her death.
  9. ChronoBodi

    ChronoBodi New Member

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    I saw an Assault die and disappear standing up. it looks so weird...

    Oh, and i grappled a Jackpot and killed it, in midair 10 feet off the ground. There's always some weird *** things bound to happen.
  10. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Basically this, but as the unfortunate assault.

    And another one where I charged a guy off an ejector bridge and he grappled me, and during the grapple his body fell off the map. I still died. :(
  11. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    And another one just last match - I'm Assault on Grenade III. We're on a roll and I've enough money to buy juice.

    I spend my $500, only to get ejectored out at the last second. I spent my last crucial moments swearing to myself, knowing I just wasted $500. I then remember I am Assault, master of aerial movement.

    I Jetpack/Charge back on the middle island, Jumppad to the enemy's about-to-die Moneyball, pop juice, and rush the Moneyball, starting first with my Bomb, landing a mere 5 inches from thier unshielded Moneyball.

    I got Assault level 3 charged, so I'm stuck in a grapple, only to remember I can still detonate Bombs mid-grapple. I do so, instantly destroying the moneyball and winning the match for HotShots.

    Immediately afterwards, the person who attempted to eject me in the first place swore at me and QQ'ed.
  12. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Grenade III:
    I go to the middle platform, buy juice and think to myself "Now I can wreak havoc.". I lunge to one of the jump pads like I usually do and ... fall to my death. Turns out I forgot to actually buy it.

    This is something that happened to me every time on GrenadeIII up to last week. Since then I always buy it and then carefully and slowly walk on the jump pad.
  13. ChronoBodi

    ChronoBodi New Member

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    U know, i've gotten some weird kills...

    an Assault charged right into me, and somehow right when he hit me, i grappled him in the back and killed him. he was like "wat?"

    another funny bug is this assault was frozen, but can move his arms, he was like "HELP!", and he can't be killed, i know i tried.
  14. Timon

    Timon Member

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    I guess i was this assassin. :D
    At least exactly this happened to me and i thought dammnit i hate to die and did buy juice a sec ago. But then ledge ft, go in kill some turrets...
  15. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    I had this one time today, where the team I was on was pretty much losing. I went as assault. A friend of mine, Myst, is on the other team. We both were on teamspeak

    for some reason, we managed to break free And that allowed me to farm some bots. Later in the game I tried targeting people and it worked out pretty well.

    When overtime hit, I was prepared. had 500 cash, one juice ready to go, so I went. the MB of the opponent was pretty much full, but I downed it rather quickly. At the last moments, both moneyballs were going to break and did.

    We both got the you lose screen. But we didn't realise that until we told each other that we both lost. Fun was had for sure.

    EDIT: also, everytime I pancake/headcrab/ground zero anyone. Maybe I should focus on those things.
  16. six_pounder

    six_pounder New Member

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    As Support, I was seeing further away two tanks fighting it out, they were both good players and it was a hard fight, unfortunately the tank on my team lost to the enemy tank who was taunting him after the kill, I wasn't too far away so I got close,popped him one with my shotgun
    and while he was still at his taunt routine, unable to break out of it I grapple-killed him
    and then pressed H
    he left the match just after that
  17. Wintermute

    Wintermute New Member

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    Spunky Cola arena, I was underneath the Annihilator bridge.

    Because it was still early, and I was still farming/pushing bots, after dealing with a few pros, I feel that I wouldn't last unless I used my Slam to temporarily disable a few Bots. For some reason, I jumped as well (to start backing off.) When I slam, I see the milestone for the Pancake kill appear. Seems that I had killed an Assassin who attempted to grapple me. I later upgraded my Slam to it's next level, just because I could.
  18. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    A thing which always will make me laugh: when a Sin tries to smokebomb + jump under a bridge... I guess the headache she'll get from it will hurt even more than my bullets :lol:
  19. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    http://www.theexternalworld.com/ 02:40
  20. bware

    bware New Member

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    lastnight playing gunner spunkycola, i hear the humming off a assasin, jump up and start to hover, i look down the assasin comes out stealth and try's to crap me, same moment second assasins try's to facecrap me, i panic and press shift midair, duo pancake, and "cant stab this" achivement for killing 1000 assasins, i peeded a little:)

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