Feb 24 broke Grapple

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by DehydratedWater, February 27, 2011.

  1. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    The latest update (feb 24) seems to have broken grapple. Myself, along with many friends I play with often have been experiencing grapples that shouldn't be going through. One guy I met in a round, after calling bull on a grapple said;
    "yeah, it's pretty broken now. I got rung out by a blackjack earlier, and I grappled just for the hell of it and the blackjack teleported to me"

    Upon further gameplay, I noticed a similar phenomena - I would charge someone, and after they started to go flying would grapple and i would be teleported up in the air to them at which point the grapple animation proceeded as normal.

    My most memorable recollection of this was on spunky cola arena, on the ejector bridge closest to bot spawn, I charged an assassin and ended off the edge of the bridge (therefore not on any ground) and was grappled, again in midair, and during the grapple animation of me being a good 2 assault heights above the bridge, when I should of been below it. During the grapple animation, the assassin actually fell all the way to the ground, with me suspended up in midair.

    With that, and many other similar experiences happening since the Feb 24 patch, I believe the grapple function is broken in some way, and would guess that it is related to the networking updates.

    Please look in to this issue so that it can be resolved quickly, getting grappled by assassins 25 feet away while jumping is no fun :(
  2. Terry

    Terry New Member

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    I play an Assassin, and pretty much nothing but. I grapple a lot, and I've been seeing this problem from both sides. I've seen charging assault go halfway through their charge, only to TELEPORT TO ME and get grabbed. Now that we can see ping, I know it isn't lag - the person in question I killed had 23 ping, while I had 18. Because I play assassin, a lot of Snipers go for the grab too, to counter mine, especially in a front lunge + grab combo. I've been grabbed out of a runaway lunge, HALFWAY THROUGH and had myself teleport ON TOP OF HIM!

    It gets even worse when I'm being grabbed or grabbing a guy in mid jump, or I see the guy facing me (his eyes literally staring into my own) and it ends up being a backstab.

    I think the worst I've seen is being grabbed out of smoke bomb WHILE super jumping. I zoomed on top of the guys head. I've even done this to other assassins. It's not that I'm grabbing them before they jump. It's that I'm grabbing them at the mid point of their jump, and they're teleporting back to me so I can stab them. It's pretty funny too, because on occasion, I stab the ground, while the guy is floating above my head.

    Lag isn't an issue. Almost all the cases described above have been facing guys with no higher than 40 ping.

    There's other glitches too. Where two assaults have charged me at the same time (one from each side), and I died, but was frozen in place at the same time. Unable to die, or move, but still able to shoot. Also, when people charged me (lunge, tank, assault), they would go flying off to their death. I know that isn't part of the whole grapple thing, but I thought I'd like to mention it.
  3. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Take the ingame ping, multiply it by 4 and you got the real ping, sort of. Known bug.

    Don't think it's lag because it has never happened to me before and now it's on a regular basis. Don't care a whole lot though, makes assassinations more epic.
  4. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Yeah, everyone noticed it.

    I do think it's related to the netcode "improvements" they introduced. Something didn't work quite as expected with grappling.

    Best so far: Me as Sniper vs. Assassin. I grapple assassin with lvl 1 grapple, turn her around, with her back to me, ready to do a follow up SMG grapple or barrage... And then I'm BACK GRAPPLED... With the assassin standing in front of me, with her back facing me.

    What. The. Flying. ****?
  5. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I tried to grapple a Tank on one side of the middle hallway on Spunky and it teleported me all the way to the Support who was on the other end of the hall. His firebase killed me.
  6. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Uber, please fix this or revert to last patch ASAP. Thanks <3
  7. thebabelfish

    thebabelfish Member

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    I think the most epic grapple I've seen post-patch is an assassin back-grappling a tank while knocked down by the tank's level 3 charge.

    Something's very broken.
  8. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I've seen that too, but only when sins were trying to grapple Jackbots. Then they would both fly away in a quite unusual way.

    Seen that 3-4 times since the patch, never did before.
    Last edited: February 28, 2011
  9. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Charged a sin over the ledge on lazerrazor, teleported several meters below the ledge and got grappled into my death through ring-out.
  10. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Had one last night where I charged the sin off the side of spunky from an ejector bridge, with him a good 50 feet away he grappled and got a backstab, and during the grapple animation he fell to his death.

    The backstab still killed me. /rage
  11. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    Getting back grappled while shooting the Assassin that is now back grappling me isn't fun...
  12. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Stuff like this happens on the Xbox version, too, even when you're host.

    I once saw a Tank go up a jump pad on Spunky only for the Assassin following him to teleport up into the air. They both continued to rise while going through the grapple animation until they were higher than the tall walls. Then the Tank died and the Assassin fell back down.

    I was Sniper once and I went to go grapple a Jackbot, but it knocked me really far away (from the bot spawn on Lazer Razor to the turret nub at the wall curve) and I decided to grapple just for the hell of it and it teleported me back to the Jackbot, the Jackbot teleported about a Blackjack up into the air, and I was just sitting there grappling it in the air. My party saw it, too.

    I was Assault once, charged an Assassin form the Annihilator on Spunky and she went flying to one of the ejector buttons, then she just randomly teleported back and was face-grappling me.

    I have had many situations like this, some of them even when I was host.
  13. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    ^ The PC's different here. Before the patch, there was no such thing as a sin grappling me while I charged through her. I maybe had it once in the entirety I played the game before this patch.

    I hope uber can fix this, because this ain't good, since it removes alot of moves being valid at a grab whiffing sin.
  14. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    Glad it's not just me. I pride myself on not getting grappled by terrible assassins... but it just can't be helped anymore. Many times, I'll level-2 charge as an assault, knock the assassin away, and be teleported to here and eat a face stab. Not cool.
  15. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    We found the bug and are looking into a fix.
  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Sadly enough it only takes ONE player to have a base full of level 1 Laser Blazers in no time. And LongShots under the spawnring - where would we be without them... :lol:
  17. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Had a few bugged grapples last night. Ingame ping was listed as 20(probably actually 80) but was a bit laggy(everyone was having issue with it)
    I had some teleporting grapples, others that should have hit miss completely and even had a Sniper teleport from the area below to grapple me
  18. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    This should've ended the thread right here.
  19. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Good to know you guys are watching :)
  20. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    We pay very much attention to the forums. I just don't respond as often because we've gotten busier here. Thus the reason we promoted some people to mods.

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