Guys i need the TITANS and the Kaiju Be allowed to use teleporters or just move to another planet :3

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by romeosov, October 12, 2017.

  1. romeosov

    romeosov Member

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    Guys i always make me sure abaout 1 thing in a my army the capacity to move and attack in no time
    and for that a i require all my army in a point just to dont get sniped by BOOM BOTS!!! xD (im kiding i wanna transport all my army to another planets)

    Usually i make this composition for multiplanets games: Slamers, Hover tanks, Phoenix, Kaijus, Atlas titan, Ares Titan, Locust, Colonel, Manhattan, Dox, Omegas, Laser plataforms, Artemis (too mobile see?)

    If we check this just the kaijus and the titans cant use teleporters or just get the hell out the planet xD
    (sorry that was rudeedasdasghdas but its truth) idk i need a way to get them out of the planet and take them in another planet that would be amazing if someone have idea cause my idea is a teleporter with a balance change or idk :p
  2. romeosov

    romeosov Member

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    And!!!!!! if you ask me that question yeah its truth i want the infernot tanks and vanguards be amphibic units and i want a orbital transport with capacity to 12 units or 20 :p oh and dont forget i need the nukes be able to hit gas planets, The commanders be more stronger and big, the pelicas be able to transport 6 units or 12, The bluehawks need to do splash damage and just :p i think i gonna do this in my balance mod but what you think? xD
  3. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    You might need to look up the Rescale PA program to make a teleporter model titans could fit trough... otherwise I think there was a Kaiju teleporter mod that you can use as a guide.

    Sized transports don't have engine support - if they were possible to do reasonably someone would have made a mod by now.

    I think nuking gas used to be possible, but it could be an engine problem - haven't looked in a long time.

    Rest should be fine. If you are technically minded, I have some code templates for copying files and doing programmatic modifications, for the ones that are just a few value tweaks.
  4. eyhey34

    eyhey34 Member

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    I already made a mod to allow kaiju to be teleported( Titans are bigger then the teleporter so that might give some complications but else it should work.

    Gas giants cannot be nuked because, as far as i know, the attack option is not available on gas giants for non-orbital units so you'd need to workaround that (maybe classify it as orbital unit?).

    Inferno's use fire so i'd be a bit strange to make the amphibious but they should be able to be amphibious and the vanguard too.

    Changing the transport capacity is easy, it's just a single value in the unit json.

    Adding splash damage to bluehawks could be done by adding it to the ammo json but i'm not sure if that is shared with the other units that fire missiles which will cause those to also do splash damage.

    As for balance it will be a big mess probably

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