Enhancement Update 105067 is now live!

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by wyao, June 20, 2017.

  1. wyao

    wyao Uber Employee

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    A host of new custom commanders, free for everyone!
    • Added Locust, XOV, Reaver, spz58624, raizell, visionik, tykus24, mostlikely, nagasher, zancrowe, kevin4001, damubbster, commandonut, sadiga, jt00010177, vidicarus
    Balance changes:
    • Removed friendly commander reclaim
    • Changed grenadier group preference to back
    • Changed default bounty to 0.25
    POV Camera Mode, Spectator Selection, Holodeck Improvements
    Alternative Win Conditions
    • Sudden death for teams (protect your weakest player)

    Sim Speed Control for Local Servers
    • Added sim speed control for local servers with key bindings -/=
    AI Improvements
    • Added AI shared armies
    • Added resume anywhere for AI games with no human players
    • Fixed black screen joining game over state
    • Added social notifications when uberbar hidden
    • Fixed broken classic galactic war saves with missing combined unit_list.json for.ai and .player spec tags
    • Changed handling of look at player for spectators to use units
    • Changed label for dynamic alliances eco sharing from RESC to SHARE ECO
    • Added Friendly_Commander reclaim type and excluded friendly commanders from default unit reclaim type. Commander reclaim can be enabled again by adding Friendly_Commander to reclaim_types.
    Last edited: June 20, 2017
  2. eyhey34

    eyhey34 Member

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    There is a bug in the lobby where there is no visible indicator that sudden death mode is enabled. Like the way when sandbox is enabled it is bright yellow.
  3. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Thanks for the patch! <3
  4. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Get in the PA discord man.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  6. SourceSeeker

    SourceSeeker New Member

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    Still didn't understand what this Sim Speed Control is good for! Can someone explain this for me in detail please?

    from posts #51, #52:
    What i already got told is, that this new feature is about the TARGET Sim Speed, not the ACTUAL Sim Speed.
    But what does that mean? Can you now slow down Sim Speed intentionally so that the game will run in slow motion although it could run smoothly? Why would anyone ever wants something like this?
    I mean, when the game already runs slow because of low Sim Speed because of large armies, i want to increase Sim Speed. But when i increase Sim Speed with this feature, just the TARGET Sim Speed gets increased, which doesn't change anything at all, does it?
    Last edited: June 21, 2017
  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    It's more about being able to *speed up* the sim speed- e.g. at the start of the game you can run the game faster to 'skip ahead' (e.g. to give the AI a bit of time to get going and be more challenging).
    SourceSeeker likes this.
  8. SourceSeeker

    SourceSeeker New Member

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    Ah! Now this makes sense! This new Sim Speed Control feature is just for increasing game speed as long as Sim Speed Capacity allows it!
    Thanks for this insightful answer, cdrkf!

    I'm still dreaming about a function to set & keep Actual Sim Speed to desired custom speed. To achieve this, you are offered different options you want to neglect in exchange for approaching desired Sim Speed. I can think of temporary:
    - reduce FPS to custom minimal limit
    - restrict/ forbid to build cheap units
    - increase unit costs for all players (including AI)
    - restrict/ reduce metal & energy income for amount & time
    - destroy moveable units by random (& getting refunds or not...)
    - regularly damage all moveable units, but commander, so that masses of weak & damaged units decrease
    - disable heal/ repair ability
    - create extreme weather effects like aggressive volcanos & earthquakes which destroy units nearby
    - summarize unit masses to special units, like: sum 10 units of same type in same location (customizable radius) to 1 unit of that type by using the same unit model (no need for new models) while showing number of sums above its model head. when this unit would die, instead the sum counter gets reduced by 1, but the unit still lives on until counter reaches 0.
    Last edited: June 21, 2017
    sgrock likes this.
  9. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hmm sounds like what you want is to alter the pacing of the game? The 'sim speed' function is related purely to the engine itself. What you actually want is things that change the balance.

    As it happens there are ways to do this- through mods. There is also the ability to disable specific units (so you can disable t1 combat units and nukes for example, if you want a more casually paced game). If you play against AI there are also mods that adjust how that behaves (with specific 'personalities' that will favor a specific unit type like all tanks or all air).

    You could certainly create mods to achieve many of your ideas- there are a number of re-balance mods that do just that. Galactic Annihilation may be a bit slower paced and might suit you?
    lulamae likes this.
  10. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    *Planetary Obliteration

    SourceSeeker, your optimization ideas are basically not happening.
    gmase and cdrkf like this.
  11. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    Hmmm... I think boosting sim speed during AI skirmishes will force me to learn how to play quicker. That should help improve my play against other players as I tend to just plod along.
    cdrkf likes this.
  12. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    To be honest best way to learn how to play other players is watch replays of the top 1 v 1 players... get the build orders down so you know exactly what to be making and when... then it simplifies it down to how to get the most out of your units / where to attack.
  13. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    I still do that. And I usually have a plan going in. But when I watch youtube videos by the top players, While I understand what they are doing mid-game, they often pop around faster than I can keep track. That's a part I need to improve. )
    cdrkf likes this.
  14. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    True, I must admit I could never keep up with the very top players even at my best. I was in top 20 for quite a while, it's amazing how far ahead the top 5 or so players were from the rest of Uber rank.

    I'm tempted to start playing on the ladder again now that com reclaim has been removed. For me it sped the game up too much- I was never fast enough. Without it there's more need to expand / raid and a bit more time before the tech snowballs.
    lulamae likes this.
  15. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    This makes me a happy Marshii
  16. mkii

    mkii New Member

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    Excellent update! Any word on a Unit Manager/Tech Selection feature with AI support?

    Example usage cases:
    • You could play coop meat grinder
    • Play a coop game without nukes
    • Add's to strategy variety
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    You can already restrict units (with AI support) in Community Mods. Got patched in in March.
    lulamae and Nicb1 like this.
  18. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Can you poop a URL here for Discord? I know the Realm TS, and I know it's still alive, but nevertheless...
  19. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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  20. mkii

    mkii New Member

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    You know which mod? I couldn't find anything

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