Attack Orders, Artillery, and Hugging

Discussion in 'Support!' started by jcdbionicman, October 13, 2017.

  1. jcdbionicman

    jcdbionicman New Member

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    Kind of an annoying issue is units moving straight towards their target. This is desired for certain situations and units but not for fragile units, artillery, or situations. Recently I was trying to keep an orbital Battleship out of range of umbrellas to attack the commander but I could only halt it and it would only attack based on it's preference, as an attack move and an attack command only made it beeline straight for the commander.

    What are short term fixes, how long has this been an issue and when will it be patched?

    Also I can't seem to find a definite answer to the Roam and Maneuver move behaviors, I'm not sure what they do, many people confuse Roam with Patrol on multiple discussions I've read.

  2. grandhomie

    grandhomie Active Member

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  3. jcdbionicman

    jcdbionicman New Member

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  4. grandhomie

    grandhomie Active Member

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    I don't know about roam either.

    I can't say about the orbital battleship but the Artemis does stop right when it's in range of whatever it is shooting at. Maybe @Quitch can weigh in? (the brake value of some orbital units might be off).

    Since you seem to be into formations, check out this mod /, it's great to get your army into a concave or other fancy lines.
  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I believe the roam command extends the area within which a unit will auto respond to a threat- it is effectively a type of 'auto patrol'- where it will move to attack anything within its vision / radar range.

    Patrol is different as it specifies a path or area, whereas a unit on roam is working from a fixed location...
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I think this is because orbital to ground attacks are setup in the engine to move the unit directly overhead, likely an artifact of the SXX being the only unit to be able to do this originally.

    A workaround would be telling it to attack the Commander, then giving it a move command to max range. This will keep its target preference as the Commander, but allow you to override the closing in behaviour.
    grandhomie likes this.
  7. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    I'm testing a fix for this and will push to the Community Dedicated Server when ready.
  8. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    Fix is now live on the Community Dedicated Server for testing. All point and follow units will now move into range then hold at range while attacking.

    Answers to the questions...

    Patrol applies to a fixed area creating a path to move units throughout that area.

    Units not holding position will attack targets within their max weapon range, guard radius and vision.

    Roam allows units to pursue targets off their leash.

    EDIT: This fix does not apply to units with a line move behaviour. ie base air and orbital fighters.
    Last edited: October 15, 2017
    lordathon and sardaukar666 like this.
  9. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    An additional fix for area attack is now live on the Community Dedicated Server for testing.

    All point and follow units will now move into range of the area instead of moving to the edge of area.

    Both fixes are based on max weapons range of all weapons.
    lordathon and stuart98 like this.

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