Also, I'll continue to post "good" videos that aren't shitty political ones, because I know I'll never convince Tatsu, but I just want to demonstrate "they" aren't the only ones that exist and not everyone opposing them are ignorant toothless fucks. Gameplay starts at 14:50.
Everyone should check these guys out: They make skit comedy videos, and are one of few channels to do video game humor really well. They also do not video game stuff.
I will say, I love FTL. When I recorded low-quality gaming videos, FTL was one I did a lot of. Great game.
Right. If you have videos or points about particular issues, I suggest making new threads about them rather than simply posting a video. That way you can actually elaborate on your thoughts and critique the points the video is making in an enclosed environment without impeding other threads. Posting simply videos / picture posts is generally disallowed in the rules anyway, so let's try and keep this thread to just 'random youtube vids you may enjoy' rather than 'I found a youtube vid about politics or /other X issue that needs discussing and elaborating/'.
This... is just funny... but it's also possible to find this political... ??? I don't know, but if this ain't where this belongs, you best move it. I could easily repost this in "politics" thread, but it's not "serious" or "bipartisan" so it logically doesn't belong there either? Either way...