So hi there, thx for a great game. Now i've been following some youtube streamers regarding Pa-Titan a lot recently. And every time they Get a specific number of units, the game seem to really slow down. So i've thought of a solution you welcome to use, which does not remove the power level, you require for having all these units, but rather decrease the animation progress. what if you introduced something called forexample "living metal",( you can always change the name). and when you reach a sudden amount of units, they would start to melt into each other, creating a new type of unit, but with the power/fab-building-speed as the amount of units you have. If its 2, the new unit would be twice as fast/have twice the dmg and hp. 10 = ten times faster, etc.. And what if you stated that a 1000-3000 or more units would be able to rival a Titan, Not in exact power level.. maybe a bit weaker. It would be an interesting way of lowering the slowdown, and give a Unique chance of defending against a titan without building one.. since it would take a great time. Ofc. Some limits would be required, but that why, you are the ones to makes the game.. And it suddenly beats the need to leave a game due to slowness. *This new unit could be an ancient chinese Searpet**, where all these smaller units has grabbed onto each other, and by that give the serpent the ability to move/crawl. **or something else ancient from the universe. It could also be a dragon;D Just Ideas, I like them, the question is. DO YOU.
Or something we haven't even thought about yet. A flying pyramid ><.. or something more fitting for the game.