Legion Expansion [Released!]

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by Nicb1, May 3, 2016.

  1. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    This is my fault. I forgot to translate rate of fire into reload time in seconds for the latter two. e.g. orbweaver is (1/1.75) one shot every 0.57 seconds up from 0.5. Patriot is (1/0.83) one shot every 1.2 seconds up from 1.
  2. frostsatir

    frostsatir Active Member

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  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    If it was down it's working now.
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    v0.18.0 - 2016/10/03

    • Anti-air symbol added to Jaeger build bar icon
    • Weapon range circles disabled for uncontrollable entities
    • Earthshaker camera shake reduced by 50%
    • Necromancer's Purgers no longer selectable with factory built Purgers and have been coloured red to distinguish them
    • Strategic icons now show for jumping Purgers and Investigators
    • Rampart nerf
      • Shield no longer starts fully charged when built
    • Earthshaker buff
      • Rate of fire changed from 4 to 3.3
      • Damage decreased from 1500 to 1200
      • Splash damage decreased from 500 to 400
    • Scorpion buff
      • Ammo velocity increased to 110
    • Loki buff
      • Rate of fire changed from 3 to 2
      • Main gun damage modifier against air units changed from 0.75 to 0.5
    • Enforcer nerf
      • Range decreased from 110 to 100
    • Maul nerf
      • Health decreased from 1300 to 1150
    • Walker Factory nerf
      • Metal cost increased from 600 to 660
    • Armour Foundry nerf
      • Metal cost increased from 600 to 660
    • Flyer Foundry nerf
      • Metal cost increased from 600 to 660
    • Ship Foundry nerf
      • Metal cost increased from 600 to 660
    • Peacekeeper buff
      • Rate of fire changed from 0.9 to 0.83
    • Lancer change
      • Damage increased from 6 to 125
      • Rate of fire changed from 0.1 to 1.64
    • Purger nerf
      • Health decreased from 80 to 70
    • Black icons caused by memory limit replaced with dots
    • Animation log errors fixed for a variety of units
    • Salamander drop turret physics errors fixed
    • Salamander drop turret no longer plays fire effect when it dies
    • Mixed UI action bar now transparent like the MLA UI
    • Mixed UI planet list bar now transparent and no longer blocks metal counts
    • Necromancer Purgers now properly attack units at long range automatically
    • Imperator ground attack drones no longer missing unit selection portraits
    • Orbweaver muzzle flash now appears in the correct position
    • Error in Thor animations fixed
    • Kaiju projectiles now properly blocked by Rampart
    • Jaeger projectiles now properly blocked by Rampart
    • Legion no longer overrides weapon effect mods
    • Cleanup of file shadowing
    • Lobby overlay no longer broken when Legion theme is disabled
    huangth, lulamae, elodea and 3 others like this.
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    That's a bad tooltip to the extent of my knowledge.

    I love how Legion can fluctuate between being mod number 1,200 on ModDB to being mod #67 on ModDB in two days.
    tatsujb, Nicb1 and tunsel11 like this.
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    v0.18.1 - 2016/11/22

    • Replace metal texture on multiple units to ensure consistency across faction
    • Guardian tooltip more accurately describes its abilities
    • Disabled the AI building the Starcannon due to some associated server crashes
    • Holocene correctly flagged as a Titan
    stuart98 likes this.
  7. lorodion

    lorodion Member

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    I've got some problems with build commands when playing Legion. For example I can't build metal extractors with my fabricators using the keyboard. Is this a known problem?
  8. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Hotbuild is necessary to use hotkeys with legion. This isn't fixable.
    lorodion and tatsujb like this.
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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  10. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Additional balance changes are being tested and a further update will be released this month. If you have feedback you want taken into account then post it here, and ideally link to some evidence in the forms of videos or replays.
    gmase and Nicb1 like this.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.0

    It has been over seven months since the Legion Expansion was given its first public beta. It has been a long road, and one filled with a lot of useful experiences for all of us. Tournaments have been played, balances tweaked, bugs squashed, and what we're left with is a mod we're all very proud to have contributed to.

    You'll find below that we've made a lot of balance changes. We'd found that Legion was too reliant on bots, and a lot of effort has been put into making its vehicle path more viable. Beyond that we've focused on tweaking unit roles to ensure everything has a purpose based on our experience over the past seven months.

    Of course, this isn't the end of the road, just the start of a new journey. We'll be continuing to monitor your games

    • Removed BETA from Legion UI and added version number
    • Updated AI for changes to Starcannon buildable units
    • Added Wrasse (combat fabber) to Ship Foundry
    • AI can build Wrasse
    • Armour
      • Armour Fabricator
        • Speed increased from 10 to 11
        • Increased LOS from 100 to 125
      • Shank
        • Speed increased from 8 to 10
        • Health decreased from 420 to 300
        • Added splash damage
        • Damage 5
        • Radius 20
      • Corsair
        • Cost decreased from 405 to 300
        • Health increased from 125 to 175
      • Panzer
        • Reload time decreased from 9 sec to 6 sec
      • Scorpion
        • Rate of fire increased from 0.3 to 0.4
    • Walkers
      • Purger
        • Cost decreased from 75 to 50
        • Health decreased from 70 to 40
        • Splash increased from 50 to 150
      • Patriot
        • Rate of fire decreased from 8 to 4
      • Monstrosity
        • Braking rate increased from 10 to 100
        • Cost decreased from 1800 to 1700
        • Primary weapon damage increased from 1500 to 1650
      • Miniman
        • Speed increased from 6 to 7
      • Enforcer
        • Cost decreased from 550 to 450
    • Naval
      • Jaeger
        • Damage decreased from 1500 to 750
        • Rate of fire increased from 0.25 to 0.5
        • Range increased from 180 to 250
      • Catfish
        • Laser range decreased from 120 to 100
        • Speed decreased from 20 to 18
        • Can no longer see mines
      • Talos
        • Range increase from 150 to 180
      • Manta
        • Rate of fire AA increased from 4 to 6
      • Epoch
        • Range increased from 400 to 430
      • Hammerhead
        • Torpedo range increase from 150 to 200
        • Added splash damage
        • Damage 50
        • Radius 10
        • Full damage radius 2
        • Linear falloff
      • Wrasse
        • Combat fabricator
        • Reclaims
        • Spot mines
        • Repairs units
    • Air
      • Lockheed
        • Health decreased from 450 to 400
      • Comet
        • Increased cost from 2500 to 4000
    • Orbital
      • Starcannon
        • Removed Purger
        • Added Scorpion
    • Static Weapons
      • Jackal
        • Cost increased from 150 to 350
        • Damage decreased from 30 to 10
        • Rate of fire increased from 2 to 15
        • Range increased from 100 to 105
      • Scarab
        • Cost increased from 400 to 500
        • Damage increased from 100 to 300
        • Rate of fire decreased from 1.75 to 1
      • Gustav
        • Range decreased from 500 to 400
    • Fixed use of invalid form of RGB curve in fabber spray effects
    • Fixed Ripple and Tsunami torpedoes colliding with the sea floor on certain maps
    • Necromancer Purger metal value set to match that of the Purger
    Last edited: December 22, 2016
  12. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    Wow this looks soo good!! Love the changes. Cant wait to play it. Must be a really good playtesting/balance team <3
  13. frostsatir

    frostsatir Active Member

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    Some versions ago you removed Enforcer from starcannon. Now you added scorpion.Any balance logic? Scorpion harder for comm snipe? Or Enforcer was too strong?
  14. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Scorpion doesn't have as much dps as enforcer, harder to abuse.
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Lower DPS, slower to turn.
  16. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.0.2 - 2016/12/30
    • Fixed Holocene being buildable by Fabrication Starship
    Version 1.0.1 - 2016/12/22
    • Fixed Jaeger splash being twice its weapon's damage
  17. chrisjshull

    chrisjshull Member

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    So now that this is at 1.x, will we be seeing it added to the base game?
    I'd get way more legion playtime if it didn't require server mods (faster loading) - and I could use it in matchmaking.
  18. chrisjshull

    chrisjshull Member

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    Oh? Why not?
  19. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Complicated legal stuff.
  20. chrisjshull

    chrisjshull Member

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    Ah, shucks.

    However, I get perverse enjoyment reading about complicated legal stuff. If you ever have time, would love to hear more.
  21. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    Depends on uber and the legionteam having a agreement ... very VERY unlikely
    tunsel11 likes this.

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