I have tired everything to play PA single player with zero luck. The "server" lag will not go above 1FPS. Graphics are fine running at 60 FPS with no issues. I have tried it with steam, w/o steam, and various combinations of setting inside the game. BTW i play the game disconnected from the internet. Can anyone help?
Start by posting your dxdiag and some logs: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/how-to-find-the-pa-logs-and-game-lobby-ids.69151/ Server FPS is always 1. Also check this list: https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Windows_Incompatible_Software
Exact same problem as that guy. Every thing seems to be running smoothly until I attempt to move my commander and then instantly things drop to 1fps though the CTRL P states its still running at about 60. the gameplay its self seems to progress uninterrupted only the visual aspect is lagged all to hell. I am unable to play the game as it is. Perhaps i should be a little more clear. the game runs smoothly by what i can see through the limited frames i can see. i send my guy somewhere on attack and next frame things are destroyed. there are just no frames in the interum.
That sounds like the typical issue you'd get from having a software installed that screws with your networking somehow. PA basically starts a local "multiplayer" game with one player when you play single player, so even offline single player isn't safe from such software. That causes the game to lag, i.e. you have lots of frames, zooming is totally smooth, but units make big jumps as the position updates are delivered only very slowly from the server to the client. The by far most common software of that kind if "Asus Gamefirst III". If you have it just remove it, it is trash. However @praetorcm your dxdiag doesn't say anything about Asus stuff. So that's odd. Anything else that comes to mind that might screw with networking on your system?