I have tried reinstalling, running in admin, and so far nothing has worked. I am using PA classic. Logs below:
Post your dxdiag and some logs: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/how-to-find-the-pa-logs-and-game-lobby-ids.69151/
Take a look through this list: https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Windows_Incompatible_Software eg try disabling any antivirus or screen capture software.
Could you try going to "C:\Users\gungor\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation"? There should be a directory called "download" there. Can you try deleting (or renaming) that?
tried it, still wont work. it works like normal, then, when it gets to mounting client mods, it stops all progress, and nothing happens. Is there something else i should delete, like clear out the mod folders or something?
Well, you could try some general stuff. Like verifying the game cache in Steam: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 Of try renaming the whole config directory to start completely fresh. That is, rename "C:\Users\gungor\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation" to "C:\Users\gungor\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation.bak". Not sure how much that will help though...
It's a new thing since two updates ago. PA now has community mods built-in. They way mods work is that they live in a separate directory, and when they are mounted, they overrule the default PA files. The community mods itself functions as a mod, I think, although I am not entirely sure about that part.
Community Mods has hooks in the build prior to mods loading. https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Planetary_Annihilation_Community_Mods_Implementation
Can you please post another log after the following: delete download folder in your PA data directory rename localstore in your PA data directory to localstore-backup disable anti-virus disable firewall https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Planetary_Annihilation_Data_Directory