I just found I had 33 coherent ui-processes

Discussion in 'Support!' started by jonasmod, September 10, 2014.

  1. jonasmod

    jonasmod Active Member

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    During a 1v1 I experienced sudden lag spikes when issuing some commands. I think the spike occured most frequently when I selected a group of units and issued a quick command, like selecting three fabbers and queueing a factory, or selecting 20 doxes and microing their movement. Everything (except the mouse) would freeze for like half a second, and then proceed as usual.

    I've had no problems like this before, I'm running on a Intel i5 2500K proc, 2x GTX 560 Ti, 12GB of RAM and an SSD. Oh, and Windows 7 Pro.

    I looked at the Task Manager and discovered there were like 33 coherent ui processes, is this normal? The biggest one ate about 350MB RAM (i think) and the smallest one like 30MB. The system was one small planet. There weren't a lot of units on it. PA.exe used about 2.5GB of RAM.

    The game ID was 14679054994510250704, version 71729.

    I don't think I actually need help, I'm guessing a Windows reboot will be sufficient to solve my issues, but maybe it is interesting to some devs to know about this?


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  2. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    As far as i know this is expected. Will check myself if i have that many processes.
  3. jonasmod

    jonasmod Active Member

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    One thing I forgot to mention was that the system (in total, including windows, skype, spotify, one google chrome tab, steam, teamspeak and PA) used over 8GB of RAM. Is this to be expected from a ~400-radius 1v1 game? It seems kinda ridiculous.

    Edit: I mean, does everybody (even regular folks, not just forum-goers) have more than 8GB of RAM? Tbh i don't know, but I would not bet on it.
  4. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    I confirm :
    9 of these processes when starting PA.
    32 of these processes as soon as the game is launched
    I know it has been allready stated in the forums that you're likely to have that much processes.
  5. jonasmod

    jonasmod Active Member

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    OK, cool, thanks for the quick reply. I've read somewhere that there should be multiple ones of those, but I didn't expect more than 5 or 6.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    PA loves ram, although be careful on windows reporting- windows 'caches' the ram so its not 'free' but it is still 'available' if your looking at it in the 'performance tab' in task manager.

    Coherent uses about 1.5gb and PA was using 2.5 based on your OP so it was using 4gb (basically the minimum needed to run the game).

    On the plus side Varrak is busy reducing ram usage and has already found 1gb he can save just be compressing textures and such so it should get better :)
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    SXX has a coherent registry workaround that limits PA to 9 coherent tasks instead of 32. It will increase UI lag but usually unnoticably if its 9-12 still. You STILL can't make it 1, there is a reason there are so many. But 9-12 can be done.

    Note, the workaround tends to bug the launcher updater, undo it to update stable via launcher mkII, or update via something else.
  8. loren88888888

    loren88888888 New Member

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    Often during the game, where at the map is located more than 300 units, everything starts to slow down. Lags can stand for 2 to 30 seconds, during which I am not able to do anything. Is it wine of Coherent UI which is which are many or not enough? Usually during the game I have them about 30. I use a Dell T3400 Xeon 6 core, 12GB RAM, GTX 960 4GB RAM vresion. I have a a stable 40 - 50 FPS. I already tried to limit Amount of Coherent UI to 5, 10, 15 and 30. Any of this didnt help.
    Dont know what to do, game is unplayable.
  9. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Normally you can just let Coherent do it's thing. It shouldn't lag the whole game. In rare instances having too many Coherent processes leads to a laggy UI, but the game itself will not lag as seems to be the case for you.

    You can try going through the list of known incompatible software (and also try the clean boot option at the end of that list)

    If that doesn't help. Upload some logs here using the "Upload a File" button on this forum. See here which logs and where to find them: https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Windows#Reporting_Windows_Issues
  10. loren88888888

    loren88888888 New Member

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    None of list incompatible software, i've disabled all programs which may cause lags and all auto starts. I didn't noticed any change to more smooth gameplay. My PA is installed at D partition, which is not located at SSD disc.

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  11. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    What is the size of the systems you play on? Is it just Galactic War or do you play on custom systems with multiple large planets?
  12. loren88888888

    loren88888888 New Member

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    About 2 months ago i could play system with 3 planets every 1000 radius, or even more without any bigger problems, now i cant play 1 vs 1, 1 planet 400 radius, this is real issue. I've even reinstalled game, but it didn't helped with solving that problem.
  13. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Could you try increasing the amount of virtual memory? According to your DxDiag.txt it's a bit on the low side. To change it, follow the instructions here (last section): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15055/windows-7-optimize-windows-better-performance
    Change it to about 16GB or so. If you can, use your SSD only.
  14. loren88888888

    loren88888888 New Member

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    Everything uses only 6,5 GB RAM so it's left about 5,5 GB, so dont need any additional virtual memory. I used it ,when i had 4GB of RAM and Core 2 Duo( it was working :) )I think that will not change anything but i ll test it anyway. And i am not going to move PA for SSD disc, C partition is only for system and important things it. The biggest trouble that i have is when game starts i have to wait about 1 min to load GUI and other stuff. After using F5 button there's same problem. I am pretty sure that isnt wine of my PC or internet connection, any other programs but exacly or bad optimization of Coherent UI or bugs and shortcomings in the program. As i know u can't modify at your own the source of the used here Coherent UI "tools", am i right?
  15. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Ah, sorry. I didn't mean move PA to the SSD. Rather, I meant having the virtual memory reside on the SSD.

    What exactly do you mean with "wine" by the way? I thought it was a spelling mistake in your first post, but you seem consistent in using it. The only Wine program I know is for running Windows applications on Linux, but that isn't what you are doing, is it?

    And you are right, the Coherent UI is closed-source. (Although closely related to the open-source Chromium browser).
  16. loren88888888

    loren88888888 New Member

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    My stupidity. I transferred directly the polish word "wina" into English without checking whether such actually exists. Whole this time i meant the word "guilt". I checked the settings, i turned out that once already have set VRAM, now i have 8 GB RAM of virtual memory. Ill check it how is it working. Hope that now everything is correct written :)
    So, i've tested it and... no change. Still PA needs about 2 mins to fully load all GUI, and i've still getting freezes (noone builded anything yet). That isn't normal, 3 months ago everything works fine. I am giving up until new update will not come. Or, weren't we searching in wrong place? I think mods also can cause lags, i have to check it!
    Last edited: January 14, 2017
  17. loren88888888

    loren88888888 New Member

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    I uninstalled 2 modifications, it works better to but not without delays, especially when starting the game, and the moment after landing, still a problem with the building. This suggests that was a problem.
  18. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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