Legion Expansion [Released!]

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by Nicb1, May 3, 2016.

  1. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    I'm not going to say much but I will say that there were plans in the past. 2 things made it painful and difficult as heck though to get it going. Textures (wish we never used those damn metal textures) and licence nonsense that I did not have in place from the beginning as I never expected the mod to get as far as it did.

    Other than that don't immediately discount the possibility of us working with the game devs to get something sorted for you guys to get quicker loads. Won't elaborate further on this until it actually happens though.
    MrTBSC and sgrock like this.
  2. sgrock

    sgrock Member

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    My friends and I do enjoy the new Legion mod and all have it installed locally.
    We just wish there were a way to avoid having to upload it and download it for every player every game.
  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.1 - 2017/03/02

    • Standardised metal texture across faction to resolve light/dark contrast between units
    • Resolved all instances of Tron lines on units
    • Replaced some low quality textures
    • Holocene and Wrasse given correct selection shape
    • Removed further unnecessary files to minimise mod size
    • Catfish strategic icon properly reflects its ability to fire torpedoes and is slightly larger now
    stuart98, Nicb1, lulamae and 2 others like this.
  4. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    dude, i saw the gun on the lancer was bobbing up and down. did you figure out how to do animations? woww
    dom314 likes this.
  5. moatmanoo

    moatmanoo Member

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    Just a quick thank you to all involved with Legion for their hard work and to Mikeyh for continuing to develop and improve this game.
    lulamae, maxpowerz, Nicb1 and 3 others like this.
  6. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    :eek: Legion is AWESOME.
    I still need to try out Quitch's AI tho, the Vanilla AI is having trouble with the expansion i think :/
    I keep owning the AI with an efficiency of 98% and an APM of 32,
    Either i got way better at the game than i thought or the Vanilla AI needs a bit of a boost in the aggression department.
  7. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    @Quitch is the Quellar AI moddable ?
    I want to mod the AI so it prioritizes Metal extractors then Solar collectors then everything else in it's normal priority.
    I seem to suffer most when my mex and energy are hit before anything else and want to practice against a bot that goes out of it's way to wreck my resource collection.
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The Queller AI is a mod, so sure it's moddable :) You'd be best to direct Queller questions to the Queller AI thread. You might want to check out the Building Your Own Planetary Annihilation AI guide too.

    There are a couple of areas where the AI is inherently limited with Legion, namely that it cannot build over existing MEX (i.e. "upgrade" them) and it cannot use Chariots (orbital transports). There are also some more subtle AI limitations. All these issues should be fixed in the next PA patch.
    Last edited: April 6, 2017
    vackillers and maxpowerz like this.
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.2

    • AI puts greater distance between Rigs to avoid chain reactions
    • Added support for new MLA Commanders
    • Removed Wrasse
    • Star Cannon
      • Added three second delay between unit builds (same as Unit Cannon)
    stuart98, maxpowerz, lulamae and 2 others like this.
  10. mechanis

    mechanis New Member

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    So Palobby recently confirmed that GW is getting some love in the near future- any thoughts on the possibility of Legion support? the main thing, I think, would be getting the legion comms to interface with the loadout/databank system, which as a modder for other games sounds like one of those things that's simple in theory but a massive pain in practice.


    still, I think it's something a lot of people would agree that it's a feature we'd like, if only to add a bit more depth to GW.
  11. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Yeah it would take time to get it properly implemented, but the moment that it becomes possible for us to properly implement legion into GW i can guarantee that we will be giving it a shot.
    Last edited: June 26, 2017
    sgrock and dom314 like this.
  12. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    I was wondering whether you guys have some kind of hierarchy for deciding on changes, or whether you sort of go with the consensus among you?

    Awesome mod, by the way. I tried it recently and couldn't believe my eyes. Some of the models are at the level of Uber and better. Especially the orbital Titan.

    I am not a fan of the commanders though. So far, that is my main problem with the mod. Wouldn't it be possible to just turn a few of the normal commanders to Legion? Or could I make this mod myself? Would it even be legal?
  13. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    If balance issues are brought to our attention generally we discuss until there's consensus within the team. Nicb does usually have the final say, but most of the time he doesn't really weigh in on balance.

    It is possible to turn specific commanders into legion (I do it myself in my Legion+many many changes mod-mod Planetary Obliteration), but it requires creating your own mod-mod overwriting a few legion files and there's no way to allow players to decide if they want a com to be MLA or Legion; all you can do is change the set faction of the commanders in files.

    Here's the specific file changes you need to make:
    Add this line to the commander's unit.json file
       "buildable_types": "CmdBuild & Custom1",
    This is the most important change, as it makes them build Legion instead of MLA.

    Add this line to the same file to change their build SFX
    "fx_offsets": [
    "bone": "socket_leftMuzzle",
    "filename": "/pa/effects/specs/legion_fab_spray.pfx",
    "type": "build"
    Add this line to change their selection circle to the Legion hexagon
    "selection_icon": {
    "diameter": -16.6
    Add this line to change their strategic icon
      "si_name": "l_commander",
    If the unit.json has a tools array (around 65% of commanders), change this line
        "spec_id": "/pa/tools/uber_cannon/uber_cannon.json"
        "spec_id": "/pa/tools/l_uber_cannon/l_uber_cannon.json"
    If they don't have it, you'll need to add this one
    "tools": [
    "aim_bone": "bone_turret",
    "spec_id": "/pa/tools/commander_build_arm/commander_build_arm.json"
    "aim_bone": "bone_turret",
    "muzzle_bone": "socket_rightMuzzle",
    "primary_weapon": true,
    "spec_id": "/pa/units/commanders/base_commander/base_commander_tool_bullet_weapon.json"
    "aim_bone": "bone_turret",
    "muzzle_bone": "socket_rightMuzzle",
    "secondary_weapon": true,
    "spec_id": "/pa/tools/l_uber_cannon/l_uber_cannon.json"
    "aim_bone": "bone_turret",
    "muzzle_bone": "socket_rightMuzzle",
    "primary_weapon": false,
    "show_range": false,
    "spec_id": "/pa/units/commanders/base_commander/base_commander_tool_aa_weapon.json"
    "aim_bone": "bone_turret",
    "muzzle_bone": "socket_rightMuzzle",
    "primary_weapon": false,
    "show_range": false,
    "spec_id": "/pa/units/commanders/base_commander/base_commander_tool_torpedo_weapon.json"
    This gives them the Legion Uber cannon.

    For the last change in the unit.json, append this to the end, before the brace:
    "unit_types": [
    You'll also want to recolor the build bar icon (found in the same directory as the unit.json) to make it fit in.

    Lastly, you'll want to add them to the legion commander list in common.js so that UI, etc is recolored when they're selected.
  14. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    While working on our mod, we noticed that your Legion anchor is colored deep red, while it should be colored light red, to match the MLA anchor which is light blue (both of which are built by orbital fabbers which are T1 units). In our mod we fixed this, but Robo tells me that if we want to use an addon structure we will not be able to fix it (though he might be wrong, in which case please let me know). So I am wondering whether you guys could fix it on your end instead.

    Also, some of your icons have symbols that don't match the MLA symbols, because your unit size is too big etc. For example, the Legion nuke launcher icon is about half the size of the MLA nuke launcher. It would be great if you guys could fix all that, but if not we will do our best to do so at some point. The icon inconsistencies are not a priority for us, but they are on our list somewhere.

    Loved playing with the Tyr today. Easily my favorite unit in the game. You could make an expansion called the "Tyr Expansion" and I would pay full whack for it.
  15. robomoo

    robomoo Member

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    I think we can easily replace the Legion anchor's icon while making the mod an addon, actually. Earlier I was just getting confused over what did and didn't need to be in the client portion of the mod.
  16. river39

    river39 Active Member

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    Its just an idea:
    isn't it just possible to add a copy of all commanders as legion so you can pick if you play your fav commander as legion or mla?
  17. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    On second thought, and looking at the orbital tab in this preliminary version of our build bar, it is the anchor that should be dark blue:


    Why do the anchor and the jig, which are both built by the same fabber, belong to different tech levels? Legion is consistent, it's Uber that wasn't.
  18. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    Please move this discussion to your own thread.
    NikolaMX likes this.
  19. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Hey guys, when oyu were working on this expansion/mod did you also encounter an issue where area attacking with custom nuclear missiles causes the client to crash? This keeps happening to me and I have no ides how or why. the crash log doesn't tell me anything useful.
  20. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    v1.2.1 - 2017/09/02

    • Initial lobby pop-up now states how to play as Legion
    • Fixed multiple intro buttons appearing when Legion was installed by a player not logged into Ubernet
    • POV button coloured to match Legion theme

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